Clarke T, 2002. Dengue virus: break-bone fever. Nature 416 :672–674.
Gubler DJ, 2002. The global emergence/resurgence of arboviral diseases as public health problems. Arch Med Res 33 :330–342.
Wilder-Smith A, Schwartz E, 2005. Dengue in travelers. N Engl J Med 353 :924–932.
Qiu FX, Gubler DJ, Liu JC, Chen QQ, 1993. Dengue in China: a clinical review. Bull World Health Organ 71 :349–359.
Li FS, Yang FR, Song JC, Gao H, Tang JQ, Zou CH, Hu BN, Wen SR, Qiu FX, 1986. Etiologic and serologic investigations of the 1980 epidemic of dengue fever on Hainan Island, China. Am J Trop Med Hyg 35 :1051–1054.
Qiu FX, Chen QQ, Ho QY, Chen WZ, Zhao ZG, Zhao BW, 1991. The first epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever in the People’s Republic of China. Am J Trop Med Hyg 44 :364–370.
Fan WF, Yu SR, Cosgriff TM, 1989. The reemergence of dengue in China. Rev Infect Dis 11 (Suppl 4):S847–S853.
Luo MH, 2003. Manual of the Prevention, Control and Treatment for Dengue Fever. Beijing: China Standard Press, 1–6. (in Chinese)
World Health Organization, 1997. Clinical diagnosis. Dengue Hemorrhage Fever: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control. Second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization, 18–19.
Lanciotti RS, Calisher CH, Gubler DJ, Chang GJ, Vorndam AV, 1992. Rapid detection and typing of dengue viruses from clinical samples by using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol 30 :545–551.
Kumar S, Tamura K, Nei M, 2004. MEGA3: Integrated software for molecular evolutionary genetics analysis and sequence alignment. Briefings Bioinform 5 :150–163.
Peng W, Yu M, Fan B, Deng Y, Jiang T, Duan H, Qin E, 2005. Simultaneous infection with dengue 2 and 3 viruses in a Chinese patient returning from Sri Lanka. J Clin Virol 32 :194–198.
World Health Organization, 1997. Laboratory diagnosis. Dengue Hemorrhage Fever: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control. Second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization, 43–44.
Zhang C, Mammen MP Jr, Chinnawirotpisan P, Klungthong C, Rodpradit P, Monkongdee P, Nimmannitya S, Kalayanarooj S, Holmes EC, 2005. Clade replacements in dengue virus serotypes 1 and 3 are associated with changing serotype prevalence. J Virol 79 :15123–15130.
Rosen L, Roseboom LE, Gubler DJ, Lien JC, Chaniotis BN, 1985. Comparative susceptibility of mosquito species and strains to oral and parenteral infection with dengue and Japanese encephalitis viruses. Am J Trop Med Hyg 34 :603–615.
Effler PV, Pang L, Kitsutani P, Vorndam V, Nakata M, Ayers T, Elm J, Tom T, Reiter P, Rigau-Perez JG, Hayes JM, Mills K, Napier M, Clark GG, Gubler DJ, Hawaii Dengue Outbreak Investigation Team, 2005. Dengue fever, Hawaii, 2001–2002. Emerg Infect Dis 11 :742–749.
Thu HM, Lowry K, Myint TT, Shwe TN, Han AM, Khin KK, Thant KZ, Thein S, Aaskov J, 2004. Myanmar dengue outbreak associated with displacement of serotypes 2, 3, and 4 by dengue 1. Emerg Infect Dis 10 :593–597.
Nukui Y, Tajima S, Kotaki A, Ito M, Takasaki T, Koike K, Kurane I, 2006. Novel dengue virus type 1 from travelers to Yap State, Micronesia. Emerg Infect Dis 12 :343–346.
Perret C, Abarca K, Ovalle J, Ferrer P, Godoy P, Olea A, Aguilera X, Ferres M, 2003. Dengue-1 virus isolation during first dengue fever outbreak on easter island, Chile. Emerg Infect Dis 9 :1465–1467.
Hwang KP, Chu PY, Tung YC, Wang HL, Yueh YY, Wu YC, Chin C, Lin KH, 2003. Molecular epidemiological study of dengue virus type 1 in Taiwan. J Med Virol 70 :404–409.
Mendez F, Barreto M, Arias JF, Rengifo G, Munoz J, Burbano ME, Parra B, 2006. Human and mosquito infections by dengue viruses during and after epidemics in a dengue-endemic region of Colombia. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74 :678–683.
Gratz NG, 2004. Critical review of the vector status of Aedes albopictus.Med Vet Entomol 18 :215–227.
Monath TP, 1994. Dengue: the risk to developed and developing countries. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91 :2395–2400.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2001. Underdiagnosis of dengue – Laredo, Texas, 1999. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 50 :57–59.
Ksiazek TG, Erdman D, Goldsmith CS, Zaki SR, Peret T, Emery S, Tong S, Urbani C, Comer JA, Lim W, Rollin PE, Dowell SF, Ling AE, Humphrey CD, Shieh WJ, Guarner J, Paddock CD, Rota P, Fields B, DeRisi J, Yang JY, Cox N, Hughes JM, LeDuc JW, Bellini WJ, Anderson LJ, SARS Working Group, 2003. A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome. N Engl J Med 348 :1953–1966.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 639 | 334 | 89 |
Full Text Views | 481 | 9 | 6 |
PDF Downloads | 127 | 5 | 2 |
Autochthonous dengue infections have not been reported in Ningbo, People’s Republic of China since 1929. In August–October 2004, an outbreak of dengue fever was confirmed in Xiaolin, Cixi, Ningbo. Of 83 cases reported, 68 were laboratory confirmed. Fifty-three percent (34 of 64) of the cases had IgM antibodies to dengue virus. Dengue virus serotype-1 was isolated from two cases. The outbreak was linked to a traveler who returned from Thailand. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Ningbo isolate was closely associated to strains from Thailand. Prevalence of dengue-specific IgG in asymptomatic residents was significantly higher in the epidemic-stricken area than in a control area. High density of Aedes albopictus, which resulted from waterlogging caused by Typhoon Rananim and lifestyle of local residents, was responsible for rapid spread of the virus. Eradication of mosquito infestation might interrupt transmission. This outbreak underscores the importance of maintaining surveillance and control of potential vectors for the control of emerging infectious diseases.
Clarke T, 2002. Dengue virus: break-bone fever. Nature 416 :672–674.
Gubler DJ, 2002. The global emergence/resurgence of arboviral diseases as public health problems. Arch Med Res 33 :330–342.
Wilder-Smith A, Schwartz E, 2005. Dengue in travelers. N Engl J Med 353 :924–932.
Qiu FX, Gubler DJ, Liu JC, Chen QQ, 1993. Dengue in China: a clinical review. Bull World Health Organ 71 :349–359.
Li FS, Yang FR, Song JC, Gao H, Tang JQ, Zou CH, Hu BN, Wen SR, Qiu FX, 1986. Etiologic and serologic investigations of the 1980 epidemic of dengue fever on Hainan Island, China. Am J Trop Med Hyg 35 :1051–1054.
Qiu FX, Chen QQ, Ho QY, Chen WZ, Zhao ZG, Zhao BW, 1991. The first epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever in the People’s Republic of China. Am J Trop Med Hyg 44 :364–370.
Fan WF, Yu SR, Cosgriff TM, 1989. The reemergence of dengue in China. Rev Infect Dis 11 (Suppl 4):S847–S853.
Luo MH, 2003. Manual of the Prevention, Control and Treatment for Dengue Fever. Beijing: China Standard Press, 1–6. (in Chinese)
World Health Organization, 1997. Clinical diagnosis. Dengue Hemorrhage Fever: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control. Second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization, 18–19.
Lanciotti RS, Calisher CH, Gubler DJ, Chang GJ, Vorndam AV, 1992. Rapid detection and typing of dengue viruses from clinical samples by using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol 30 :545–551.
Kumar S, Tamura K, Nei M, 2004. MEGA3: Integrated software for molecular evolutionary genetics analysis and sequence alignment. Briefings Bioinform 5 :150–163.
Peng W, Yu M, Fan B, Deng Y, Jiang T, Duan H, Qin E, 2005. Simultaneous infection with dengue 2 and 3 viruses in a Chinese patient returning from Sri Lanka. J Clin Virol 32 :194–198.
World Health Organization, 1997. Laboratory diagnosis. Dengue Hemorrhage Fever: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control. Second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization, 43–44.
Zhang C, Mammen MP Jr, Chinnawirotpisan P, Klungthong C, Rodpradit P, Monkongdee P, Nimmannitya S, Kalayanarooj S, Holmes EC, 2005. Clade replacements in dengue virus serotypes 1 and 3 are associated with changing serotype prevalence. J Virol 79 :15123–15130.
Rosen L, Roseboom LE, Gubler DJ, Lien JC, Chaniotis BN, 1985. Comparative susceptibility of mosquito species and strains to oral and parenteral infection with dengue and Japanese encephalitis viruses. Am J Trop Med Hyg 34 :603–615.
Effler PV, Pang L, Kitsutani P, Vorndam V, Nakata M, Ayers T, Elm J, Tom T, Reiter P, Rigau-Perez JG, Hayes JM, Mills K, Napier M, Clark GG, Gubler DJ, Hawaii Dengue Outbreak Investigation Team, 2005. Dengue fever, Hawaii, 2001–2002. Emerg Infect Dis 11 :742–749.
Thu HM, Lowry K, Myint TT, Shwe TN, Han AM, Khin KK, Thant KZ, Thein S, Aaskov J, 2004. Myanmar dengue outbreak associated with displacement of serotypes 2, 3, and 4 by dengue 1. Emerg Infect Dis 10 :593–597.
Nukui Y, Tajima S, Kotaki A, Ito M, Takasaki T, Koike K, Kurane I, 2006. Novel dengue virus type 1 from travelers to Yap State, Micronesia. Emerg Infect Dis 12 :343–346.
Perret C, Abarca K, Ovalle J, Ferrer P, Godoy P, Olea A, Aguilera X, Ferres M, 2003. Dengue-1 virus isolation during first dengue fever outbreak on easter island, Chile. Emerg Infect Dis 9 :1465–1467.
Hwang KP, Chu PY, Tung YC, Wang HL, Yueh YY, Wu YC, Chin C, Lin KH, 2003. Molecular epidemiological study of dengue virus type 1 in Taiwan. J Med Virol 70 :404–409.
Mendez F, Barreto M, Arias JF, Rengifo G, Munoz J, Burbano ME, Parra B, 2006. Human and mosquito infections by dengue viruses during and after epidemics in a dengue-endemic region of Colombia. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74 :678–683.
Gratz NG, 2004. Critical review of the vector status of Aedes albopictus.Med Vet Entomol 18 :215–227.
Monath TP, 1994. Dengue: the risk to developed and developing countries. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91 :2395–2400.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2001. Underdiagnosis of dengue – Laredo, Texas, 1999. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 50 :57–59.
Ksiazek TG, Erdman D, Goldsmith CS, Zaki SR, Peret T, Emery S, Tong S, Urbani C, Comer JA, Lim W, Rollin PE, Dowell SF, Ling AE, Humphrey CD, Shieh WJ, Guarner J, Paddock CD, Rota P, Fields B, DeRisi J, Yang JY, Cox N, Hughes JM, LeDuc JW, Bellini WJ, Anderson LJ, SARS Working Group, 2003. A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome. N Engl J Med 348 :1953–1966.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 639 | 334 | 89 |
Full Text Views | 481 | 9 | 6 |
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