Gambel JM, Richard G, Hibbs J, 1996. U.S. Military Overseas Medical Research Laboratories. Mil Med 161: 638–645.
National Science and Technology Council, Executive Office of the President, 1996. Presidential Decision Directive NSTC-7: Emerging Infections. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Chretien JP, Gaydos JC, Malone JL, Blazes DL, 2006. Global network could avert pandemics. Nature 440: 25–26.
Government Accountability Office, 2007. U.S. Agencies Support Programs to Build Overseas Capacity for Infectious Disease Surveillance. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Institute of Medicine, 2001. Perspectives on the Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System: A Program Review. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Institute of Medicine, 2007. Review of the DoD-GEIS Influenza Programs: Strengthening Global Surveillance and Response. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Armed Forces Epidemiology Board, 2005. Memorandum: Review of Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DoD-GEIS) AFEB 2004-5.
DoD-GEIS, 1998. Addressing Emerging Infectious Disease Threats: A Strategic Plan for the Department of Defense. Washington, DC: DoD-GEIS.
DoD-GEIS, 2005. DoD-GEIS Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System Strategic Plan. Washington, DC: DoD-GEIS.
Fuller J, Hanley K, Schultz R, Lewis M, Freed NE, Ellis M, Ngauy V, Stoebner R, Ryan M, Russell K, 2006. Surveillance for febrile respiratory infections during Cobra Gold 2003. Mil Med 171: 357–359.
El-Mohamady H, Francis W, Shaheen HI, Rozmajzl P, Rockabrand DM, Karim AK, Hall ER, Sanders JW, 2006. Detection of fecal and serum antibodies against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli toxins and colonization factors in deployed U.S. military personnel during Operation Bright Star 2001–Egypt. Egypt J Immunol 13: 189–198.
Riddle MS, Halvorson HA, Shiau D, Althoff J, Monteville MR, Shaheen H, Horvath EP, Armstrong AW, 2007. Acute gastrointestinal infection, respiratory illness, and noncombat injury among US military personnel during Operation Bright Star 2005, in Northern Egypt. J Travel Med 14: 392–401.
Rockabrand DM, Shaheen HI, Khalil SB, Peruski LF Jr, Rozmajzl PJ, Savarino SJ, Monteville MR, Frenck RW, Svennerholm AM, Putnam SD, Sanders JW, 2006. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli colonization factor types collected from 1997 to 2001 in US military personnel during operation Bright Star in northern Egypt. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 55: 9–12.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Gould P, Kolisnyk J, Merced N, Barthel V, Rozmajzl PJ, Shaheen H, Fouad S, Frenck RW, 2005. Diarrheal illness among deployed U.S. military personnel during Operation Bright Star 2001–Egypt. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 52: 85–90.
Chretien JP, Blazes DL, Gaydos JC, Bedno SA, Coldren RL, Culpepper RC, Fyrauff DJ, Earhart KC, Mansour MM, Glass JS, Lewis MD, Smoak BL, Malone JL, 2006. Experience of a global laboratory network in responding to infectious disease epidemics. Lancet Infect Dis 6: 538–540.
1992. Emerging Infections: Microbial Threats to Health in the United States. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
2003. Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection and Response. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Perry WJ, 1996. Defense in an age of hope. Foreign Aff 75: 64–79.
US Joint Forces Command, 2006. Military Support to Stabilization, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations Joint Operating Concept, version 2.0. Washington, DC: US Department of Defense.
US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, 2005. DoDD 3000.05: Military Support for Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operations. Washington, DC: US Department of Defense.
Owens AB, Canas LC, Russell KL, Neville J, Pavlin JA, MacIntosh VH, Gray GC, Gaydos JC, 2009. Department of defense global laboratory-based influenza surveillance: 1998–2005. Am J Prev Med 37: 235–241.
Miller RS, Wongsrichanalai C, Buathong N, McDaniel P, Walsh DS, Knirsch C, Ohrt C, 2006. Effective treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria with azithromycin-quinine combinations: a randomized, dose-ranging study. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74: 401–406.
Noedl H, Krudsood S, Leowattana W, Tangpukdee N, Thanachartwet W, Looareesuwan S, Miller RS, Fukuda M, Jongsakul K, Yingyuen K, Sriwichai S, Ohrt C, Knirsch C, 2007. In vitro antimalarial activity of azithromycin, artesunate, and quinine in combination and correlation with clinical outcome. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 51: 651–656.
Ohrt C, Obare P, Nanakorn A, Adhiambo C, Awuondo K, O'Meara WP, Remich S, Martin K, Cook E, Chretien JP, Lucas C, Osoga J, McEvoy P, Owaga ML, Odera JS, Ogutu B, 2007. Establishing a malaria diagnostics centre of excellence in Kisumu, Kenya. Malar J 6: 79.
Rogers WO, Sem R, Tero T, Chim P, Lim P, Muth S, Socheat D, Ariey F, Wongsrichanalai C, 2009. Failure of artesunate-mefloquine combination therapy for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in southern Cambodia. Malar J 8: 10.
Taylor WR, Richie TL, Fryauff DJ, Ohrt C, Picarima H, Tang D, Murphy GS, Widjaja H, Braitman D, Tjitra E, Ganjar A, Jones TR, Basri H, Berman J, 2003. Tolerability of azithromycin as malaria prophylaxis in adults in northeast papua, indonesia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 47: 2199–2203.
Wongsrichanalai C, Meshnick SR, 2008. Declining artesunate-mefloquine efficacy against falciparum malaria on the Cambodia-Thailand border. Emerg Infect Dis 14: 716–719.
Wongsrichanalai C, Pickard AL, Wernsdorfer WH, Meshnick SR, 2002. Epidemiology of drug-resistant malaria. Lancet Infect Dis 2: 209–218.
Wongsrichanalai C, Sirichaisinthop J, Karwacki JJ, Congpuong K, Miller RS, Pang L, Thimasarn K, 2001. Drug resistant malaria on the Thai-Myanmar and Thai-Cambodian borders. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 32: 41–49.
Wongsrichanalai C, Wimonwattrawatee T, Sookto P, Laoboonchai A, Heppner DG, Kyle DE, Wernsdorfer WH, 1999. In vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to artesunate in Thailand. Bull World Health Organ 77: 392–398.
Anyamba A, Chretien JP, Small J, Tucker CJ, Formenty PB, Richardson JH, Britch SC, Schnabel DC, Erickson RL, Linthicum KJ, 2009. Prediction of a Rift Valley fever outbreak. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106: 955–959.
Anyamba A, Chretien JP, Small J, Tucker CJ, Linthicum KJ, 2006. Developing global climate anomalies suggest potential disease risks for 2006–2007. Int J Health Geogr 5: 60.
Britch SC, Linthicum KJ, Anyamba A, Tucker CJ, Pak EW, Maloney FA Jr, Cobb K, Stanwix E, Humphries J, Spring A, Pagac B, Miller M, 2008. Satellite vegetation index data as a tool to forecast population dynamics of medically important mosquitoes at military installations in the continental United States. Mil Med 173: 677–683.
Epstein PR, 1999. Climate and health. Science 285: 347–348.
Linthicum KJ, Anyamba A, Tucker CJ, Kelley PW, Myers MF, Peters CJ, 1999. Climate and satellite indicators to forecast Rift Valley fever epidemics in Kenya. Science 285: 397–400.
Martin V, De Simone L, Lubroth J, Ceccato P, Chevalier V, 2007. Perspectives on using remotely-sensed imagery in predictive veterinary epidemiology and global early warning systems. Geospatial Health 2: 3–14.
Huaman MA, Araujo-Castillo RV, Soto G, Neyra JM, Quispe JA, Fernandez MF, Mundaca CC, Blazes DL, 2009. Impact of two interventions on timeliness and data quality of an electronic disease surveillance system in a resource limited setting (Peru): a prospective evaluation. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 9: 16.
Soto G, Araujo-Castillo RV, Neyra J, Fernandez M, Leturia C, Mundaca CC, Blazes DL, 2008. Challenges in the implementation of an electronic surveillance system in a resource-limited setting: Alerta, in Peru. BMC Proc 2 (Suppl 3): S4.
Torres-Slimming PA, Mundaca CC, Moran M, Quispe J, Colina O, Bacon DJ, Lescano AG, Gilman RH, Blazes DL, 2006. Outbreak of cyclosporiasis at a naval base in Lima, Peru. Am J Trop Med Hyg 75: 546–548.
Siswoyo H, Permana M, Larasati RP, Farid J, Suryadi A, Sedyaningsih ER, 2008. EWORS: using a syndromic-based surveillance tool for disease outbreak detection in Indonesia. BMC Proc 2 (Suppl 3): S3.
Chretien JP, Burkom HS, Sedyaningsih ER, Larasati RP, Lescano AG, Mundaca CC, Blazes DL, Munayco CV, Coberly JS, Ashar RJ, Lewis SH, 2008. Syndromic surveillance: adapting innovations to developing settings. PLoS Med 5: e72.
Monteville MR, Riddle MS, Baht U, Putnam SD, Frenck RW, Brooks K, Moustafa M, Bland J, Sanders JW, 2006. Incidence, etiology, and impact of diarrhea among deployed US military personnel in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Am J Trop Med Hyg 75: 762–767.
Porter CK, El Mohammady H, Baqar S, Rockabrand DM, Putnam SD, Tribble DR, Riddle MS, Frenck RW, Rozmajzl P, Kilbane E, Fox A, Ruck R, Lim M, Johnston YJ, Murphy E, Sanders JW, 2008. Case series study of traveler's diarrhea in U.S. military personnel at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. Clin Vaccine Immunol 15: 1884–1887.
Putnam SD, Sanders JW, Frenck RW, Monteville M, Riddle MS, Rockabrand DM, Sharp TW, Frankart C, Tribble DR, 2006. Self-reported description of diarrhea among military populations in operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. J Travel Med 13: 92–99.
Riddle MS, Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Tribble DR, 2006. Incidence, etiology, and impact of diarrhea among long-term travelers (US military and similar populations): a systematic review. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74: 891–900.
Riddle MS, Tribble DR, Jobanputra NK, Jones JJ, Putnam SD, Frenck RW, Sanders JW, 2005. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding epidemiology and management of travelers' diarrhea: a survey of front-line providers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mil Med 170: 492–495.
Riddle MS, Tribble DR, Putnam SD, Mostafa M, Brown TR, Letizia A, Armstrong AW, Sanders JW, 2008. Past trends and current status of self-reported incidence and impact of disease and nonbattle injury in military operations in Southwest Asia and the Middle East. Am J Public Health 98: 2199–2206.
Sanders JW, Frenck RW, Putnam SD, Riddle MS, Johnston JR, Ulukan S, Rockabrand DM, Monteville MR, Tribble DR, 2007. Azithromycin and loperamide are comparable to levofloxacin and loperamide for the treatment of traveler's diarrhea in United States military personnel in Turkey. Clin Infect Dis 45: 294–301.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Frankart C, Frenck RW, Monteville MR, Riddle MS, Rockabrand DM, Sharp TW, Tribble DR, 2005. Impact of illness and non-combat injury during Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Am J Trop Med Hyg 73: 713–719.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Riddle MS, Tribble DR, 2005. Military importance of diarrhea: lessons from the Middle East. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 21: 9–14.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Riddle MS, Tribble DR, Jobanputra NK, Jones JJ, Scott DA, Frenck RW, 2004. The epidemiology of self-reported diarrhea in operations Iraqi freedom and enduring freedom. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 50: 89–93.
Lescano AG, Salmon-Mulanovich G, Pedroni E, Blazes DL, 2007. Epidemiology. Outbreak investigation and response training. Science 318: 574–575.
Lescano AR, Blazes DL, Montano SM, Moran Z, Naquira C, Ramirez E, Lie R, Martin GJ, Lescano AG, Zunt JR, 2008. Research ethics training in Peru: a case study. PLoS One 3: e3274.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 539 | 498 | 303 |
Full Text Views | 296 | 6 | 0 |
PDF Downloads | 87 | 7 | 0 |
The United States Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DoD-GEIS) conducted a review in 2008 of projects funded by DoD-GEIS at five partner overseas laboratories from 1999 through 2007. During this period, the annual overseas programming budget grew from US$1.038 million to US$21 million. The review describes the distribution of project priorities and geographic locations over the years, the types of outcomes the projects generated, and the frequency with which they involved collaboration with other public health agencies and organizations, including CDC and WHO. Areas for further program strengthening are identified.
Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be construed to represent the positions of the Department of the Army or Department of Defense.
Authors' addresses: J. Jeremy Sueker, Joel C. Gaydos, and Kevin L. Russell, Division of GEIS Operations, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, 2900 Linden Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Jean-Paul Chretien, Division of Preventive Medicine, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 503 Robert Grant Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910; and Division of Health Sciences Informatics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2024 East Monument St, Suite 1–200, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Gambel JM, Richard G, Hibbs J, 1996. U.S. Military Overseas Medical Research Laboratories. Mil Med 161: 638–645.
National Science and Technology Council, Executive Office of the President, 1996. Presidential Decision Directive NSTC-7: Emerging Infections. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Chretien JP, Gaydos JC, Malone JL, Blazes DL, 2006. Global network could avert pandemics. Nature 440: 25–26.
Government Accountability Office, 2007. U.S. Agencies Support Programs to Build Overseas Capacity for Infectious Disease Surveillance. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Institute of Medicine, 2001. Perspectives on the Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System: A Program Review. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Institute of Medicine, 2007. Review of the DoD-GEIS Influenza Programs: Strengthening Global Surveillance and Response. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Armed Forces Epidemiology Board, 2005. Memorandum: Review of Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DoD-GEIS) AFEB 2004-5.
DoD-GEIS, 1998. Addressing Emerging Infectious Disease Threats: A Strategic Plan for the Department of Defense. Washington, DC: DoD-GEIS.
DoD-GEIS, 2005. DoD-GEIS Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System Strategic Plan. Washington, DC: DoD-GEIS.
Fuller J, Hanley K, Schultz R, Lewis M, Freed NE, Ellis M, Ngauy V, Stoebner R, Ryan M, Russell K, 2006. Surveillance for febrile respiratory infections during Cobra Gold 2003. Mil Med 171: 357–359.
El-Mohamady H, Francis W, Shaheen HI, Rozmajzl P, Rockabrand DM, Karim AK, Hall ER, Sanders JW, 2006. Detection of fecal and serum antibodies against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli toxins and colonization factors in deployed U.S. military personnel during Operation Bright Star 2001–Egypt. Egypt J Immunol 13: 189–198.
Riddle MS, Halvorson HA, Shiau D, Althoff J, Monteville MR, Shaheen H, Horvath EP, Armstrong AW, 2007. Acute gastrointestinal infection, respiratory illness, and noncombat injury among US military personnel during Operation Bright Star 2005, in Northern Egypt. J Travel Med 14: 392–401.
Rockabrand DM, Shaheen HI, Khalil SB, Peruski LF Jr, Rozmajzl PJ, Savarino SJ, Monteville MR, Frenck RW, Svennerholm AM, Putnam SD, Sanders JW, 2006. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli colonization factor types collected from 1997 to 2001 in US military personnel during operation Bright Star in northern Egypt. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 55: 9–12.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Gould P, Kolisnyk J, Merced N, Barthel V, Rozmajzl PJ, Shaheen H, Fouad S, Frenck RW, 2005. Diarrheal illness among deployed U.S. military personnel during Operation Bright Star 2001–Egypt. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 52: 85–90.
Chretien JP, Blazes DL, Gaydos JC, Bedno SA, Coldren RL, Culpepper RC, Fyrauff DJ, Earhart KC, Mansour MM, Glass JS, Lewis MD, Smoak BL, Malone JL, 2006. Experience of a global laboratory network in responding to infectious disease epidemics. Lancet Infect Dis 6: 538–540.
1992. Emerging Infections: Microbial Threats to Health in the United States. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
2003. Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection and Response. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Perry WJ, 1996. Defense in an age of hope. Foreign Aff 75: 64–79.
US Joint Forces Command, 2006. Military Support to Stabilization, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations Joint Operating Concept, version 2.0. Washington, DC: US Department of Defense.
US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, 2005. DoDD 3000.05: Military Support for Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operations. Washington, DC: US Department of Defense.
Owens AB, Canas LC, Russell KL, Neville J, Pavlin JA, MacIntosh VH, Gray GC, Gaydos JC, 2009. Department of defense global laboratory-based influenza surveillance: 1998–2005. Am J Prev Med 37: 235–241.
Miller RS, Wongsrichanalai C, Buathong N, McDaniel P, Walsh DS, Knirsch C, Ohrt C, 2006. Effective treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria with azithromycin-quinine combinations: a randomized, dose-ranging study. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74: 401–406.
Noedl H, Krudsood S, Leowattana W, Tangpukdee N, Thanachartwet W, Looareesuwan S, Miller RS, Fukuda M, Jongsakul K, Yingyuen K, Sriwichai S, Ohrt C, Knirsch C, 2007. In vitro antimalarial activity of azithromycin, artesunate, and quinine in combination and correlation with clinical outcome. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 51: 651–656.
Ohrt C, Obare P, Nanakorn A, Adhiambo C, Awuondo K, O'Meara WP, Remich S, Martin K, Cook E, Chretien JP, Lucas C, Osoga J, McEvoy P, Owaga ML, Odera JS, Ogutu B, 2007. Establishing a malaria diagnostics centre of excellence in Kisumu, Kenya. Malar J 6: 79.
Rogers WO, Sem R, Tero T, Chim P, Lim P, Muth S, Socheat D, Ariey F, Wongsrichanalai C, 2009. Failure of artesunate-mefloquine combination therapy for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in southern Cambodia. Malar J 8: 10.
Taylor WR, Richie TL, Fryauff DJ, Ohrt C, Picarima H, Tang D, Murphy GS, Widjaja H, Braitman D, Tjitra E, Ganjar A, Jones TR, Basri H, Berman J, 2003. Tolerability of azithromycin as malaria prophylaxis in adults in northeast papua, indonesia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 47: 2199–2203.
Wongsrichanalai C, Meshnick SR, 2008. Declining artesunate-mefloquine efficacy against falciparum malaria on the Cambodia-Thailand border. Emerg Infect Dis 14: 716–719.
Wongsrichanalai C, Pickard AL, Wernsdorfer WH, Meshnick SR, 2002. Epidemiology of drug-resistant malaria. Lancet Infect Dis 2: 209–218.
Wongsrichanalai C, Sirichaisinthop J, Karwacki JJ, Congpuong K, Miller RS, Pang L, Thimasarn K, 2001. Drug resistant malaria on the Thai-Myanmar and Thai-Cambodian borders. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 32: 41–49.
Wongsrichanalai C, Wimonwattrawatee T, Sookto P, Laoboonchai A, Heppner DG, Kyle DE, Wernsdorfer WH, 1999. In vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to artesunate in Thailand. Bull World Health Organ 77: 392–398.
Anyamba A, Chretien JP, Small J, Tucker CJ, Formenty PB, Richardson JH, Britch SC, Schnabel DC, Erickson RL, Linthicum KJ, 2009. Prediction of a Rift Valley fever outbreak. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106: 955–959.
Anyamba A, Chretien JP, Small J, Tucker CJ, Linthicum KJ, 2006. Developing global climate anomalies suggest potential disease risks for 2006–2007. Int J Health Geogr 5: 60.
Britch SC, Linthicum KJ, Anyamba A, Tucker CJ, Pak EW, Maloney FA Jr, Cobb K, Stanwix E, Humphries J, Spring A, Pagac B, Miller M, 2008. Satellite vegetation index data as a tool to forecast population dynamics of medically important mosquitoes at military installations in the continental United States. Mil Med 173: 677–683.
Epstein PR, 1999. Climate and health. Science 285: 347–348.
Linthicum KJ, Anyamba A, Tucker CJ, Kelley PW, Myers MF, Peters CJ, 1999. Climate and satellite indicators to forecast Rift Valley fever epidemics in Kenya. Science 285: 397–400.
Martin V, De Simone L, Lubroth J, Ceccato P, Chevalier V, 2007. Perspectives on using remotely-sensed imagery in predictive veterinary epidemiology and global early warning systems. Geospatial Health 2: 3–14.
Huaman MA, Araujo-Castillo RV, Soto G, Neyra JM, Quispe JA, Fernandez MF, Mundaca CC, Blazes DL, 2009. Impact of two interventions on timeliness and data quality of an electronic disease surveillance system in a resource limited setting (Peru): a prospective evaluation. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 9: 16.
Soto G, Araujo-Castillo RV, Neyra J, Fernandez M, Leturia C, Mundaca CC, Blazes DL, 2008. Challenges in the implementation of an electronic surveillance system in a resource-limited setting: Alerta, in Peru. BMC Proc 2 (Suppl 3): S4.
Torres-Slimming PA, Mundaca CC, Moran M, Quispe J, Colina O, Bacon DJ, Lescano AG, Gilman RH, Blazes DL, 2006. Outbreak of cyclosporiasis at a naval base in Lima, Peru. Am J Trop Med Hyg 75: 546–548.
Siswoyo H, Permana M, Larasati RP, Farid J, Suryadi A, Sedyaningsih ER, 2008. EWORS: using a syndromic-based surveillance tool for disease outbreak detection in Indonesia. BMC Proc 2 (Suppl 3): S3.
Chretien JP, Burkom HS, Sedyaningsih ER, Larasati RP, Lescano AG, Mundaca CC, Blazes DL, Munayco CV, Coberly JS, Ashar RJ, Lewis SH, 2008. Syndromic surveillance: adapting innovations to developing settings. PLoS Med 5: e72.
Monteville MR, Riddle MS, Baht U, Putnam SD, Frenck RW, Brooks K, Moustafa M, Bland J, Sanders JW, 2006. Incidence, etiology, and impact of diarrhea among deployed US military personnel in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Am J Trop Med Hyg 75: 762–767.
Porter CK, El Mohammady H, Baqar S, Rockabrand DM, Putnam SD, Tribble DR, Riddle MS, Frenck RW, Rozmajzl P, Kilbane E, Fox A, Ruck R, Lim M, Johnston YJ, Murphy E, Sanders JW, 2008. Case series study of traveler's diarrhea in U.S. military personnel at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. Clin Vaccine Immunol 15: 1884–1887.
Putnam SD, Sanders JW, Frenck RW, Monteville M, Riddle MS, Rockabrand DM, Sharp TW, Frankart C, Tribble DR, 2006. Self-reported description of diarrhea among military populations in operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. J Travel Med 13: 92–99.
Riddle MS, Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Tribble DR, 2006. Incidence, etiology, and impact of diarrhea among long-term travelers (US military and similar populations): a systematic review. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74: 891–900.
Riddle MS, Tribble DR, Jobanputra NK, Jones JJ, Putnam SD, Frenck RW, Sanders JW, 2005. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding epidemiology and management of travelers' diarrhea: a survey of front-line providers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mil Med 170: 492–495.
Riddle MS, Tribble DR, Putnam SD, Mostafa M, Brown TR, Letizia A, Armstrong AW, Sanders JW, 2008. Past trends and current status of self-reported incidence and impact of disease and nonbattle injury in military operations in Southwest Asia and the Middle East. Am J Public Health 98: 2199–2206.
Sanders JW, Frenck RW, Putnam SD, Riddle MS, Johnston JR, Ulukan S, Rockabrand DM, Monteville MR, Tribble DR, 2007. Azithromycin and loperamide are comparable to levofloxacin and loperamide for the treatment of traveler's diarrhea in United States military personnel in Turkey. Clin Infect Dis 45: 294–301.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Frankart C, Frenck RW, Monteville MR, Riddle MS, Rockabrand DM, Sharp TW, Tribble DR, 2005. Impact of illness and non-combat injury during Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Am J Trop Med Hyg 73: 713–719.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Riddle MS, Tribble DR, 2005. Military importance of diarrhea: lessons from the Middle East. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 21: 9–14.
Sanders JW, Putnam SD, Riddle MS, Tribble DR, Jobanputra NK, Jones JJ, Scott DA, Frenck RW, 2004. The epidemiology of self-reported diarrhea in operations Iraqi freedom and enduring freedom. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 50: 89–93.
Lescano AG, Salmon-Mulanovich G, Pedroni E, Blazes DL, 2007. Epidemiology. Outbreak investigation and response training. Science 318: 574–575.
Lescano AR, Blazes DL, Montano SM, Moran Z, Naquira C, Ramirez E, Lie R, Martin GJ, Lescano AG, Zunt JR, 2008. Research ethics training in Peru: a case study. PLoS One 3: e3274.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 539 | 498 | 303 |
Full Text Views | 296 | 6 | 0 |
PDF Downloads | 87 | 7 | 0 |