Beaver PC, Snyder CH, Carrera GM, Dent JH, Lafferty JW, 1952. Chronic eosinophilia due to visceral larva migrans; report of three cases. Pediatrics 9 :7–19.
Nagakura K, Kanno S, Tachibana H, Kaneda Y, Ohkido M, Kondo K, Inoue H, 1990. Serologic differentiation between Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati.J Infect Dis 162 :1418–1419.
Glickman LT, Schantz PM, 1981. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of zoonotic toxocariasis. Epidemiol Rev 3 :230–250.
Gamboa MI, 2005. Effects of temperature and humidity on the development of eggs of Toxocara canis under laboratory conditions. J Helminthol 79 :327–331.
Jimenez JF, Valladares B, Fernandez-Palacios JM, de Armas F, del Castillo A, 1997. A serologic study of human toxocariasis in the Canary Islands (Spain): environmental influences. Am J Trop Med Hyg 56 :113–115.
Safar EH, Abdel Ghaffar FM, Saffar SA, Makled KM, Habib KS, el Abiad R, el Shabrawy E, 1995. Incidence of Toxoplasma and Toxocara antibodies among out-patients in the Ophthalmic Research Institute, Egypt. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 25 :839–852.
Theodoridis I, Frydas S, Papazahariadou M, Hatzistilianou M, Adamama-Moraitou KK, Di Gioacchino M, Felaco M, 2001. Toxocarosis as zoonosis. A review of literature and the prevalence of Toxocara canis antibodies in 511 serum samples. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 14 :17–23.
Malla N, Aggarwal AK, Mahajan RC, 2002. A serological study of human toxocariasis in north India. Natl Med J India 15 :145–147.
Huminer D, Symon K, Groskopf I, Pietrushka D, Kremer I, Schantz PM, Pitlik SD, 1992. Seroepidemiologic study of toxocariasis and strongyloidiasis in institutionalized mentally retarded adults. Am J Trop Med Hyg 46 :278–281.
Kanafani ZA, Skoury A, Araj GF, El-Khoury M, Sawaya RA, Atweh SF, Kanj SS, 2006. Seroprevalence of toxocariasis in Lebanon: a pilot study. Parasitology 132 :635–639.
Sadjjadi SM, Khosravi M, Mehrabani D, Orya A, 2000. Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection in school children in Shiraz, southern Iran. J Trop Pediatr 46 :327–330.
Strahler AN, Strahler AH, 2006. Introduction to Physical Geography. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Craig PS, Larrieu E, 2006. Control of cystic echinococcosis/hydatidosis: 1863–2002. Adv Parasitol 61 :443–508.
De Savigny DH, 1975. In vitro maintenance of Toxocara canis larvae and a simple method for the production of Toxocara ES antigen for use in serodiagnostic tests for visceral larva migrans. J Parasitol 61 :781–782.
Bowman DD, Mika-Grieve M, Grieve RB, 1987. Circulating excretory–secretory antigen levels and specific antibody responses in mice infected with Toxocara canis.Am J Trop Med Hyg 36 :75–82.
Magnaval J-F, Fabre R, Maurieres P, Charlet J-P, de Larrard B, 1991. Application of the western blotting procedure for the immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis. Parasitol Res 77 :697–702.
Sheather AI, 1923. The detection of intestinal protozoa and mange parasites by a flotation technique. J Comp Ther 36 :266–275.
Mitchell TD, Jones PD, 2005. An improved method of constructing a database of monthly climate observations and associated high-resolution grids. Int J Climatol 25 :693–712.
Barriga OO, 1988. A critical look at the importance, prevalence and control of toxocariasis and the possibilities of immunological control. Vet Parasitol 29 :195–234.
Herrmann N, Glickman LT, Schantz PM, Weston MG, Domanski LM, 1985. Seroprevalence of zoonotic toxocariasis in the United States: 1971–1973. Am J Epidemiol 122 :890–896.
Glickman LT, Magnaval JF, Domanski LM, Shofer FS, Lauria SS, Gottstein B, Brochier B, 1987. Visceral larva migrans in French adults: a new disease syndrome? Am J Epidemiol 125 :1019–1034.
Gueglio B, de Gentile L, Nguyen JM, Achard J, Chabasse D, Marjolet M, 1994. Epidemiologic approach to human toxocariasis in western France. Parasitol Res 80 :531–536.
Magnaval J-F, Baixench M, 1993. Toxocariasis in the Midi-Pyrénnées region. Lewis JW, Maizels RM, eds. Toxocara and Toxocariasis. Clinical, Epidemiological, and Molecular Perspectives. London: British Society for Parasitology, 63–69.
Jeanneret J-P, 1991. Epidémiologie de la Toxocarose dans la Région Jurassienne. Neufchâtel, Suisse: Université de Neufchâtel, Institut de Zoologie.,40,4,20050519090858-VV/2_these_JeanneretJP.pdf. Accessed April 18, 2007.
Deutz A, Fuchs K, Auer H, Kerbl U, Aspock H, Kofer J, 2005. Toxocara-infestations in Austria: a study on the risk of infection of farmers, slaughterhouse staff, hunters and veterinarians. Parasitol Res 97 :390–394.
Buijs J, Borsboom G, Renting M, Hilgersom WJ, van Wieringen JC, Jansen G, Neijens J, 1997. Relationship between allergic manifestations and Toxocara seropositivity: a cross-sectional study among elementary school children. Eur Respir J 10 :1467–1475.
Cilla G, Perez-Trallero E, Gutierrez C, Part C, Gomariz M, 1996. Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection in middle-class and disadvantaged children in northern Spain (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country). Eur J Epidemiol 12 :541–543.
Thompson DE, Bundy DA, Cooper ES, Schantz PM, 1986. Epidemiological characteristics of Toxocara canis zoonotic infection of children in a Caribbean community. Bull World Health Organ 64 :283–290.
Magnaval J-F, Michault A, Calon N, Charlet J-P, 1994. Epidemiology of human toxocariasis in La Reunion. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 88 :531–533.
Fonrouge R, Guardis MV, Radman NE, Archelli SM, 2000. Contaminacion de suelos con huevos de Toxocara sp. en plazas y parques publicos de la ciudad de La Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bol Chil Parasitol 55 :83–85.
Radman NE, Archelli SM, Fonrouge RD, del V Guardis M, Linzitto OR, 2000. Human toxocarosis. Its seroprevalence in the city of La Plata. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 95 :281–285.
Alonso JM, Stein M, Chamorro MC, Bojanich MV, 2001. Contamination of soils with eggs of Toxocara in a subtropical city in Argentina. J Helminthol 75 :165–168.
Alonso JM, Bojanich MV, Chamorro M, Gorodner JO, 2000. Toxocara seroprevalence in children from a subtropical city in Argentina. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 42 :235–237.
Lopez M de L, Martin G, Chamorro M del C, Mario Alonso J, 2005. Toxocariasis en niños de una region subtropical. Medicina (B Aires) 65 :226–230.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 100 | 52 | 6 |
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To investigate the epidemiology of human toxocariasis in a steppe environment, a field survey was carried out in three provinces of Argentina’s Patagonia (Chubut, Neuquen, and Rio Negro) among 114 rural subjects residing in estancias (cattle- or sheep-breeding ranches). Overall seroprevalence was 31.6%, and the contamination rate of soil by Toxocara eggs was 35.1%. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed for various exposure variables and also for the De Martonne aridity–humidity index. Multivariate analysis revealed that the seroprevalence rate was found to be inversely correlated with age but was positively linked to De Martonne index. These findings suggest that the harsh climatic conditions existing in Argentina’s Patagonia would inhibit embryonation of eggs in the soil, thus lowering the transmission of human toxocariasis.
Beaver PC, Snyder CH, Carrera GM, Dent JH, Lafferty JW, 1952. Chronic eosinophilia due to visceral larva migrans; report of three cases. Pediatrics 9 :7–19.
Nagakura K, Kanno S, Tachibana H, Kaneda Y, Ohkido M, Kondo K, Inoue H, 1990. Serologic differentiation between Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati.J Infect Dis 162 :1418–1419.
Glickman LT, Schantz PM, 1981. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of zoonotic toxocariasis. Epidemiol Rev 3 :230–250.
Gamboa MI, 2005. Effects of temperature and humidity on the development of eggs of Toxocara canis under laboratory conditions. J Helminthol 79 :327–331.
Jimenez JF, Valladares B, Fernandez-Palacios JM, de Armas F, del Castillo A, 1997. A serologic study of human toxocariasis in the Canary Islands (Spain): environmental influences. Am J Trop Med Hyg 56 :113–115.
Safar EH, Abdel Ghaffar FM, Saffar SA, Makled KM, Habib KS, el Abiad R, el Shabrawy E, 1995. Incidence of Toxoplasma and Toxocara antibodies among out-patients in the Ophthalmic Research Institute, Egypt. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 25 :839–852.
Theodoridis I, Frydas S, Papazahariadou M, Hatzistilianou M, Adamama-Moraitou KK, Di Gioacchino M, Felaco M, 2001. Toxocarosis as zoonosis. A review of literature and the prevalence of Toxocara canis antibodies in 511 serum samples. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 14 :17–23.
Malla N, Aggarwal AK, Mahajan RC, 2002. A serological study of human toxocariasis in north India. Natl Med J India 15 :145–147.
Huminer D, Symon K, Groskopf I, Pietrushka D, Kremer I, Schantz PM, Pitlik SD, 1992. Seroepidemiologic study of toxocariasis and strongyloidiasis in institutionalized mentally retarded adults. Am J Trop Med Hyg 46 :278–281.
Kanafani ZA, Skoury A, Araj GF, El-Khoury M, Sawaya RA, Atweh SF, Kanj SS, 2006. Seroprevalence of toxocariasis in Lebanon: a pilot study. Parasitology 132 :635–639.
Sadjjadi SM, Khosravi M, Mehrabani D, Orya A, 2000. Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection in school children in Shiraz, southern Iran. J Trop Pediatr 46 :327–330.
Strahler AN, Strahler AH, 2006. Introduction to Physical Geography. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Craig PS, Larrieu E, 2006. Control of cystic echinococcosis/hydatidosis: 1863–2002. Adv Parasitol 61 :443–508.
De Savigny DH, 1975. In vitro maintenance of Toxocara canis larvae and a simple method for the production of Toxocara ES antigen for use in serodiagnostic tests for visceral larva migrans. J Parasitol 61 :781–782.
Bowman DD, Mika-Grieve M, Grieve RB, 1987. Circulating excretory–secretory antigen levels and specific antibody responses in mice infected with Toxocara canis.Am J Trop Med Hyg 36 :75–82.
Magnaval J-F, Fabre R, Maurieres P, Charlet J-P, de Larrard B, 1991. Application of the western blotting procedure for the immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis. Parasitol Res 77 :697–702.
Sheather AI, 1923. The detection of intestinal protozoa and mange parasites by a flotation technique. J Comp Ther 36 :266–275.
Mitchell TD, Jones PD, 2005. An improved method of constructing a database of monthly climate observations and associated high-resolution grids. Int J Climatol 25 :693–712.
Barriga OO, 1988. A critical look at the importance, prevalence and control of toxocariasis and the possibilities of immunological control. Vet Parasitol 29 :195–234.
Herrmann N, Glickman LT, Schantz PM, Weston MG, Domanski LM, 1985. Seroprevalence of zoonotic toxocariasis in the United States: 1971–1973. Am J Epidemiol 122 :890–896.
Glickman LT, Magnaval JF, Domanski LM, Shofer FS, Lauria SS, Gottstein B, Brochier B, 1987. Visceral larva migrans in French adults: a new disease syndrome? Am J Epidemiol 125 :1019–1034.
Gueglio B, de Gentile L, Nguyen JM, Achard J, Chabasse D, Marjolet M, 1994. Epidemiologic approach to human toxocariasis in western France. Parasitol Res 80 :531–536.
Magnaval J-F, Baixench M, 1993. Toxocariasis in the Midi-Pyrénnées region. Lewis JW, Maizels RM, eds. Toxocara and Toxocariasis. Clinical, Epidemiological, and Molecular Perspectives. London: British Society for Parasitology, 63–69.
Jeanneret J-P, 1991. Epidémiologie de la Toxocarose dans la Région Jurassienne. Neufchâtel, Suisse: Université de Neufchâtel, Institut de Zoologie.,40,4,20050519090858-VV/2_these_JeanneretJP.pdf. Accessed April 18, 2007.
Deutz A, Fuchs K, Auer H, Kerbl U, Aspock H, Kofer J, 2005. Toxocara-infestations in Austria: a study on the risk of infection of farmers, slaughterhouse staff, hunters and veterinarians. Parasitol Res 97 :390–394.
Buijs J, Borsboom G, Renting M, Hilgersom WJ, van Wieringen JC, Jansen G, Neijens J, 1997. Relationship between allergic manifestations and Toxocara seropositivity: a cross-sectional study among elementary school children. Eur Respir J 10 :1467–1475.
Cilla G, Perez-Trallero E, Gutierrez C, Part C, Gomariz M, 1996. Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection in middle-class and disadvantaged children in northern Spain (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country). Eur J Epidemiol 12 :541–543.
Thompson DE, Bundy DA, Cooper ES, Schantz PM, 1986. Epidemiological characteristics of Toxocara canis zoonotic infection of children in a Caribbean community. Bull World Health Organ 64 :283–290.
Magnaval J-F, Michault A, Calon N, Charlet J-P, 1994. Epidemiology of human toxocariasis in La Reunion. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 88 :531–533.
Fonrouge R, Guardis MV, Radman NE, Archelli SM, 2000. Contaminacion de suelos con huevos de Toxocara sp. en plazas y parques publicos de la ciudad de La Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bol Chil Parasitol 55 :83–85.
Radman NE, Archelli SM, Fonrouge RD, del V Guardis M, Linzitto OR, 2000. Human toxocarosis. Its seroprevalence in the city of La Plata. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 95 :281–285.
Alonso JM, Stein M, Chamorro MC, Bojanich MV, 2001. Contamination of soils with eggs of Toxocara in a subtropical city in Argentina. J Helminthol 75 :165–168.
Alonso JM, Bojanich MV, Chamorro M, Gorodner JO, 2000. Toxocara seroprevalence in children from a subtropical city in Argentina. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 42 :235–237.
Lopez M de L, Martin G, Chamorro M del C, Mario Alonso J, 2005. Toxocariasis en niños de una region subtropical. Medicina (B Aires) 65 :226–230.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 100 | 52 | 6 |
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