Journal Policies
Ethical guidelines. For all human research, the Material and Methods section must declare that informed consent was obtained from adult participants and from parents or legal guardians of minors and it must include the names of appropriate institutional review boards that approved the project. Clinical trials must have been registered with or an equivalent body, and the trial number should be provided. For studies involving experimental animals, the Materials and Methods section must declare that the experiments complied with guidelines for the humane use of laboratory animals from the National Institutes of Health or an equivalent organization, and it must include the names of appropriate institutional review boards that approved the project. The journal recommends adhering to the guidelines stated in the Belmont Report or those set forth by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences.
Sharing of information. Newly determined nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence data must be deposited, and GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers must be included in the Materials and Methods section. It is expected that the sequence data will be released to the public no later than the publication date of the paper. New information on arboviruses should be deposited into the CDC arbovirus catalog.
AJTMH policy on open access. Manuscripts may be made freely available online immediately upon publication for a flat fee of $3000 USD ($2500 for ASTMH members), paid instead of the usual page charges. This fee does not include additional charges for print color figures. For articles for which the open access fee is not paid, authors must honor a 12-month embargo on current content, however they may deposit their paper in a public repository. Please email the managing editor to notify them after the deposit. Authors are responsible for knowing the Open Access policy of their funder. Published papers will be deposited in PubMedCentral (PMC) by the journal office. Open access articles will be made freely available on PMC at the time of publication. All other articles will be deposited in PMC but will not be available until the 12-month embargo period has expired. Wellcome Trust/Research Council UK authors can self-archive their manuscripts and make these available from PMC and Europe PMC 6 months after the publication date.
We comply fully with the open access requirements of UKRI, Wellcome, and NIHR. Where required by their funder, authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository (e.g. EuropePMC), under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license for release no later than the date of first online publication.
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