Vandenplas Y, Salvatore S, Vieira M, Devreker T, Hauser B, 2007. Probiotics in infectious diarrhoea in children: are they indicated? Eur J Pediatr 166 :1211–1218.
Buts JP, 2006. Example of a Medicinal Probiotic: Lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii. Gut Microflora. London: John Libbey Eurotext Editions, 221–244.
Mar Mar Nyein T, Tsukamoto, Tin Aye, Myo Khin, Khin New Oo, Khin Maung U, Takeda Y, 1992. Detection of pathogenic bacteria in children with diarrhea. Myanmar Health Sci Res Journal 4 :45–51.
Mar Mar Nyein, Tin Aye, Khin Mg U, Myo Khin, Phyu Phyu Win, Thane Toe, 1999. Seasonal pattern of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in children under 3 years of age. Myanmar Health Sci Res J 8 :7–13.
Mar Mar Nyein, Mi Mi Htwe, Aye Aye Maw, War War Aung, Khin Aye Aye Tun, Khin Myat Tun, 2005. Isolation of bacterial pathogens from children with diarrhea from Yangon’s Children Hospital 1999–2003, Paper presented at the Myanmar Research Conference. January 2005.
Bhan MK, Mahalanabis D, Pierce NF, Rollins N, 2005. The Treatment of Diarrhea: A Manual for Physicians and other Senior Health Workers. Geneva: World Health Organization/Child and Adolescent Health and Development, 8–16.
Surawicz CM, Elmer GW, Speelman P, McFarland LV, Chinn J, van Belle G, 1989. Prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by Saccharomyces boulardii: a prospective study. Gastroenterology 96 :981–988.
Buts JP, Corthier G, Delmee M, 1993. Saccharomyces boulardii for Clostridium difficile-associated enteropathies in infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 16 :419–425.
Castaneda Guillot C, Garcia Bacallao E, Santa Cruz Dominguez M, Fernandez Garcia M, Monterrey Glutierrez P. 1995 Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii in children with chronic diarrhea, especially cases of giardiasis. Rev Mex Puericultura Pediatria 2 :12.
Besirbellioglu BA, Ulcay A, Can M, Erdem H, Tanyuksel M, Avci IY, Araz E, Pahsa A, 2006. Saccharomyces boulardii and infection due to Giardia lamblia. Scand J Infect Dis 38 :479–481.
Mansour-Ghanaei F, Dehbashi N, Yazdanparast K, Shafaghi A, 2003. Efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii with antibiotics in acute amoebiasis. World J Gastroenterol 9 :1832–1833.
Kollaritsch H, Holst H, Grobara P, Wiedermann G, 1993. Prevention of travelers’ diarrhea with Saccharomyces boulardii. Results of a placebo controlled double-blind study. Fortsschr Med 111 :152–156.
Bleichner G, Blehaut H, Mentec H, Moyse D, 1997. Saccharomyces boulardii prevents diarrhea in critically ill tube-fed patients. Intensive Care Med 23 :517–523.
Saint-Marc T, Blehaut H, Musial C, Touraine JL, 1995. AIDS-related diarrhea: a double blind trial of Saccharomyces boulardii. Sem Hop 71 :735–741.
Cetina-Sauri G, Sierra Basto G, 1994. Therapeutic evaluation of Saccharomyces boulardii in children with acute diarrhea. Ann Pediatr (Paris) 41 :397–400.
Kurugol Z, Koturoglu G, 2005. Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii in children with acute diarrhoea. Acta Paediatr 94 :44–47.
Billoo AG, Memon MA, Khaskheli SA, Murtaza G, Iqbal K, Saeed Shekhani M, Siddiqi AQ, 2006. Role of a probiotic (Saccharomyces boulardii) in management and prevention of diarrhoea. World J Gastroenterol 12 :4557–4560.
Villarruel G, Rubio DM, Lopez F, Cintioni J, Gurevech R, Romero G, Vandenplas Y, 2007. Saccharomyces boulardii in acute childhood diarrhoea: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Acta Paediatr 96 :538–541.
Hochter W, Chase D, Hagenhoff G, 1990. Saccharomyces boulardii in treatment of acute adult diarrhea. Efficacy and tolerance of treatment. Munch Med Wochenschr 132 :188–192.
Szajewska H, Skórka A, Dylag M, 2007. Meta-analysis: Saccharomyces boulardii for treating acute diarrhoea in children. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 25 :257–264.
Salvatore S, Hauser B, Devreker T, Vieira MC, Luini C, Arrigo S, Nespoli L, Vandenplas Y, 2007. Probiotics and zinc in acute infectious gastroenteritis in children: are they effective? Nutrition 23 :498–506.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 459 | 341 | 96 |
Full Text Views | 637 | 17 | 11 |
PDF Downloads | 227 | 12 | 4 |
This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii in acute diarrhea. One hundred hospitalized children in Myanmar (age range = 3 months to 10 years) were included. Fifty were treated with S. boulardii for five days in addition to oral rehydration solution (ORS) and 50 were given ORS alone (control group) in an alternating order. The mean duration of diarrhea was 3.08 days in the S. boulardii group and 4.68 days (P < 0.05) in the control group. Stools had a normal consistency on day 3 in 38 (76%) of 50 patients in the S. boulardii group compared with only 12 (24%) of 50 in the control group (P = 0.019). On day 2, 27 (54%) of 50 had less than three stools per day in the S. boulardii group compared with only 15 (30%) of 50 in the control group (P = 0.019). Saccharomyces boulardii shortens the duration of diarrhea and normalizes stool consistency and frequency. The shortening of the duration of diarrhea results in a social and economic benefits.
Vandenplas Y, Salvatore S, Vieira M, Devreker T, Hauser B, 2007. Probiotics in infectious diarrhoea in children: are they indicated? Eur J Pediatr 166 :1211–1218.
Buts JP, 2006. Example of a Medicinal Probiotic: Lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii. Gut Microflora. London: John Libbey Eurotext Editions, 221–244.
Mar Mar Nyein T, Tsukamoto, Tin Aye, Myo Khin, Khin New Oo, Khin Maung U, Takeda Y, 1992. Detection of pathogenic bacteria in children with diarrhea. Myanmar Health Sci Res Journal 4 :45–51.
Mar Mar Nyein, Tin Aye, Khin Mg U, Myo Khin, Phyu Phyu Win, Thane Toe, 1999. Seasonal pattern of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in children under 3 years of age. Myanmar Health Sci Res J 8 :7–13.
Mar Mar Nyein, Mi Mi Htwe, Aye Aye Maw, War War Aung, Khin Aye Aye Tun, Khin Myat Tun, 2005. Isolation of bacterial pathogens from children with diarrhea from Yangon’s Children Hospital 1999–2003, Paper presented at the Myanmar Research Conference. January 2005.
Bhan MK, Mahalanabis D, Pierce NF, Rollins N, 2005. The Treatment of Diarrhea: A Manual for Physicians and other Senior Health Workers. Geneva: World Health Organization/Child and Adolescent Health and Development, 8–16.
Surawicz CM, Elmer GW, Speelman P, McFarland LV, Chinn J, van Belle G, 1989. Prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by Saccharomyces boulardii: a prospective study. Gastroenterology 96 :981–988.
Buts JP, Corthier G, Delmee M, 1993. Saccharomyces boulardii for Clostridium difficile-associated enteropathies in infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 16 :419–425.
Castaneda Guillot C, Garcia Bacallao E, Santa Cruz Dominguez M, Fernandez Garcia M, Monterrey Glutierrez P. 1995 Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii in children with chronic diarrhea, especially cases of giardiasis. Rev Mex Puericultura Pediatria 2 :12.
Besirbellioglu BA, Ulcay A, Can M, Erdem H, Tanyuksel M, Avci IY, Araz E, Pahsa A, 2006. Saccharomyces boulardii and infection due to Giardia lamblia. Scand J Infect Dis 38 :479–481.
Mansour-Ghanaei F, Dehbashi N, Yazdanparast K, Shafaghi A, 2003. Efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii with antibiotics in acute amoebiasis. World J Gastroenterol 9 :1832–1833.
Kollaritsch H, Holst H, Grobara P, Wiedermann G, 1993. Prevention of travelers’ diarrhea with Saccharomyces boulardii. Results of a placebo controlled double-blind study. Fortsschr Med 111 :152–156.
Bleichner G, Blehaut H, Mentec H, Moyse D, 1997. Saccharomyces boulardii prevents diarrhea in critically ill tube-fed patients. Intensive Care Med 23 :517–523.
Saint-Marc T, Blehaut H, Musial C, Touraine JL, 1995. AIDS-related diarrhea: a double blind trial of Saccharomyces boulardii. Sem Hop 71 :735–741.
Cetina-Sauri G, Sierra Basto G, 1994. Therapeutic evaluation of Saccharomyces boulardii in children with acute diarrhea. Ann Pediatr (Paris) 41 :397–400.
Kurugol Z, Koturoglu G, 2005. Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii in children with acute diarrhoea. Acta Paediatr 94 :44–47.
Billoo AG, Memon MA, Khaskheli SA, Murtaza G, Iqbal K, Saeed Shekhani M, Siddiqi AQ, 2006. Role of a probiotic (Saccharomyces boulardii) in management and prevention of diarrhoea. World J Gastroenterol 12 :4557–4560.
Villarruel G, Rubio DM, Lopez F, Cintioni J, Gurevech R, Romero G, Vandenplas Y, 2007. Saccharomyces boulardii in acute childhood diarrhoea: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Acta Paediatr 96 :538–541.
Hochter W, Chase D, Hagenhoff G, 1990. Saccharomyces boulardii in treatment of acute adult diarrhea. Efficacy and tolerance of treatment. Munch Med Wochenschr 132 :188–192.
Szajewska H, Skórka A, Dylag M, 2007. Meta-analysis: Saccharomyces boulardii for treating acute diarrhoea in children. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 25 :257–264.
Salvatore S, Hauser B, Devreker T, Vieira MC, Luini C, Arrigo S, Nespoli L, Vandenplas Y, 2007. Probiotics and zinc in acute infectious gastroenteritis in children: are they effective? Nutrition 23 :498–506.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 459 | 341 | 96 |
Full Text Views | 637 | 17 | 11 |
PDF Downloads | 227 | 12 | 4 |