Volume s1-19 (1939): Issue 1 (Jan 1939)

Book Review
Parasitology, with Special Reference to Man and Domestic Animals
By Robert Hegner, Francis M. Root, Donald L. Augustine and Clay G. Huff. Pp. 812, including index, and 308 figs. D. Appleton-Century Co., Inc., New York and London. 1938
Book Review
Manual of Veterinary Bacteriology
By Raymond A. Kelser. D.V.M. A.M., Ph.D., Lieut. Colonel, Veterinary Corps, U. S. Army. 3rd Edition. Illustrated. Pp. I-XIII. I-640. The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. 1938
Book Review
The Etiology of Trachoma
By Louis A. Julianelle. Illustrated. Pp. I-XV. I-241. The Commonwealth Fund. Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, London. 1938
Book Review
Yaws (Framboesia tropica)
By H. D. Chambers. M.B., Ch.B. (Aberd). Illustrated. Pp. I-XIV. I-169. J and A. Churchill., London. 1938
Transactions of the American Society of Tropical Medicine, Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting
Meeting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in Conjunction with the National Malaria Committee and the American Academy of Tropical Medicine, as Guests of the Southern Medical Association, November 15 to 18, 1938