Antibiotic Residues in Milk from Three Popular Kenyan Milk Vending Machines

Amos Kosgey Master of Public Health Program, Department of Environmental Health Science, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky;

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Anakalo Shitandi Research and Extension Office, Kisii University, Kisii, Kenya

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Jason W. Marion Master of Public Health Program, Department of Environmental Health Science, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky;

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Milk vending machines (MVMs) are growing in popularity in Kenya and worldwide. Milk vending machines dispense varying quantities of locally sourced, pasteurized milk. The Kenya Dairy Board has a regulatory framework, but surveillance is weak because of several factors. Milk vending machines’ milk is not routinely screened for antibiotics, thereby increasing potential for antibiotic misuse. To investigate, a total of 80 milk samples from four commercial providers (N = 25), street vendors (N = 21), and three MVMs (N = 34) were collected and screened in Eldoret, Kenya. Antibiotic residue surveillance occurred during December 2016 and January 2017 using Idexx SNAP® tests for tetracyclines, sulfamethazine, beta-lactams, and gentamicin. Overall, 24% of MVM samples and 24% of street vendor samples were presumably positive for at least one antibiotic. No commercial samples were positive. Research into cost-effective screening methods and increased monitoring by food safety agencies are needed to uphold hazard analysis and critical control point for improving antibiotic stewardship throughout the Kenyan private dairy industry.

Author Notes

Address correspondence to Jason W. Marion, Eastern Kentucky University, Department of Environmental Health Science, 521 Lancaster Ave., 220 Dizney Bldg., Richmond, KY 40475. E-mail:

Authors’ addresses: Amos Kosgey and Jason W. Marion, Eastern Kentucky University College of Health Sciences, Environmental Health Science, Richmond, KY, E-mails: and Anakalo Shitandi, Kisii University College of Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Food Systems, Kisii, Nyanza, Kenya, E-mail:

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