Volume s1-21 (1941): Issue 2 (Mar 1941)

Book Review
Who Walk Alone
By Perry Burgess. Illustrated. Pp. i–viii, 1–312. Henry Holt and Company, 1940
Book Review
Mosquito Control—Practical Methods for Abatement of Disease Vectors and Pests
By William Brodbeck Herms, Sc.D., and Harold Farnsworth Gray, Gr. P. H. 317 pages and 60 figures. The Commonwealth Fund, N. Y., 1940
Book Review
Manson's Tropical Diseases
By Philip H. Manson-Bahr, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.D., etc. Eleventh Edition. With 18 colored plates, 15 half-tone plates, 364 figures, 6 maps and 28 charts, pp. i–xvi, 1–1083. The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, Md., 1940
Book Review
Virus Diseases of Man
By C. E. van Rooyen, M.D., and A. J. Rhodes, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.P.E. With an introduction by T. J. Mackie. Pp. i–xxxv, 1–932. Oxford University Press, London, 1940