Report of the Secretary for 1920–1921

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Owing to the fact that the last annual meeting of the Society took place in April, 1920, this report covers the activities of the Society for a period of nineteen months. Upon invitation and after due consideration of the Council it was decided to hold the present meeting, representing the seventeenth annual session of the Society, in conjunction with the meeting of the Southern Medical Association. The duties of the Secretary during the past year have been taken up, for the most part, with general correspondence. In January, 1921, the first number of The American Journal of Tropical Medicine was issued, with Major Henry J. Nichols, our recently retired President, serving as Editor. This venture was launched in great part under the patronage of the Society and its success, from a journalistic standpoint, has now been fully established.

Thanks are due to the publishers, Williams & Wilkins, of Baltimore, as likewise to the editorial board, for their untiring efforts in bringing to a successful fruition a long cherished ambition on the part of our membership.

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