Mendoza M, Nicholls R, Olano VA, Cortés L, 2000. Situación de la Malaria en Colombia. Manual de Manejo integral de la malaria. Bogota: Instituto Nacional de Salud.
Servicio de Erradicación de la Malaria, 1957. Plan de Erradicación de la Malaria en Colombia. Volumen II. Bogota: Ministerio de Salud Nacional.
Olano VA, Brochero HL, Sáenz R, Quiñones ML, Molina J, 2001. Mapas preliminares de la distribución de especies de Anopheles vectores de malaria en Colombia. Biomedica (Bogota) 21 :402–408.
Conn JE, Wilkerson RC, Segura MNO, de-Souza-Raimundo TL, Schlichting CD, Wirtz RA, Povoa MM, 2002. Emergence of a new Neotropical malaria vector facilitated by human migration and changes in land use. Am J Trop Med Hyg 66 :18–22.
Herrera S, Suárez MF, Sánchez GI, Quiñones ML, de Herrera M, 1987. Uso de la técnica inmunoradiometrica (IRMA) en Anopheles de Colombia para la identificación de esporozoitos de Plasmodium.Colomb Med 18 :2–6.
Brochero HL, Rey G, Buitrago LS, Olano VA, 2005. Biting activity and breeding sites of Anopheles species in the municipality Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 21 :182–186.
Collins WE, Warren M, Skinner JC, Sutton BB, 1985. Infectivity of two strains of Plasmodium vivax to Anopheles albitarsis mosquitoes from Colombia. J Parasitol 71 :771–773.
Quiñones ML, Suárez MF, 1990. Indoor resting heights of some anophelines in Colombia. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 6 :602–604.
Harbach RE, 2004. The classification of genus Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae): a working hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships. Bull Ent Res 95 :537–553.
Wilkerson RC, Parson TJ, Klein TA, Gaffigan TV, Bergo E, Consolim J, 1995a. Diagnosis by random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction of four cryptic species related to Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis (Diptera: Culicidae) from Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. J Med Entomol 32 :697–704.
Wilkerson RC, Gaffigan TV, Bento-Lima JB, 1995b. Identification of species related to Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis by random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 90 :721–732.
Lehr MA, Kilpatrick CW, Wilkerson RC, Conn JE, 2005. Cryptic species in the Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis (Diptera: Culicidae) complex: incongruence between RAPD-PCR identification and analysis of mtDNA COI gene sequences. Ann Entomol Soc Am 98 :908–917.
Wilkerson RC, Foster PG, Li C, Sallum MAM, 2005. Molecular phylogeny of the Neotropical Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis species complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 98 :918–925.
Li C, Wilkerson RC, 2005. Identification of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex species (Diptera: Culicidae) using rDNA internal transcribed spacer 2-based polymerase chain reaction primers. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 100 :495–500.
Merritt TJS, Young CR, Vogt RG, Wilkerson RC, Quattro JM, 2005. Intron retention identifies a malaria vector within the Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Mol Phylogenet Evol 35 :719–724.
Instituto Nacional de Salud 2006. Sistema nacional de vigilancia en salud pública, Sivigila. Inf Quinc Epidemiol Nac 11 :33–48.
Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, 1996. Diccionario Geográfico de Colombia. Bogota: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi Editores.
Faran ME, Linthicum KJ, 1981. A handbook of the Amazonian species of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) (Diptera: Culcidae). Mosq Syst 13 :1–81.
Linthicum KJ, 1988. A revision of the argyritarsis section of the subgenus Nyssorhynchus of Anopheles.Mosq Syst 20 :98–271.
Li C, Wilkerson RC, 2007. Intragenomic rDNA ITS2 variation in the neotropical Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex (Diptera: Culicidae). J Hered 98 :51–59.
Swofford DL, 2003 PAUP*. Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (*and Other Methods). version 4.0. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
Simmons MP, Ochoteria H, 2000. Gaps as characters in sequence-based phylogenetic analyses. Syst Biol 49 :369–381.
Kreutzer RD, Kitzmiller JB, Rabbani MG, 1976. Cytogenetically distinguishable sympatric and allopatric populations of mosquito Anopheles albitarsis.Acta Amazonica 6 :473–481.
Rosa-Freitas MG, Deane LM, 1989. The neotype of Anopheles albitarsis (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 84 :289–302.
Rosa-Freitas MG, Deane LM, Momen H, 1990. A morphological, isoenzymatic and behavioral study of ten populations of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis Lynch-Arribalzaga, 1878 (Diptera: Culicidae) including from the type-locality—Baradero, Argentina. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 85 :275–289.
Narang SK, Klein TA, Perera OP, Lima JB, Tang AT, 1993. Genetic evidence for the existence of cryptic species in the Anopheles albitarsis complex in Brazil: allozymes and mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Biochem Genet 31 :97–112.
Rosa-Freitas MG, 1989. Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum: a new species in the albitarsis complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 84 :535–543.
Krzywinski J, Besanksy NJ, 2002. Frequent intron loss in the white gene: a cautionary tale for phylogeneticists. Mol Biol Evol 19 :362–366.
Besansky NJ, Krzywinski J, Lehmann T, Simard F, Kern M, Mukabayire O, Fontenille D, Touré Y, Sagnon N, 2003. Semi-permeable species boundaries between Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis: evidence from multilocus DNA sequence variation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100 :10818–10823.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 279 | 235 | 96 |
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We report a previously unrecognized mosquito species from eastern Colombia belonging to the Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex. We provisionally name this taxon An. albitarsis species “F.” Until now, the only members of the Albitarsis Complex recorded from north of the Amazon River have been An. marajoara and a putative phylogenetic species, An. albitarsis “E.” As with the other largely monomorphic species in the complex, we were able to detect its presence using ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (rDNA ITS2) and partial white gene sequences. Unlike An. marajoara, but in common with other species in the complex, An. albitarsis F lacks the white gene fourth intron. This species is sympatric with An. marajoara in a malaria-endemic area in Puerto Carreño, Vichada Department, Colombia. It could be an important current and/or historical vector of human malaria parasites at this locality and, depending on its actual distribution, elsewhere in Colombia and Venezuela.
Mendoza M, Nicholls R, Olano VA, Cortés L, 2000. Situación de la Malaria en Colombia. Manual de Manejo integral de la malaria. Bogota: Instituto Nacional de Salud.
Servicio de Erradicación de la Malaria, 1957. Plan de Erradicación de la Malaria en Colombia. Volumen II. Bogota: Ministerio de Salud Nacional.
Olano VA, Brochero HL, Sáenz R, Quiñones ML, Molina J, 2001. Mapas preliminares de la distribución de especies de Anopheles vectores de malaria en Colombia. Biomedica (Bogota) 21 :402–408.
Conn JE, Wilkerson RC, Segura MNO, de-Souza-Raimundo TL, Schlichting CD, Wirtz RA, Povoa MM, 2002. Emergence of a new Neotropical malaria vector facilitated by human migration and changes in land use. Am J Trop Med Hyg 66 :18–22.
Herrera S, Suárez MF, Sánchez GI, Quiñones ML, de Herrera M, 1987. Uso de la técnica inmunoradiometrica (IRMA) en Anopheles de Colombia para la identificación de esporozoitos de Plasmodium.Colomb Med 18 :2–6.
Brochero HL, Rey G, Buitrago LS, Olano VA, 2005. Biting activity and breeding sites of Anopheles species in the municipality Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 21 :182–186.
Collins WE, Warren M, Skinner JC, Sutton BB, 1985. Infectivity of two strains of Plasmodium vivax to Anopheles albitarsis mosquitoes from Colombia. J Parasitol 71 :771–773.
Quiñones ML, Suárez MF, 1990. Indoor resting heights of some anophelines in Colombia. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 6 :602–604.
Harbach RE, 2004. The classification of genus Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae): a working hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships. Bull Ent Res 95 :537–553.
Wilkerson RC, Parson TJ, Klein TA, Gaffigan TV, Bergo E, Consolim J, 1995a. Diagnosis by random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction of four cryptic species related to Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis (Diptera: Culicidae) from Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. J Med Entomol 32 :697–704.
Wilkerson RC, Gaffigan TV, Bento-Lima JB, 1995b. Identification of species related to Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis by random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 90 :721–732.
Lehr MA, Kilpatrick CW, Wilkerson RC, Conn JE, 2005. Cryptic species in the Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis (Diptera: Culicidae) complex: incongruence between RAPD-PCR identification and analysis of mtDNA COI gene sequences. Ann Entomol Soc Am 98 :908–917.
Wilkerson RC, Foster PG, Li C, Sallum MAM, 2005. Molecular phylogeny of the Neotropical Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis species complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 98 :918–925.
Li C, Wilkerson RC, 2005. Identification of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex species (Diptera: Culicidae) using rDNA internal transcribed spacer 2-based polymerase chain reaction primers. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 100 :495–500.
Merritt TJS, Young CR, Vogt RG, Wilkerson RC, Quattro JM, 2005. Intron retention identifies a malaria vector within the Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Mol Phylogenet Evol 35 :719–724.
Instituto Nacional de Salud 2006. Sistema nacional de vigilancia en salud pública, Sivigila. Inf Quinc Epidemiol Nac 11 :33–48.
Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, 1996. Diccionario Geográfico de Colombia. Bogota: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi Editores.
Faran ME, Linthicum KJ, 1981. A handbook of the Amazonian species of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) (Diptera: Culcidae). Mosq Syst 13 :1–81.
Linthicum KJ, 1988. A revision of the argyritarsis section of the subgenus Nyssorhynchus of Anopheles.Mosq Syst 20 :98–271.
Li C, Wilkerson RC, 2007. Intragenomic rDNA ITS2 variation in the neotropical Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex (Diptera: Culicidae). J Hered 98 :51–59.
Swofford DL, 2003 PAUP*. Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (*and Other Methods). version 4.0. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
Simmons MP, Ochoteria H, 2000. Gaps as characters in sequence-based phylogenetic analyses. Syst Biol 49 :369–381.
Kreutzer RD, Kitzmiller JB, Rabbani MG, 1976. Cytogenetically distinguishable sympatric and allopatric populations of mosquito Anopheles albitarsis.Acta Amazonica 6 :473–481.
Rosa-Freitas MG, Deane LM, 1989. The neotype of Anopheles albitarsis (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 84 :289–302.
Rosa-Freitas MG, Deane LM, Momen H, 1990. A morphological, isoenzymatic and behavioral study of ten populations of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis Lynch-Arribalzaga, 1878 (Diptera: Culicidae) including from the type-locality—Baradero, Argentina. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 85 :275–289.
Narang SK, Klein TA, Perera OP, Lima JB, Tang AT, 1993. Genetic evidence for the existence of cryptic species in the Anopheles albitarsis complex in Brazil: allozymes and mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Biochem Genet 31 :97–112.
Rosa-Freitas MG, 1989. Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum: a new species in the albitarsis complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 84 :535–543.
Krzywinski J, Besanksy NJ, 2002. Frequent intron loss in the white gene: a cautionary tale for phylogeneticists. Mol Biol Evol 19 :362–366.
Besansky NJ, Krzywinski J, Lehmann T, Simard F, Kern M, Mukabayire O, Fontenille D, Touré Y, Sagnon N, 2003. Semi-permeable species boundaries between Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis: evidence from multilocus DNA sequence variation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100 :10818–10823.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 279 | 235 | 96 |
Full Text Views | 305 | 7 | 4 |
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