CDC, 2005. Historical summaries of notifiable diseases in the United States, 1993–2003. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 52 :69–85.
Kappus KD, Monath TP, Kaminski RM, Calisher CE, 1983. Reported encephalitis associated with California serogroup virus infections in United States, 1963 to 1981. Calisher CE, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 31–41.
Grimstad PR, 1988. California group virus disease. Monath TP, ed. The Arboviruses: Epidemiology and Ecology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 99–136.
Calisher CH, 1994. Medically important arboviruses of the United States and Canada. Clin Microbiol Rev 7 :89–116.
Reinert JF, 2000. New classification for the composite genus Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae: Aedini), elevation of subgenus Ochlerotatus to generic rank, reclassification of the other subgenera, and notes on certain subgenera and species. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 16 :175–188.
Shepard JJ, Andreadis TG, Vossbrinck CR, 2006. Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary relationships among mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from the northeastern United States based on small subunit ribosomal DNA (18S rDNA) sequences. J Med Entomol 43 :443–454.
Watts DM, Thompson WH, Yuill TM, DeFoliart GR, Hanson RP, 1974. Overwintering of La Crosse virus in Aedes triseriatus.Am J Trop Med Hyg 23 :694–700.
Watts DM, Pantuwatana S, DeFoliart GR, Yuill TM, Thompson WH, 1973. Transovarial transmission of La Crosse virus (California encephalitis group) in the mosquito, Aedes triseriatus.Science 182 :1140–1141.
Gauld LW, Hanson RP, Thompson WH, Sinha SK, 1974. Observations on a natural cycle of La Crosse virus (California group) in Southwestern Wisconsin. Am J Trop Med Hyg 23 :983–992.
Gauld LW, Yuill TM, Hanson RP, Sinha SK, 1975. Isolation of La Crosse virus (California encephalitis group) from the chipmunk (Tamias striatus), an amplifier host. Am J Trop Med Hyg 24 :999–1005.
Ksiazek TG, Yuill TM, 1977. Viremia and antibody response to La Crosse virus in sentinel gray squirrels (Sciuris carolinensis) and chipmunks (Tamias striatus). Am J Trop Med Hyg 26 :815–821.
Moulton DW, Thompson WH, 1971. California group virus infections in small, forest-dwelling mammals of Wisconsin. Some ecological considerations. Am J Trop Med Hyg 20 :474–482.
Pantuwatana S, Thompson WH, Watts DM, Hanson RP, 1972. Experimental infection of chipmunks and squirrels with La Crosse and Trivittatus viruses and biological transmission of La Crosse virus by Aedes triseriatus. Am J Trop Med Hyg 21 :476–481.
Grayson MA, Calisher CH, 1983. California serogroup viruses in New York State: a retrospective analysis of subtype distribution patterns and their epidemiologic significance, 1965–1981. Calisher CH, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 257–267.
Walker ED, Grayson MA, Edman JD, 1993. Isolation of Jamestown Canyon and snowshoe hare viruses (California serogroup) from Aedes mosquitoes in western Massachusetts. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 9 :131–134.
Dressler RL, Ganaway JR, Storm GL, Tzilkowski WM, 1988. Serum antibody prevalence for Herpesvirus sylvilagus, Bacillus piliformis and California serogroup arboviruses in cottontail rabbits from Pennsylvania. J Wildl Dis 24 :352–355.
Andreadis TG, Anderson JF, Vossbrinck CR, Main AJ, 2004. Epidemiology of West Nile virus in Connecticut, USA: a five year analysis of mosquito data 1999–2003. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 4 :360–378.
Andreadis TG, Thomas MC, Shepard JJ, 2005. Identification Guide to the Mosquitoes of Connecticut. New Haven, CT: The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
Dunn EF, Pritlove DC, Elliott RM, 1994. The S RNA genome segments of Batai, Cache Valley, Guaroa, Kairi, Lumbo, Main Drain and Northway bunyaviruses: sequence determination and analysis. J Gen Virol 75 :597–608.
Kumar S, Tamura K, Nei M, 2004. MEGA3: Integrated software for Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis and sequence alignment. Brief Bioinform 5 :150–163.
Swofford D, 2001. PAUP* 4.0, Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony and Other Methods. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
Russell PK, Nisalak A, Sukhavachana P, Vivona S, 1967. A plaque reduction test for dengue virus neutralizing antibodies. J Immunol 99 :285–290.
Hunt AR, Calisher CH, 1979. Relationships of bunyamwera group viruses by neutralization. Am J Trop Med Hyg 28 :740–749.
Gonzalez-Scarano F, Shope RE, Calisher CE, Nathanson N, 1982. Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against the G1 and N proteins of LaCrosse and Tahyna, two California serogroup bunyaviruses. Virology 120 :42–53.
Klimas RA, Thompson WH, Calisher CH, Clark GG, Grimstad PR, Bishop DH, 1981. Genotypic varieties of La Crosse virus isolated from different geographic regions of the continental United States and evidence for a naturally occurring intertypic recombinant La Crosse virus. Am J Epidemiol 114 :112–131.
El Said LH, Vorndam V, Gentsch JR, Clewley JP, Calisher CH, Klimas RA, Thompson WH, Grayson M, Trent DW, Bishop DH, 1979. A comparison of La Crosse virus isolated obtained from different ecological niches and an analysis of the structural components of California encephalitis serogroup viruses and other bunyaviruses. Am J Trop Med Hyg 28 :364–386.
Vanlandingham DL, Davis BS, Lvov DK, Samokhvalov E, Lvov SD, Black WC, Higgs S, Beaty BJ, 2002. Molecular characterization of California serogroup viruses isolated in Russia. Am J Trop Med Hyg 67 :306–309.
Berry RL, Parsons MA, Restifo RA, Peterson ED, Gordon SW, Reed MR, Calisher CH, Bear GT, Halpin HJ, 1983. California serogroup virus infections in Ohio: an 18 year retrospective summary. Calisher CH, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 215–223.
Craig GB Jr, 1983. Biology of Aedes triseriatus: some factors affecting control. Calisher CH, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 329–341.
Nasci RS, 1981. A lightweight battery-powered aspirator for collecting resting mosquitoes in the field. Mosquito News 41 :808–811.
Beier JC, Berry WJ, Craig GB Jr, 1982. Horizontal distribution of adult Aedes triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in relation to habitat structure, oviposition, and other mosquito species. J Med Entomol 19 :239–247.
Loor KA, DeFoliart GR, 1969. An oviposition trap for detecting the presence of Aedes triseriatus. Mosquito News 29 :487–488.
Gerhardt RR, Gottfried KL, Apperson CS, Davis BS, Erwin PC, Smith AB, Panella NA, Powell EE, Nasci RS, 2001. First isolation of La Crosse virus from naturally infected Aedes albopictus. Emerg Infect Dis 7 :807–811.
Szumlas DE, Apperson CS, Powell EE, Hartig P, Francy DB, Karabotsos N, 1996. Relative abundance and species composition of mosquito populations (Diptera:Culicidae) in a La Crosse virus-endemic area in western North Carolina. J Med Entomol 33 :598–607.
Nasci RS, Moore CG, Biggerstaff BJ, Panella NA, Liu HQ, Karabatsos N, Davis BS, Brannon ES, 2000. La Crosse encephalitis virus habitat associations in Nicholas County, West Virginia. J Med Entomol 37 :559–570.
Barker CM, Paulson SL, Cantrell S, Davis BS, 2003. Habitat preferences and phenology of Ochlerotatus triseriatus and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in southwestern Virginia. J Med Entomol 40 :403–410.
Andreadis TG, Anderson JF, Munstermann LE, Wolfe RJ, Florin DA, 2001. Discovery, distribution, and abundance of the newly introduced mosquito Ochlerotatus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Connecticut, USA. J Med Entomol 38 :774–779.
Miller BR, Beaty BJ, Lorenz LH, 1982. Variation of La Crosse virus filial infection rates in geographic strains of Aedes triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol 19 :213–214.
Nelson R, Wilcox L, Brennan T, Mayo D, 2002. Surveillance for arbovirus infections. Connecticut Epidemiologist 22 :5–8.
Huang C, Thompson WH, Campbell WP, 1995. Comparison of the M RNA genome segments of two human isolates of La Crosse virus. Virus Res 36 :177–185.
Grady LJ, Sanders ML, Campbell WP, 1987. The sequence of the M RNA of an isolate of La Crosse virus. J Gen Virol 68 :3057–3071.
Huang C, Thompson WH, Karabatsos N, Grady L, Campbell WP, 1997. Evidence that fatal human infections with La Crosse virus may be associated with a narrow range of genotypes. Virus Res 48 :143–148.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 479 | 411 | 203 |
Full Text Views | 351 | 17 | 9 |
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La Crosse virus (LACV) is found primarily in the Midwestern and Appalachian regions of the United States where it is a leading cause of mosquito-borne encephalitis in children. To determine whether the distribution of this virus extends further east into New England, we analyzed a bunyavirus that was isolated from a pool of eastern tree-hole mosquitoes, Ochlerotatus triseriatus (= Aedes triseriatus), collected from Fairfield, Connecticut (CT) in 2005. Nucleotide and encoded amino acid sequences from portions of the S, M, and L segments were more similar to the prototype strain of La Crosse virus than that of closely related snowshoe hare virus. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences from the M segment indicated that the CT isolate represents a distinct lineage of La Crosse virus, diverging earliest from other strains found in southeastern, central, and northeastern United States. Despite low sequence homology with other viral strains, the CT isolate was antigenically similar to the prototype strain of LACV by plaque-reduction neutralization tests with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. This represents the first isolation of LACV in New England to our knowledge and suggests long-term independent evolution of the CT isolate.
CDC, 2005. Historical summaries of notifiable diseases in the United States, 1993–2003. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 52 :69–85.
Kappus KD, Monath TP, Kaminski RM, Calisher CE, 1983. Reported encephalitis associated with California serogroup virus infections in United States, 1963 to 1981. Calisher CE, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 31–41.
Grimstad PR, 1988. California group virus disease. Monath TP, ed. The Arboviruses: Epidemiology and Ecology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 99–136.
Calisher CH, 1994. Medically important arboviruses of the United States and Canada. Clin Microbiol Rev 7 :89–116.
Reinert JF, 2000. New classification for the composite genus Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae: Aedini), elevation of subgenus Ochlerotatus to generic rank, reclassification of the other subgenera, and notes on certain subgenera and species. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 16 :175–188.
Shepard JJ, Andreadis TG, Vossbrinck CR, 2006. Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary relationships among mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from the northeastern United States based on small subunit ribosomal DNA (18S rDNA) sequences. J Med Entomol 43 :443–454.
Watts DM, Thompson WH, Yuill TM, DeFoliart GR, Hanson RP, 1974. Overwintering of La Crosse virus in Aedes triseriatus.Am J Trop Med Hyg 23 :694–700.
Watts DM, Pantuwatana S, DeFoliart GR, Yuill TM, Thompson WH, 1973. Transovarial transmission of La Crosse virus (California encephalitis group) in the mosquito, Aedes triseriatus.Science 182 :1140–1141.
Gauld LW, Hanson RP, Thompson WH, Sinha SK, 1974. Observations on a natural cycle of La Crosse virus (California group) in Southwestern Wisconsin. Am J Trop Med Hyg 23 :983–992.
Gauld LW, Yuill TM, Hanson RP, Sinha SK, 1975. Isolation of La Crosse virus (California encephalitis group) from the chipmunk (Tamias striatus), an amplifier host. Am J Trop Med Hyg 24 :999–1005.
Ksiazek TG, Yuill TM, 1977. Viremia and antibody response to La Crosse virus in sentinel gray squirrels (Sciuris carolinensis) and chipmunks (Tamias striatus). Am J Trop Med Hyg 26 :815–821.
Moulton DW, Thompson WH, 1971. California group virus infections in small, forest-dwelling mammals of Wisconsin. Some ecological considerations. Am J Trop Med Hyg 20 :474–482.
Pantuwatana S, Thompson WH, Watts DM, Hanson RP, 1972. Experimental infection of chipmunks and squirrels with La Crosse and Trivittatus viruses and biological transmission of La Crosse virus by Aedes triseriatus. Am J Trop Med Hyg 21 :476–481.
Grayson MA, Calisher CH, 1983. California serogroup viruses in New York State: a retrospective analysis of subtype distribution patterns and their epidemiologic significance, 1965–1981. Calisher CH, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 257–267.
Walker ED, Grayson MA, Edman JD, 1993. Isolation of Jamestown Canyon and snowshoe hare viruses (California serogroup) from Aedes mosquitoes in western Massachusetts. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 9 :131–134.
Dressler RL, Ganaway JR, Storm GL, Tzilkowski WM, 1988. Serum antibody prevalence for Herpesvirus sylvilagus, Bacillus piliformis and California serogroup arboviruses in cottontail rabbits from Pennsylvania. J Wildl Dis 24 :352–355.
Andreadis TG, Anderson JF, Vossbrinck CR, Main AJ, 2004. Epidemiology of West Nile virus in Connecticut, USA: a five year analysis of mosquito data 1999–2003. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 4 :360–378.
Andreadis TG, Thomas MC, Shepard JJ, 2005. Identification Guide to the Mosquitoes of Connecticut. New Haven, CT: The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
Dunn EF, Pritlove DC, Elliott RM, 1994. The S RNA genome segments of Batai, Cache Valley, Guaroa, Kairi, Lumbo, Main Drain and Northway bunyaviruses: sequence determination and analysis. J Gen Virol 75 :597–608.
Kumar S, Tamura K, Nei M, 2004. MEGA3: Integrated software for Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis and sequence alignment. Brief Bioinform 5 :150–163.
Swofford D, 2001. PAUP* 4.0, Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony and Other Methods. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
Russell PK, Nisalak A, Sukhavachana P, Vivona S, 1967. A plaque reduction test for dengue virus neutralizing antibodies. J Immunol 99 :285–290.
Hunt AR, Calisher CH, 1979. Relationships of bunyamwera group viruses by neutralization. Am J Trop Med Hyg 28 :740–749.
Gonzalez-Scarano F, Shope RE, Calisher CE, Nathanson N, 1982. Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against the G1 and N proteins of LaCrosse and Tahyna, two California serogroup bunyaviruses. Virology 120 :42–53.
Klimas RA, Thompson WH, Calisher CH, Clark GG, Grimstad PR, Bishop DH, 1981. Genotypic varieties of La Crosse virus isolated from different geographic regions of the continental United States and evidence for a naturally occurring intertypic recombinant La Crosse virus. Am J Epidemiol 114 :112–131.
El Said LH, Vorndam V, Gentsch JR, Clewley JP, Calisher CH, Klimas RA, Thompson WH, Grayson M, Trent DW, Bishop DH, 1979. A comparison of La Crosse virus isolated obtained from different ecological niches and an analysis of the structural components of California encephalitis serogroup viruses and other bunyaviruses. Am J Trop Med Hyg 28 :364–386.
Vanlandingham DL, Davis BS, Lvov DK, Samokhvalov E, Lvov SD, Black WC, Higgs S, Beaty BJ, 2002. Molecular characterization of California serogroup viruses isolated in Russia. Am J Trop Med Hyg 67 :306–309.
Berry RL, Parsons MA, Restifo RA, Peterson ED, Gordon SW, Reed MR, Calisher CH, Bear GT, Halpin HJ, 1983. California serogroup virus infections in Ohio: an 18 year retrospective summary. Calisher CH, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 215–223.
Craig GB Jr, 1983. Biology of Aedes triseriatus: some factors affecting control. Calisher CH, Thompson WH, eds. California Serogroup Viruses. New York: Liss, 329–341.
Nasci RS, 1981. A lightweight battery-powered aspirator for collecting resting mosquitoes in the field. Mosquito News 41 :808–811.
Beier JC, Berry WJ, Craig GB Jr, 1982. Horizontal distribution of adult Aedes triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in relation to habitat structure, oviposition, and other mosquito species. J Med Entomol 19 :239–247.
Loor KA, DeFoliart GR, 1969. An oviposition trap for detecting the presence of Aedes triseriatus. Mosquito News 29 :487–488.
Gerhardt RR, Gottfried KL, Apperson CS, Davis BS, Erwin PC, Smith AB, Panella NA, Powell EE, Nasci RS, 2001. First isolation of La Crosse virus from naturally infected Aedes albopictus. Emerg Infect Dis 7 :807–811.
Szumlas DE, Apperson CS, Powell EE, Hartig P, Francy DB, Karabotsos N, 1996. Relative abundance and species composition of mosquito populations (Diptera:Culicidae) in a La Crosse virus-endemic area in western North Carolina. J Med Entomol 33 :598–607.
Nasci RS, Moore CG, Biggerstaff BJ, Panella NA, Liu HQ, Karabatsos N, Davis BS, Brannon ES, 2000. La Crosse encephalitis virus habitat associations in Nicholas County, West Virginia. J Med Entomol 37 :559–570.
Barker CM, Paulson SL, Cantrell S, Davis BS, 2003. Habitat preferences and phenology of Ochlerotatus triseriatus and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in southwestern Virginia. J Med Entomol 40 :403–410.
Andreadis TG, Anderson JF, Munstermann LE, Wolfe RJ, Florin DA, 2001. Discovery, distribution, and abundance of the newly introduced mosquito Ochlerotatus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Connecticut, USA. J Med Entomol 38 :774–779.
Miller BR, Beaty BJ, Lorenz LH, 1982. Variation of La Crosse virus filial infection rates in geographic strains of Aedes triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol 19 :213–214.
Nelson R, Wilcox L, Brennan T, Mayo D, 2002. Surveillance for arbovirus infections. Connecticut Epidemiologist 22 :5–8.
Huang C, Thompson WH, Campbell WP, 1995. Comparison of the M RNA genome segments of two human isolates of La Crosse virus. Virus Res 36 :177–185.
Grady LJ, Sanders ML, Campbell WP, 1987. The sequence of the M RNA of an isolate of La Crosse virus. J Gen Virol 68 :3057–3071.
Huang C, Thompson WH, Karabatsos N, Grady L, Campbell WP, 1997. Evidence that fatal human infections with La Crosse virus may be associated with a narrow range of genotypes. Virus Res 48 :143–148.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 479 | 411 | 203 |
Full Text Views | 351 | 17 | 9 |
PDF Downloads | 108 | 17 | 7 |