Volume 9 (1960): Issue 1 (Jan 1960)

Ecological Studies of Wild Rodent Plague in the San Francisco Bay Area of California
III. The Natural Infection Rates with Pasteurella pestis in Five Flea Species During an Epizootic
Ecological Studies of Wild Rodent Plague in the San Francisco Bay Area of California
IV. The Fluctuation and Intensity of Natural Infection with Pasteurella pestis in Fleas During an Epizootic
Ecological Studies of Wild Rodent Plague in the San Francisco Bay Area of California
V. The Distribution of Naturally Infected Fleas During an Epizootic in Relation to their Infection Rates
Book Review
Preventive Medicine: Principles of Prevention in the Occurrence and Progression of Disease
edited by Herman E. Hilleboe, M.D. and Granville, W. Larimore, M.D. xxxi + 731 pages. Philadelphia and London. W. B. Saunders Company, 1959, $12.00
Book Review
Microbiology—Yesterday and Today. A Symposium
Vernon Bryson, Editor. 122 pages illustrated. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers, The State University, 1959. $4.00
Book Review
Malariology, with Special Reference to Malaya
by A. A. Sandosham, L.M.S. (Singapore), Ph.D. (London), F.R.E.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S. 1st edition, 327 pages, illustrated. Singapore, University of Malaya Press (New York: University of Oxford Press), 1959. $8.00 and £1.15s
Book Review
A Synopsis of Skin Diseases
by Bethel Solomons, Jr., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.I. 293 pages, illustrated. Baltimore, The Williams and Wilkins Company, 1959. $6.75
By: J. C. C.
Book Review
Principles of Administration Applied to Nursing
by H. A. Goddard (W.H.O. Monograph Series No. 41) 108 pages. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1958, £1, Sw.Fr. 12, $4.00