Refugee Community Health Care
edited by S. Simmonds, P. Vaughan, and S. W. Gunn, 357 pages. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. 1983. paperbound, $9.95
Edward K. Markell
Handbook of Leprosy
3rd edition, by W. H. Jopling. 145 pages, illustrated. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd., 23 Bedford Square, London, WC1. 1984. 7.95 pounds
Chapman H. Binford
Infectious Diarrheal Diseases. Current Concepts and Laboratory Procedures
edited by Paul D. Ellner. 192 pages, illustrated. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. 1984. $35 (price is 20% higher outside the U.S. and Canada)
Richard L. Guerrant
An Introduction to Clinical Medicine
by Chukwuendu Nwokolo. 243 pages. Churchill Livingstone, Robert Stevenson House, 1–3 Baxter's Place, Leith Walk, Edinburgh, EH1 3AF. 1982 $12.25 (paperback)
Rodney C. Jung
The Physiology of Trematodes
2nd edition, by J. D. Smyth and D. W. Halton. xiii + 446 pages, illustrated. Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th Street, New York, New York 10022. 1984. $59.50 hardback; $23.95 paperback
Thomas G. Cheng
Progress in Medical Virology
Volume 29, edited by J. L. Melnick. x + 244 pages. S. Karger, 150 5th Avenue, Suite 1105, New York, New York 10011. 1984. $88.75
Walter E. Brandt
Atlas of Human Parasitology
2nd ed., by L. R. Ash and T. C. Orihel. 212 pages, illustrated. American Society of Clinical Pathologists Press, Chicago. 1984. $65.00
Steve C. Pan
Biology and Control of Endoparasites
edited by L. E. A. Symons, A. D. Donald, and J. K. Dineen. ix + 416 pages. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003. 1982. $58.00
Gerhard A. Schad
Clinical Toxicology
3rd edition, by C. J. Polson, M. A. Green, and M. R. Lee. x + 607 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co., The Health Professions Publisher of Harper & Row, Inc., East Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA 19105. 1983. $47.50
Edgar J. Martin
The Contribution of Genetics to the Study of Parasitic Protozoa
by David Walliker. 218 pages, illustrated. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (for Research Studies Press), 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, New Jersey 08873. 1983. $59.95
Norman D. Levine