Randrianarivelojosia M, Harisoa JL, Rabarijaona LP, Raharimalala LA, Ranaivo L, Pietra V, Duchemin JB, Rakotomanana F, Robert V, Mauclere P, Ariey F, 2002. In vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to amodiaquine compared with other major antimalarials in Madagascar. Parassitologia 44 :141–147.
Ralamboson D, 1964. Evolution du paludisme à Madagascar et lutte antipalustre. Ann Univ Madagascar 2 :123–133.
Randrianarivelojosia M, Fidock DA, Belmonte O, Valderramos SG, Mercereau-Puijalon O, Ariey F, 2006. First evidence of pfcrt mutant Plasmodium falciparum in Madagascar. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 100 :826–830.
Mouchet J, 1998. L’origine des épidémies de paludisme sur les Plateaux de Madagascar et les montagnes d’Afrique de l’est et du sud. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 91 :64–66.
Lepers JP, Deloron P, Fontenille D, Coulanges P, 1988. Reappearance of falciparum malaria in central highland plateaux of Madagascar. Lancet 1 :586.
Milijaona R, Raharimalala L, Ramambanirina L, Ranaivo LH, Jambou R, 1998. Chimiorésistance de Plasmodium falciparum sur les marges des Hautes Terres malgaches: perspective pour le programme national de lutte. Med Trop (Mars) 58 :261–265.
Ariey F, Randrianarivelojosia M, Duchemin JB, Rakotondramarina D, Ouledi A, Robert V, Jambou R, Jahevitra M, Andrianantenaina H, Raharimalala L, Mauclere P, 2002. Mapping of a Plasmodium falciparum pfcrt K76T mutation: a useful strategy for controlling chloroquine resistance in Madagascar. J Infect Dis 185 :710–712.
Ratsimbasoa A, Randrianarivelojosia M, Millet P, Soares JL, Rabarijaona L, Rakotoson B, Malvy D, Menard D, 2006. Use of pre-packaged chloroquine for the home management of presumed malaria in Malagasy children. Malar J 5 :79.
Rason MA, Ariey F, Rafidimanantsoa L, Andrianantenaina BH, Sahondra Harisoa JL, Randrianarivelojosia M, 2002. Monitoring the drug-sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum in coastal towns in Madagascar by use of in vitro chemosensitivity and mutation detection tests. Parasite 9 :247–253.
Djimde A, Doumbo OK, Cortese JF, Kayentao K, Doumbo S, Diourte Y, Dicko A, Su XZ, Nomura T, Fidock DA, Wellems TE, Plowe CV, Coulibaly D, 2001. A molecular marker for chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria. N Engl J Med 344 :257–263.
Fidock DA, Nomura T, Talley AK, Cooper RA, Dzekunov SM, Ferdig MT, Ursos LM, Sidhu AB, Naude B, Deitsch KW, Su XZ, Wootton JC, Roepe PD, Wellems TE, 2000. Mutations in the P. falciparum digestive vacuole transmembrane protein PfCRT and evidence for their role in chloroquine resistance. Mol Cell 6 :861–871.
Duraisingh MT, Cowman AF, 2005. Contribution of the pfmdr1 gene to antimalarial drug-resistance. Acta Trop 94 :181–190.
Duraisingh MT, Jones P, Sambou I, von Seidlein L, Pinder M, Warhurst DC, 2000. The tyrosine-86 allele of the pfmdr1 gene of Plasmodium falciparum is associated with increased sensitivity to the anti-malarials mefloquine and artemisinin. Mol Biochem Parasitol 108 :13–23.
Woodrow CJ, Krishna S, 2006. Antimalarial drugs: recent advances in molecular determinants of resistance and their clinical significance. Cell Mol Life Sci 63 :1586–1596.
Robert V, Le Goff G, Andrianaivolambo L, Randimby FM, Domarle O, Randrianarivelojosia M, Raharimanga V, Raveloson A, Ravaonjanahary C, Ariey F, 2006. Moderate transmission but high prevalence of malaria in Madagascar. Int J Parasitol 36 :1273–1281.
Desjardins RE, Canfield CJ, Haynes JD, Chulay JD, 1979. Quantitative assessment of antimalarial activity in vitro by a semiautomated microdilution technique. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 16 :710–718.
Randrianarivelojosia M, Ariey F, Raharimalala LA, Parzy D, Rogier C, Jambou R, 2002. Current absence of pyrimethamine resistance of Plasmodium falciparum in Madagascar. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 96 :557–559.
Lim P, Chim P, Sem R, Nemh S, Poravuth Y, Lim C, Seila S, Tsuyuoka R, Denis MB, Socheat D, Fandeur T, 2005. In vitro monitoring of Plasmodium falciparum susceptibility to artesunate, mefloquine, quinine and chloroquine in Cambodia: 2001–2002. Acta Trop 93 :31–40.
Aubouy A, Mayombo J, Keundjian A, Bakary M, Le Bras J, Deloron P, 2004. Short report: lack of prediction of amodiaquine efficacy in treating Plasmodium falciparum malaria by in vitro tests. Am J Trop Med Hyg 71 :294–296.
Ariey F, Chalvet W, Hommel D, Peneau C, Hulin A, Mercereau-Puijalon O, Duchemin JB, Sarthou JL, Reynes JM, Fandeur T, 1999. Plasmodium falciparum parasites in French Guiana: limited genetic diversity and high selfing rate. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61 :978–985.
Randrianasolo L, Randriamanantena A, Ranarivelo L, Ratsimbasoa A, Domarle O, Randrianarivelojosia M, 2004. Monitoring susceptibility to sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine among cases of uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Saharevo, Madagascar. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 98 :551–554.
Raharimalala AL, Randrianarivelojosia M, Randriamanantena A, Ranarivelo LA, Jaureguiberry S, Rason MA, Rakotomalala E, Ariey F, 2000. Sensibilité de Plasmodium falciparum à Sainte Marie dans l’est de Madagascar: études in vivo et in vitro.Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar 66 :26–31.
Willcox ML, Rakotondrazafy E, Andriamanalimanana R, Andrianasolo D, Rasoanaivo P, 2004. Decreasing clinical efficacy of chloroquine in Ankazobe, central highlands of Madagascar. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 98 :311–314.
Basco LK, Le Bras J, Rhoades Z, Wilson CM, 1995. Analysis of pfmdr1 and drug susceptibility in fresh isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from sub-Saharan Africa. Mol Biochem Parasitol 74 :157–166.
Randrianarivelojosia M, Randrianasolo L, Randremanana RV, Randriamanantena A, Ratsimbasoa A, Rakotoson JD, 2004. Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to the drugs used to treat severe malaria (quinine) and to prevent malaria (mefloquine, cycloguanil) in Comoros Union and Madagascar. S Afr Med J 94 :47–51.
Sidhu AB, Valderramos SG, Fidock DA, 2005. pfmdr1 Mutations contribute to quinine resistance and enhance mefloquine and artemisinin sensitivity in Plasmodium falciparum.Mol Microbiol 57 :913–926.
Duraisingh MT, Roper C, Walliker D, Warhurst DC, 2000. Increased sensitivity to the antimalarials mefloquine and artemisinin is conferred by mutations in the pfmdr1 gene of Plasmodium falciparum.Mol Microbiol 36 :955–961.
Price RN, Uhlemann AC, Brockman A, McGready R, Ashley E, Phaipun L, Patel R, Laing K, Looareesuwan S, White NJ, Nosten F, Krishna S, 2004. Mefloquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum and increased pfmdr1 gene copy number. Lancet 364 :438–447.
Uhlemann AC, McGready R, Ashley EA, Brockman A, Singhasivanon P, Krishna S, White NJ, Nosten F, Price RN, 2007. Intrahost selection of Plasmodium falciparum pfmdr1 alleles after antimalarial treatment on the northwestern border of Thailand. J Infect Dis 195 :134–141.
Rohrbach P, Sanchez CP, Hayton K, Friedrich O, Patel J, Sidhu AB, Ferdig MT, Fidock DA, Lanzer M, 2006. Genetic linkage of pfmdr1 with food vacuolar solute import in Plasmodium falciparum.EMBO J 25:3000–3011. Epub June 22, 2006.
Mita T, Kaneko A, Hombhanje F, Hwaihwanje I, Takahashi N, Osawa H, Tsukahara T, Masta A, Lum JK, Kobayakawa T, Ishizaki T, Bjorkman A, 2006. Role of pfmdr1 mutations on chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates with pfcrt K76T from Papua New Guinea. Acta Trop 98 :137–144.
Service de Lutte Contre le Paludisme, 2005. Politique nationale de lutte contre le paludisme. Antananarivo: Ministère de la Santé et du Planning Familial, Madagascar.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 404 | 353 | 173 |
Full Text Views | 347 | 8 | 4 |
PDF Downloads | 73 | 7 | 2 |
We assessed the status of point mutations associated with chloroquine resistance in pfcrt codon 76 and in pfmdr1 codon 86 among Plasmodium falciparum isolates from symptomatic patients in 3 sites in Madagascar. The in vitro susceptibility of P. falciparum isolates to quinoline-containing drugs was also determined. All isolates (N = 117) successfully typed were pfcrt wild-type, except one from Tsiroanomandidy (1 of 27). However, 67.5% (95% CI: 58.2–75.9%) of these isolates contained mutant pfmdr1 86Y. The pfmdr1 N86Y mutation is associated with higher mefloquine susceptibility, but it did not affect the sensitivity of parasites to chloroquine or quinine. Our findings demonstrate that pfmdr1 mutant P. falciparum are prevalent in Madagascar and confirm the low prevalence of pfcrt mutant P. falciparum after 60 years of chloroquine use. They provide additional field-based evidence for increased mefloquine susceptibility in pfmdr1 mutant P. falciparum and are suggestive of the intrahost selection of pfmdr1 mutant parasites.
Randrianarivelojosia M, Harisoa JL, Rabarijaona LP, Raharimalala LA, Ranaivo L, Pietra V, Duchemin JB, Rakotomanana F, Robert V, Mauclere P, Ariey F, 2002. In vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to amodiaquine compared with other major antimalarials in Madagascar. Parassitologia 44 :141–147.
Ralamboson D, 1964. Evolution du paludisme à Madagascar et lutte antipalustre. Ann Univ Madagascar 2 :123–133.
Randrianarivelojosia M, Fidock DA, Belmonte O, Valderramos SG, Mercereau-Puijalon O, Ariey F, 2006. First evidence of pfcrt mutant Plasmodium falciparum in Madagascar. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 100 :826–830.
Mouchet J, 1998. L’origine des épidémies de paludisme sur les Plateaux de Madagascar et les montagnes d’Afrique de l’est et du sud. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 91 :64–66.
Lepers JP, Deloron P, Fontenille D, Coulanges P, 1988. Reappearance of falciparum malaria in central highland plateaux of Madagascar. Lancet 1 :586.
Milijaona R, Raharimalala L, Ramambanirina L, Ranaivo LH, Jambou R, 1998. Chimiorésistance de Plasmodium falciparum sur les marges des Hautes Terres malgaches: perspective pour le programme national de lutte. Med Trop (Mars) 58 :261–265.
Ariey F, Randrianarivelojosia M, Duchemin JB, Rakotondramarina D, Ouledi A, Robert V, Jambou R, Jahevitra M, Andrianantenaina H, Raharimalala L, Mauclere P, 2002. Mapping of a Plasmodium falciparum pfcrt K76T mutation: a useful strategy for controlling chloroquine resistance in Madagascar. J Infect Dis 185 :710–712.
Ratsimbasoa A, Randrianarivelojosia M, Millet P, Soares JL, Rabarijaona L, Rakotoson B, Malvy D, Menard D, 2006. Use of pre-packaged chloroquine for the home management of presumed malaria in Malagasy children. Malar J 5 :79.
Rason MA, Ariey F, Rafidimanantsoa L, Andrianantenaina BH, Sahondra Harisoa JL, Randrianarivelojosia M, 2002. Monitoring the drug-sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum in coastal towns in Madagascar by use of in vitro chemosensitivity and mutation detection tests. Parasite 9 :247–253.
Djimde A, Doumbo OK, Cortese JF, Kayentao K, Doumbo S, Diourte Y, Dicko A, Su XZ, Nomura T, Fidock DA, Wellems TE, Plowe CV, Coulibaly D, 2001. A molecular marker for chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria. N Engl J Med 344 :257–263.
Fidock DA, Nomura T, Talley AK, Cooper RA, Dzekunov SM, Ferdig MT, Ursos LM, Sidhu AB, Naude B, Deitsch KW, Su XZ, Wootton JC, Roepe PD, Wellems TE, 2000. Mutations in the P. falciparum digestive vacuole transmembrane protein PfCRT and evidence for their role in chloroquine resistance. Mol Cell 6 :861–871.
Duraisingh MT, Cowman AF, 2005. Contribution of the pfmdr1 gene to antimalarial drug-resistance. Acta Trop 94 :181–190.
Duraisingh MT, Jones P, Sambou I, von Seidlein L, Pinder M, Warhurst DC, 2000. The tyrosine-86 allele of the pfmdr1 gene of Plasmodium falciparum is associated with increased sensitivity to the anti-malarials mefloquine and artemisinin. Mol Biochem Parasitol 108 :13–23.
Woodrow CJ, Krishna S, 2006. Antimalarial drugs: recent advances in molecular determinants of resistance and their clinical significance. Cell Mol Life Sci 63 :1586–1596.
Robert V, Le Goff G, Andrianaivolambo L, Randimby FM, Domarle O, Randrianarivelojosia M, Raharimanga V, Raveloson A, Ravaonjanahary C, Ariey F, 2006. Moderate transmission but high prevalence of malaria in Madagascar. Int J Parasitol 36 :1273–1281.
Desjardins RE, Canfield CJ, Haynes JD, Chulay JD, 1979. Quantitative assessment of antimalarial activity in vitro by a semiautomated microdilution technique. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 16 :710–718.
Randrianarivelojosia M, Ariey F, Raharimalala LA, Parzy D, Rogier C, Jambou R, 2002. Current absence of pyrimethamine resistance of Plasmodium falciparum in Madagascar. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 96 :557–559.
Lim P, Chim P, Sem R, Nemh S, Poravuth Y, Lim C, Seila S, Tsuyuoka R, Denis MB, Socheat D, Fandeur T, 2005. In vitro monitoring of Plasmodium falciparum susceptibility to artesunate, mefloquine, quinine and chloroquine in Cambodia: 2001–2002. Acta Trop 93 :31–40.
Aubouy A, Mayombo J, Keundjian A, Bakary M, Le Bras J, Deloron P, 2004. Short report: lack of prediction of amodiaquine efficacy in treating Plasmodium falciparum malaria by in vitro tests. Am J Trop Med Hyg 71 :294–296.
Ariey F, Chalvet W, Hommel D, Peneau C, Hulin A, Mercereau-Puijalon O, Duchemin JB, Sarthou JL, Reynes JM, Fandeur T, 1999. Plasmodium falciparum parasites in French Guiana: limited genetic diversity and high selfing rate. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61 :978–985.
Randrianasolo L, Randriamanantena A, Ranarivelo L, Ratsimbasoa A, Domarle O, Randrianarivelojosia M, 2004. Monitoring susceptibility to sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine among cases of uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Saharevo, Madagascar. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 98 :551–554.
Raharimalala AL, Randrianarivelojosia M, Randriamanantena A, Ranarivelo LA, Jaureguiberry S, Rason MA, Rakotomalala E, Ariey F, 2000. Sensibilité de Plasmodium falciparum à Sainte Marie dans l’est de Madagascar: études in vivo et in vitro.Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar 66 :26–31.
Willcox ML, Rakotondrazafy E, Andriamanalimanana R, Andrianasolo D, Rasoanaivo P, 2004. Decreasing clinical efficacy of chloroquine in Ankazobe, central highlands of Madagascar. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 98 :311–314.
Basco LK, Le Bras J, Rhoades Z, Wilson CM, 1995. Analysis of pfmdr1 and drug susceptibility in fresh isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from sub-Saharan Africa. Mol Biochem Parasitol 74 :157–166.
Randrianarivelojosia M, Randrianasolo L, Randremanana RV, Randriamanantena A, Ratsimbasoa A, Rakotoson JD, 2004. Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to the drugs used to treat severe malaria (quinine) and to prevent malaria (mefloquine, cycloguanil) in Comoros Union and Madagascar. S Afr Med J 94 :47–51.
Sidhu AB, Valderramos SG, Fidock DA, 2005. pfmdr1 Mutations contribute to quinine resistance and enhance mefloquine and artemisinin sensitivity in Plasmodium falciparum.Mol Microbiol 57 :913–926.
Duraisingh MT, Roper C, Walliker D, Warhurst DC, 2000. Increased sensitivity to the antimalarials mefloquine and artemisinin is conferred by mutations in the pfmdr1 gene of Plasmodium falciparum.Mol Microbiol 36 :955–961.
Price RN, Uhlemann AC, Brockman A, McGready R, Ashley E, Phaipun L, Patel R, Laing K, Looareesuwan S, White NJ, Nosten F, Krishna S, 2004. Mefloquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum and increased pfmdr1 gene copy number. Lancet 364 :438–447.
Uhlemann AC, McGready R, Ashley EA, Brockman A, Singhasivanon P, Krishna S, White NJ, Nosten F, Price RN, 2007. Intrahost selection of Plasmodium falciparum pfmdr1 alleles after antimalarial treatment on the northwestern border of Thailand. J Infect Dis 195 :134–141.
Rohrbach P, Sanchez CP, Hayton K, Friedrich O, Patel J, Sidhu AB, Ferdig MT, Fidock DA, Lanzer M, 2006. Genetic linkage of pfmdr1 with food vacuolar solute import in Plasmodium falciparum.EMBO J 25:3000–3011. Epub June 22, 2006.
Mita T, Kaneko A, Hombhanje F, Hwaihwanje I, Takahashi N, Osawa H, Tsukahara T, Masta A, Lum JK, Kobayakawa T, Ishizaki T, Bjorkman A, 2006. Role of pfmdr1 mutations on chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates with pfcrt K76T from Papua New Guinea. Acta Trop 98 :137–144.
Service de Lutte Contre le Paludisme, 2005. Politique nationale de lutte contre le paludisme. Antananarivo: Ministère de la Santé et du Planning Familial, Madagascar.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 404 | 353 | 173 |
Full Text Views | 347 | 8 | 4 |
PDF Downloads | 73 | 7 | 2 |