Chemical Methods for the Control of Arthropod Vectors and Pests of Public Health Importance
edited by the World Health Organization. vi + 108 pages. The World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. 1984 Sw. fr. 14, paperbound
Mir S. Mulla
Developments in Biological Standardization, Volume 57: Monoclonal Antibodies, Standardization of their Characterization and Use
edited by the International Association of Biological Standardization. xii + 430 pages, illustrated. S. Karger AG, P.O. Box Ch-4009 Basel, Switzerland. 1984. $72.00
Ronald L. Anthony
Hunter's Tropical Medicine
Sixth edition, edited by G. Thomas Strickland. vi + 1,057 pages, illustrated. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105. 1983. $85.00
Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa
edited by J. J. Lee, S. H. Hutner, and E. C. Bovee. ix + 630 pages, illustrated. Society of Protozoologists, 1041 New Hampshire Street, P.O. Box 368, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. 1985. $80.00 nonmembers; $60.00 members
R. Fayer
Medical Parasitology: A Self-Instructional Text
Second edition, by Ruth Leventhal and Russell F. Cheadle. xii + 193 pages, illustrated. F. A. Davis Company, 1915 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. 1985. $24.95
Andrew G. Smith
The Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Volume I: History, Determinants, Scope and Strategies
edited by W. W. Holland, R. Detels, and G. Knox. xii + 280 pages, illustrated. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. 1985. $37.50
Phillip E. Winter
Bluetongue and Related Orbiviruses
edited by T. L. Barber and M. M. Jochim. xxi + 746 pages, illustrated. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 41 East 11 Street, New York, New York 10003. 1985. $110.00.
Frederick A. Murphy
Handbook of Endemic Treponematoses
by P. L. Perine, D. R. Hopkins, P. L. A. Niemel, R. K. St. John, G. Causse, and G. M. Antal. v + 59 pages, illustrated. World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. 1984. Sw. fr. 20, paperbound.
Rodney C. Jung
Insect Poisons, Allergens, and other Invertebrate Venoms
in, Handbook of Natural Toxins, Volume 2, edited by Anthony T. Tu. xv + 732 pages, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 10016. 1984. $135.00.
Findlay E. Russell
Malaria and the Red Cell: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volume 155
Proceedings of a malaria workshop held in conjunction with the Sixth International Conference on Red Cell Metabolism and Function, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 2, 1983, edited by John W. Eaton and George J. Brewer. 174 pages. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10011. 1984. $36.00.
Susan G. Langreth