Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 2012. Enfermedad de Chagas (Trypanosomiasis Americana). Available at: Accessed January 8, 2017.
Coura JR, Junqueira AC, 2012. Risks of endemicity, morbidity and perspectives regarding the control of Chagas disease in the Amazon region. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 107: 145–154.
Coura JR, 2013. Chagas disease: control, elimination and eradication. Is it possible? Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 108: 962–967.
Naquira C, Cabrera R, 2009. Short review of Chagas disease history after a century of its discovery and the current situation in Peru. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica 26: 494–504.
Carlos N, Solis HM, 2015. Wild reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi in four locations of Amazon and Loreto regions. Theorema. 2: 63–73.
Shikanai-Yasuda MA, Carvalho NB, 2012. Oral transmission of Chagas disease. Clin Infect Dis 54: 845–852.
Alarcon B, Diaz-Bello Z, Colmenares C, Ruiz-Guevara R, Mauriello L, Muñoz-Calderon A, Noya O, 2015. Update on oral Chagas disease outbreaks in Venezuela: epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic approaches. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 110: 377–386.
Toso MA, Vial UF, Galanti N, 2011. Oral transmission of Chagas’ disease. Rev Med Chil 139: 258–266.
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 2009. Guide for Surveillance, Prevention, Control and Clinical Management of Acute Chagas Disease Transmitted by Food. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: PANAFTOSA-VP/OPAS/OMS, 92.
Souto RP, Vargas N, Zingales B, 1999. Trypanosoma rangeli: discrimination from Trypanosoma cruzi based on a variable domain from the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene. Exp Parasitol 91: 306–314.
Alves FM, Olifiers N, de Cassia Bianchi R, Duarte AC, Cotias PMT, D’Andrea PS, Gomper ME, Mourao GM, Herrera HM, Jansen AM, 2010. Modulating variables of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma evansi transmission in free-ranging Coati (Nasua nasua) from the Brazilian Pantanal region. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 11: 835–841.
Herrera HM, Lisboa CV, Pinho AP, Olifiers N, Bianchi RC, Rocha FL, Mourao GM, Jansen AM, 2008. The coati (Nasua nasua, Carnivora, Procyonidae) as a reservoir host for the main lineages of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Pantanal region, Brazil. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 102: 1133–1139.
Raccurt CP, 1996. Trypanosoma cruzi in French Guinea: review of accumulated data since 1940. Med Trop (Mars) 56: 79–87.
Tenorio MS, Oliveira e Sousa L, Alves-Martin MF, Paixão MS, Rodrigues MV, Starke-Buzetti WA, Araújo JP Jr, Lucheis SB, 2014. Molecular identification of trypanosomatids in wild animals. Vet Parasitol 203: 203–206.
Xavier SC, Roque AL, Lima Vdos S, Monteiro KJ, Otaviano JC, Ferreira da Silva LF, Jansen AM, 2012. Lower richness of small wild mammal species and chagas disease risk. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6: e1647.
Herrera L, Xavier SCC, Viegas C, Martinez C, Cotias PM, Carrasco H, Urdaneta-Morales S, Jansen AM, 2004. Trypanosoma cruzi in a caviomorph rodent: parasitological and pathological features of the experimental infection of Trichomys apereoides (Rodentia, Echimyidae). Exp Parasitol 107: 78–88.
de Lima H, Carrero J, Rodríguez A, de Guglielmo Z, Rodriguez N, 2006. Trypanosomatidae of public health importance occurring in wild and synanthropic animals of rural Venezuela. Biomedica 26: 42–50.
Roque ALR, Xavier SCC, Gerhardt M, Silva MFO, Lima V, D’Andrea PS, Jansen AM, 2012. Trypanosoma cruzi among wild and domestic mammals in different areas of the Abaetetuba municipality (Pará State, Brazil), an endemic Chagas disease transmission area. Vet Parasitol 193: 71–77.
Bodmer RE, Lozano EP, 2001. Rural development and sustainable wildlife use in Peru. Conserv Biol 15: 1163–1170.
Ministerio de Salud del Peru (MINSA) – Dirección General de Epidemiologia, 2015. Sala Situacional Para el Análisis de Situación de Salud. Lima, Peru: MINSA. Available at: Accessed January 8, 2017.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 824 | 627 | 179 |
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To better understand the ecology of Trypanosoma cruzi in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon, we evaluated the prevalence of T. cruzi and other trypanosomatids in four orders of wild mammals hunted and consumed by inhabitants of three remote indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon. Of 300 wild mammals sampled, 115 (38.3%) were infected with trypanosomatids and 15 (5.0%) with T. cruzi. The prevalence of T. cruzi within each species was as follows: large rodents (Cuniculus paca, 5.5%; Dasyprocta spp., 2.6%), edentates (Dasypus novemcinctus, 4.2%), and carnivores with higher prevalence (Nasua nasua, 18.8%). The high prevalence of T. cruzi and other trypanosomatids in frequently hunted wild mammals suggests a sizeable T. cruzi sylvatic reservoir in remote Amazonian locations.
Financial support: This work was been supported by LA Zoo, and the training grant 2D43 TW007393 awarded to AGL by the Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health; and the Earthwatch Institute. The sponsors had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Copyright statement: Some authors of this manuscript are employees of the U.S. Government. This work was prepared as part of their duties. Title 17 U.S.C. § 105 provides that “Copyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government.” Title 17 U.S.C. § 101 defines a U.S. Government work as a work prepared by an employee of the U.S. Government as part of that person’s official duties.
Authors’ addresses: E. Angelo Morales and Esar Aysanoa, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Lima, Peru, E-mails: and Pedro Mayor, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Animal Health and Anatomy, Bellaterra, Catalunya, Spain, E-mail: Mark Bowler, Zoological Society of San Diego, Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego, CA, E-mail: Erika S. Pérez-Velez, Naval Medical Research Unit No. 6, Department of Parasitology, Bellavista, Callao, Peru, and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Lima, Peru, E-mail: Jocelyn Pérez, University of Prince Edward Island, Pathology and Microbiology, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, E-mail: Julio A. Ventocilla, Naval Medical Research Unit No. 6, Department of Parasitology, Bellavista, Callao, Peru, E-mail: G. Christian Baldeviano, United States Naval Medical Research Unit – Six (NAMRU-6), Parasitology, Lima, Callao, Peru, E-mail: Andrés G. Lescano, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, School of Public Health and Management, Urb. Ingenieria, San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru, E-mail:
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 2012. Enfermedad de Chagas (Trypanosomiasis Americana). Available at: Accessed January 8, 2017.
Coura JR, Junqueira AC, 2012. Risks of endemicity, morbidity and perspectives regarding the control of Chagas disease in the Amazon region. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 107: 145–154.
Coura JR, 2013. Chagas disease: control, elimination and eradication. Is it possible? Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 108: 962–967.
Naquira C, Cabrera R, 2009. Short review of Chagas disease history after a century of its discovery and the current situation in Peru. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica 26: 494–504.
Carlos N, Solis HM, 2015. Wild reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi in four locations of Amazon and Loreto regions. Theorema. 2: 63–73.
Shikanai-Yasuda MA, Carvalho NB, 2012. Oral transmission of Chagas disease. Clin Infect Dis 54: 845–852.
Alarcon B, Diaz-Bello Z, Colmenares C, Ruiz-Guevara R, Mauriello L, Muñoz-Calderon A, Noya O, 2015. Update on oral Chagas disease outbreaks in Venezuela: epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic approaches. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 110: 377–386.
Toso MA, Vial UF, Galanti N, 2011. Oral transmission of Chagas’ disease. Rev Med Chil 139: 258–266.
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 2009. Guide for Surveillance, Prevention, Control and Clinical Management of Acute Chagas Disease Transmitted by Food. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: PANAFTOSA-VP/OPAS/OMS, 92.
Souto RP, Vargas N, Zingales B, 1999. Trypanosoma rangeli: discrimination from Trypanosoma cruzi based on a variable domain from the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene. Exp Parasitol 91: 306–314.
Alves FM, Olifiers N, de Cassia Bianchi R, Duarte AC, Cotias PMT, D’Andrea PS, Gomper ME, Mourao GM, Herrera HM, Jansen AM, 2010. Modulating variables of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma evansi transmission in free-ranging Coati (Nasua nasua) from the Brazilian Pantanal region. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 11: 835–841.
Herrera HM, Lisboa CV, Pinho AP, Olifiers N, Bianchi RC, Rocha FL, Mourao GM, Jansen AM, 2008. The coati (Nasua nasua, Carnivora, Procyonidae) as a reservoir host for the main lineages of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Pantanal region, Brazil. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 102: 1133–1139.
Raccurt CP, 1996. Trypanosoma cruzi in French Guinea: review of accumulated data since 1940. Med Trop (Mars) 56: 79–87.
Tenorio MS, Oliveira e Sousa L, Alves-Martin MF, Paixão MS, Rodrigues MV, Starke-Buzetti WA, Araújo JP Jr, Lucheis SB, 2014. Molecular identification of trypanosomatids in wild animals. Vet Parasitol 203: 203–206.
Xavier SC, Roque AL, Lima Vdos S, Monteiro KJ, Otaviano JC, Ferreira da Silva LF, Jansen AM, 2012. Lower richness of small wild mammal species and chagas disease risk. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6: e1647.
Herrera L, Xavier SCC, Viegas C, Martinez C, Cotias PM, Carrasco H, Urdaneta-Morales S, Jansen AM, 2004. Trypanosoma cruzi in a caviomorph rodent: parasitological and pathological features of the experimental infection of Trichomys apereoides (Rodentia, Echimyidae). Exp Parasitol 107: 78–88.
de Lima H, Carrero J, Rodríguez A, de Guglielmo Z, Rodriguez N, 2006. Trypanosomatidae of public health importance occurring in wild and synanthropic animals of rural Venezuela. Biomedica 26: 42–50.
Roque ALR, Xavier SCC, Gerhardt M, Silva MFO, Lima V, D’Andrea PS, Jansen AM, 2012. Trypanosoma cruzi among wild and domestic mammals in different areas of the Abaetetuba municipality (Pará State, Brazil), an endemic Chagas disease transmission area. Vet Parasitol 193: 71–77.
Bodmer RE, Lozano EP, 2001. Rural development and sustainable wildlife use in Peru. Conserv Biol 15: 1163–1170.
Ministerio de Salud del Peru (MINSA) – Dirección General de Epidemiologia, 2015. Sala Situacional Para el Análisis de Situación de Salud. Lima, Peru: MINSA. Available at: Accessed January 8, 2017.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 824 | 627 | 179 |
Full Text Views | 671 | 14 | 6 |
PDF Downloads | 185 | 11 | 4 |