National Department of Health (South Africa), 2004. National HIV and Syphilis Antenatal Sero-Prevalence Survey in South Africa 2004. Pretoria. Available from
Shisana O, Rehle T, Simbayi LC, Parker W, Zuma K, Bhana A, Connolly C, Jooste S, Pillay V, 2005. South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press.
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, 2004 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic. Geneva: UNAIDS.
Erb-Leoncavallo A, Holmes G, Jacobs G, Urdang S, Vanek J, Zarb M, 2004. Women and HIV/AIDS: Confronting the Crisis. Geneva: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. New York: The United Nations Population Fund, The United Nations Development Fund for Women; 2004.
Pettifor AE, Rees HV, Kleinschmidt I, Steffenson A, MacPhail C, Hlongwa-Madikizela L, Vermaak K, Padian NS, 2005. Young people’s sexual health in South Africa: HIV prevalence and sexual behaviours from a nationally representative household survey. AIDS 19 :1525– 1534.
Goldstein S, Usdin S, Scheepers E, Japhet G, 2005. Communicating HIV and AIDS, what works? A report on the impact evaluation of Soul City’s fourth series. J Health Commun 10 :465– 483.
Pettifor A, Kleinschmidt I, Levin J, Rees H, MacPhail C, Hlongwa-Madikizela L, Vermaak K, Napier G, Stevens W, Padian N, 2005. A community-based study to examine the effect of a youth prevention intervention on young people aged 15– 24 in South Africa: results of the baseline survey. Trop Med Int Health 10 :971– 980.
Statistics South Africa, 2001. Community Profile Databases: Census 2001. Product Reference No. 03-02-22. Available from
Gallo D, George J, Fitchen J, Goldstein A, Hindahl M, 1997. Evaluation of a system using oral mucosal transudate for HIV-1 antibody screening and confirmatory testing. OraSure HIV Clinical Trials Group. JAMA 277 :254– 258.
Pettifor AE, Rees HV, Steffenson A, Hlongwa-Madikizela L, MacPhail C, Vermaak K, Kleinschmidt I, 2004. HIV and Sexual Behaviour Among Young South Africans: A National Survey of 15–24 Year Olds. Johannesburg: RHRU and LoveLife.
Longley P, Goodchild MF, Maguire DJ, Rhind DW, 2001. Geographic Information Systems and Science. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley.
Statistics South Africa, 2001. Census 2001 Products: Small Area Statistics. Reference number: 03-02-45. Available from
Christensen OF, Ribeiro PJ Jr, 2002. GeoRglm: a package for generalised linear spatial models. R News 2 :26– 28.
Elliott P, Wartenberg D, 2004. Spatial epidemiology: current approaches and future challenges. Environ Health Perspect 112 :998– 1006.
Swerdlow A, dos Santos Silva I, 1993. Atlas of Cancer Incidence in England and Wales 1968–85. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press; 1993.
Devesa SS, Grauman DG, Blot WJ, Pennello G, Hoover RN, Fraumeni JF Jr, 1999. Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the United States, 1950–1994. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Pickle LW, Mungiole M, Jones GK, White AA, 1996. Atlas of United States Mortality. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.
Kleinschmidt I, Sharp B, Mueller I, Vounatsou P, 2002. Rise in malaria incidence rates in South Africa: a small area spatial analysis of variation in time trends. Am J Epidemiol 155 :257–264.
Kleinschmidt I, Omumbo J, Briët O, Van de Giesen N, Sogoba N, Mensah NK, Windmeijer P, Moussa M, Teuscher T, 2001. An empirical malaria distribution map for west Africa. Trop Med Int Health 6 :779– 786.
Gemperli A, Vounatsou P, Kleinschmidt I, Bagayoko M, Lengeler C, Smith T, 2004. Spatial patterns of infant mortality in Mali: the effect of malaria endemicity. Am J Epidemiol 159 :64– 72.
Kleinschmidt I, Ramkissoon A, Morris N, Mabude Z, Curtis B, Beksinska M, 2006. Mapping indicators of sexually transmitted infection services in the South African public health sector. Trop Med Int Health 11 :1047– 1057.
Law DCG, Serre ML, Christakos G, Leone PA, Miller WC, 2004. Spatial analysis and mapping of sexually transmitted diseases to optimise intervention and prevention strategies. Sex Transm Infect 80 :294– 299.
Kok P, Collinson M, 2006. Migration and Urbanization in South Africa. Report 03-04-02, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
Lurie M, Williams B, Zuma K, Mkaya-Mwamburi D, Garnett G, Sturm AW, Sweat M, Gittelsohn J, Abdool Karim S, 2003. The impact of migration on HIV-1 transmission: a study of migrant and non-migrant men, and their partners. Sex Transm Dis 30 :149– 156.
Collinson M, Kok P, Garenne M, 2006. Migration and Changing Settlement Patterns: Multilevel Data for Policy. Report 03-04-01, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
Lurie MN, Williams BG, Zuma K, Mkaya-Mwamburi D, Garnett GP, Sweat MD, Gittelsohn J, Karim SS, 2003. Who infects whom? HIV-1 concordance and discordance among migrant and non-migrant couples in South Africa. AIDS 17 :2245– 2252.
Diggle PJ, Tawn JA, Moyeed R, 1998. Model-based geostatistics. J R Stat Soc C 47 :299– 350.
Diggle PJ, Ribeiro PJ, Christensen OF, 2003. An introduction to model-based geostatistics. Moller J, ed. Spatial Statistics and Computational Methods. New York: Springer Verlag, 43– 86.
Gemperli A, Vounatsou P, 2003. Fitting generalised linear mixed models for point-referenced spatial data. J Modern Appl Stat Methods 2 :497– 511.
Environmental Sciences Research Institute, 2004. ArcMap™ Version 9.0. Redlands, CA: Environmental Sciences Research Institute.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 235 | 182 | 7 |
Full Text Views | 289 | 3 | 0 |
PDF Downloads | 102 | 3 | 0 |
In common with most countries, little is know about the geographic distribution of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in South Africa. Variations in HIV infection of persons 15–24 years of age were modeled and mapped using generalized linear spatial models and Bayesian prediction based on data from a national HIV household survey conducted in 2003 and comprising 11,904 youth from approximately 700 enumeration areas that were randomly selected from the national census. The maps show considerable variation in HIV prevalence within provinces. The lowest levels were found in inland rural areas of the Western Cape, and the highest in northwestern parts of KwaZulu Natal, southern Mpumalanga, and eastern Free State. Prevalence of HIV was associated with ethnicity, urban status, and unemployment. Detailed maps of HIV prevalence can be effectively used in guiding and focusing intervention programs to areas of particular need.
National Department of Health (South Africa), 2004. National HIV and Syphilis Antenatal Sero-Prevalence Survey in South Africa 2004. Pretoria. Available from
Shisana O, Rehle T, Simbayi LC, Parker W, Zuma K, Bhana A, Connolly C, Jooste S, Pillay V, 2005. South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press.
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, 2004 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic. Geneva: UNAIDS.
Erb-Leoncavallo A, Holmes G, Jacobs G, Urdang S, Vanek J, Zarb M, 2004. Women and HIV/AIDS: Confronting the Crisis. Geneva: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. New York: The United Nations Population Fund, The United Nations Development Fund for Women; 2004.
Pettifor AE, Rees HV, Kleinschmidt I, Steffenson A, MacPhail C, Hlongwa-Madikizela L, Vermaak K, Padian NS, 2005. Young people’s sexual health in South Africa: HIV prevalence and sexual behaviours from a nationally representative household survey. AIDS 19 :1525– 1534.
Goldstein S, Usdin S, Scheepers E, Japhet G, 2005. Communicating HIV and AIDS, what works? A report on the impact evaluation of Soul City’s fourth series. J Health Commun 10 :465– 483.
Pettifor A, Kleinschmidt I, Levin J, Rees H, MacPhail C, Hlongwa-Madikizela L, Vermaak K, Napier G, Stevens W, Padian N, 2005. A community-based study to examine the effect of a youth prevention intervention on young people aged 15– 24 in South Africa: results of the baseline survey. Trop Med Int Health 10 :971– 980.
Statistics South Africa, 2001. Community Profile Databases: Census 2001. Product Reference No. 03-02-22. Available from
Gallo D, George J, Fitchen J, Goldstein A, Hindahl M, 1997. Evaluation of a system using oral mucosal transudate for HIV-1 antibody screening and confirmatory testing. OraSure HIV Clinical Trials Group. JAMA 277 :254– 258.
Pettifor AE, Rees HV, Steffenson A, Hlongwa-Madikizela L, MacPhail C, Vermaak K, Kleinschmidt I, 2004. HIV and Sexual Behaviour Among Young South Africans: A National Survey of 15–24 Year Olds. Johannesburg: RHRU and LoveLife.
Longley P, Goodchild MF, Maguire DJ, Rhind DW, 2001. Geographic Information Systems and Science. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley.
Statistics South Africa, 2001. Census 2001 Products: Small Area Statistics. Reference number: 03-02-45. Available from
Christensen OF, Ribeiro PJ Jr, 2002. GeoRglm: a package for generalised linear spatial models. R News 2 :26– 28.
Elliott P, Wartenberg D, 2004. Spatial epidemiology: current approaches and future challenges. Environ Health Perspect 112 :998– 1006.
Swerdlow A, dos Santos Silva I, 1993. Atlas of Cancer Incidence in England and Wales 1968–85. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press; 1993.
Devesa SS, Grauman DG, Blot WJ, Pennello G, Hoover RN, Fraumeni JF Jr, 1999. Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the United States, 1950–1994. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Pickle LW, Mungiole M, Jones GK, White AA, 1996. Atlas of United States Mortality. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.
Kleinschmidt I, Sharp B, Mueller I, Vounatsou P, 2002. Rise in malaria incidence rates in South Africa: a small area spatial analysis of variation in time trends. Am J Epidemiol 155 :257–264.
Kleinschmidt I, Omumbo J, Briët O, Van de Giesen N, Sogoba N, Mensah NK, Windmeijer P, Moussa M, Teuscher T, 2001. An empirical malaria distribution map for west Africa. Trop Med Int Health 6 :779– 786.
Gemperli A, Vounatsou P, Kleinschmidt I, Bagayoko M, Lengeler C, Smith T, 2004. Spatial patterns of infant mortality in Mali: the effect of malaria endemicity. Am J Epidemiol 159 :64– 72.
Kleinschmidt I, Ramkissoon A, Morris N, Mabude Z, Curtis B, Beksinska M, 2006. Mapping indicators of sexually transmitted infection services in the South African public health sector. Trop Med Int Health 11 :1047– 1057.
Law DCG, Serre ML, Christakos G, Leone PA, Miller WC, 2004. Spatial analysis and mapping of sexually transmitted diseases to optimise intervention and prevention strategies. Sex Transm Infect 80 :294– 299.
Kok P, Collinson M, 2006. Migration and Urbanization in South Africa. Report 03-04-02, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
Lurie M, Williams B, Zuma K, Mkaya-Mwamburi D, Garnett G, Sturm AW, Sweat M, Gittelsohn J, Abdool Karim S, 2003. The impact of migration on HIV-1 transmission: a study of migrant and non-migrant men, and their partners. Sex Transm Dis 30 :149– 156.
Collinson M, Kok P, Garenne M, 2006. Migration and Changing Settlement Patterns: Multilevel Data for Policy. Report 03-04-01, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
Lurie MN, Williams BG, Zuma K, Mkaya-Mwamburi D, Garnett GP, Sweat MD, Gittelsohn J, Karim SS, 2003. Who infects whom? HIV-1 concordance and discordance among migrant and non-migrant couples in South Africa. AIDS 17 :2245– 2252.
Diggle PJ, Tawn JA, Moyeed R, 1998. Model-based geostatistics. J R Stat Soc C 47 :299– 350.
Diggle PJ, Ribeiro PJ, Christensen OF, 2003. An introduction to model-based geostatistics. Moller J, ed. Spatial Statistics and Computational Methods. New York: Springer Verlag, 43– 86.
Gemperli A, Vounatsou P, 2003. Fitting generalised linear mixed models for point-referenced spatial data. J Modern Appl Stat Methods 2 :497– 511.
Environmental Sciences Research Institute, 2004. ArcMap™ Version 9.0. Redlands, CA: Environmental Sciences Research Institute.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 235 | 182 | 7 |
Full Text Views | 289 | 3 | 0 |
PDF Downloads | 102 | 3 | 0 |