World Health Organisation (WHO), 2000. African Summit on Roll Back Malaria, Abuja, Nigeria. WHO/CDS/RBM/2000.17. Geneva: WHO.
World Health Organisation (WHO), 2004. Scaling Up Home-Based Management of Malaria: From Research to Implementation. Geneva: WHO.
Hanson K, Goodman C, Lines J, Meek S, Bradley D, Mills A, 2004. The Economics of Malaria Control Interventions. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research.
Tavrow P, Shabahang J, MaKama S, 2001. Changing harmful treatment practices among private drug sellers in rural Kenya: results of a vendor-to-vendor intervention. Book of Abstracts. The 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA.
Marsh V, Mutemi WM, Muturi J, Haaland A, Watkins WM, Otieno G, Marsh K, 1999. Changing home treatment of childhood fevers by training shopkeepers in rural Kenya. Trop Med Int Health 4 :383–389.
Mahidol C, 2004. Malaria: integrated approaches for prevention and treatment. Editorial. Acta Trop 89 :265–269.
Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), 2001. Strategic Plan for Rolling Back Malaria in Nigeria 2001 – 2005. Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Health.
Greenwood BM, Bradley AK, Greenwood AM, Byass P, Jammeh K, Marsh K, Tulloch S, Oldfield FS, Hayes R, 1987. Mortality and morbidity from malaria among children in rural area of The Gambia, West Africa. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 81 :478–486.
Onwujekwe O, Ojukwu J, Uzochukwu B, Dike N, Shu E, 2005. Where do people from different socio-economic groups receive diagnosis and treatment for malaria in southeast Nigeria. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 99 :473–481.
Brieger WR, Osamor PE, Salami KK, Oladepo O, Otusanya SA, 2004. Interactions between patent medicine vendors and customers in urban and rural Nigeria. Health Pol Plan 19 :177–182.
Kofoed PE, Rodriges A, Co F, Hedegaard K, Rombo L, Aaby P, 2004. Which children come to the health centre for treatment of malaria? Acta Trop 90 :17–22.
Fawole OI, Onadeko MO, 2001. Knowledge and home management of malaria fever by mothers and care givers of under five children. West Afr J Med 20 :152–157.
McGrath ME, 2001. Product Strategy for High Technology Companies. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Kidane G, Morrow RH, 2000. Teaching mothers to provide home treatment of malaria in Tigray, Ethiopia: a randomized trial. Lancet 356 :550–555.
Umar US, Olumide A, Brieger WB, 2002. Morbidity in rural southwestern Nigeria: a one year follow-up of voluntary health worker consultations in Idere, Oyo State, Nigeria. African J Med Sc 31 :297–300.
Kelley AG, Kelley E, Simpara CHT, Sidibe O, Makinen M, 2001. The Equity Initiative in Mali. Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), Abt Associates Inc, Bethseda, MD.
Vlassof C, 1992. Listening to the people: improving disease control using social science approaches. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 86 :465–466.
Onwujekwe OE, Shu EN, Okonkwo PO, 1999. Can community leaders’ preferences be used to proxy those of the community as a whole? J Health Serv Res Policy 4 :133–138.
Filmer D, 2005. Fever and its treatment among the more and less poor in sub-Saharan Africa. Health Policy Plan 20 :337–346.
Worral E, Basu S, Hanson K, 2005. Is malaria a disease of poverty? A review of the literature. Trop Med Int Health 10 :1047–1059.
Murray CJL, Gakidou EE, Frenk J, 1999. Health inequalities and social group differences: what should we measure? Bull World Health Organ 77 :537–543.
Gallup JL, Sachs JD, 2001. The economic burden of malaria. Am J Trop Med Hyg 64(Suppl 1,2): 86–96.
Malaria and Vectors Control Unit (MVCU), 2000. Prevalence of malaria morbidity and mortality in Enugu state, 1995 to 1999. Malaria and Vectors Control Unit. Ministry of Health, Enugu, Nigeria.
Mitchell RC, Carson RT, 1989. Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method. Washington DC; Resources for the future.
Donaldson C, Farrar S, Mapp T, Walker A, McPhee S, 1997. Assessing community values in health care: is the ‘willingness to pay’ method feasible? Health Care Anal 5 :7–29.
Onwujekwe OE, Fox-Rushby J, Hanson K, 2004. Valuing the benefits of a health intervention using three different approaches to contingent valuation: re-treatment of mosquito bed-nets in Nigeria. J Health Ser Res Pol 9 :67–75.
Onwujekwe OE, 2004. Criterion and content validity of a novel structured haggling contingent valuation question format versus the bidding game and binary with follow-up questions. Soc Sci Med 58 :525–537.
Diamond P, Hausman J, 1994. Contingent valuation: Is some number better than no number? J Econ Perspec 8 :45–64.
Stavem K, 2002. Association of willingness to pay with severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, health status and other preference measures. Int J Tub Lung Dis 6 :542–549.
Liljas B, Blumenschein K, 2000. On hypothetical bias and calibration in cost-benefit studies. Health Policy (New York) 52 :53–70.
Currie GR, Donaldson C, O’Brien BJ, Stoddart GL, Torrance GW, Drummond MF, 2002. Willingness to pay for what? A note of alternate definitions of health care program benefits for contingent valuation studies. Med Decis Making 22 :493–497.
Shackley P, Donaldson C, 2002. Should we use willingness to pay to elicit community preferences for health care? New evidence from using a ‘marginal’ approach. J Health Econ 21 :971–991.
Mathiyazhagan K, 1998. Willingness to pay for rural health insurance through community participation in India. Health Plan Manage 13 :47–67.
Frykblom P, 1997. Hypothetical question modes and real willingness to pay. J Environ Econ Manage 34 :275–287.
Bloland PB, Kachur SP, Williams HA, 2003. Trends in antimalarial drug deployment in sub-Saharan Africa. J Exp Biol 206 :3761–3769.
TDR, 2002. Scaling up home management of malaria. Keynote article. TDR News No. 67 :1–2.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 105 | 50 | 2 |
Full Text Views | 253 | 16 | 6 |
PDF Downloads | 59 | 13 | 4 |
This article determined whether there are links between socio-economic status (SES) and preferences of consumers for different strategies for improving timely and appropriate management of malaria. Ranking of preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for 5 different strategies for improving the management of malaria in Enugu State, southeast Nigeria were elicited from randomly selected respondents. The results showed that the people were also willing to pay for improved management of malaria, though the levels of WTP was dependent on the SES of the respondents, with the poorest SES group willing to pay the least amount of money. Also, the respondents generally mostly preferred timely and appropriate management of malaria through formal public healthcare system. Hence, to decrease the inequity in malaria management and ensure the ready availability of appropriate treatment to the poorest households, the government should increase the availability and accessibility of publicly owned healthcare services, complemented by community-based health services.
World Health Organisation (WHO), 2000. African Summit on Roll Back Malaria, Abuja, Nigeria. WHO/CDS/RBM/2000.17. Geneva: WHO.
World Health Organisation (WHO), 2004. Scaling Up Home-Based Management of Malaria: From Research to Implementation. Geneva: WHO.
Hanson K, Goodman C, Lines J, Meek S, Bradley D, Mills A, 2004. The Economics of Malaria Control Interventions. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research.
Tavrow P, Shabahang J, MaKama S, 2001. Changing harmful treatment practices among private drug sellers in rural Kenya: results of a vendor-to-vendor intervention. Book of Abstracts. The 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA.
Marsh V, Mutemi WM, Muturi J, Haaland A, Watkins WM, Otieno G, Marsh K, 1999. Changing home treatment of childhood fevers by training shopkeepers in rural Kenya. Trop Med Int Health 4 :383–389.
Mahidol C, 2004. Malaria: integrated approaches for prevention and treatment. Editorial. Acta Trop 89 :265–269.
Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), 2001. Strategic Plan for Rolling Back Malaria in Nigeria 2001 – 2005. Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Health.
Greenwood BM, Bradley AK, Greenwood AM, Byass P, Jammeh K, Marsh K, Tulloch S, Oldfield FS, Hayes R, 1987. Mortality and morbidity from malaria among children in rural area of The Gambia, West Africa. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 81 :478–486.
Onwujekwe O, Ojukwu J, Uzochukwu B, Dike N, Shu E, 2005. Where do people from different socio-economic groups receive diagnosis and treatment for malaria in southeast Nigeria. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 99 :473–481.
Brieger WR, Osamor PE, Salami KK, Oladepo O, Otusanya SA, 2004. Interactions between patent medicine vendors and customers in urban and rural Nigeria. Health Pol Plan 19 :177–182.
Kofoed PE, Rodriges A, Co F, Hedegaard K, Rombo L, Aaby P, 2004. Which children come to the health centre for treatment of malaria? Acta Trop 90 :17–22.
Fawole OI, Onadeko MO, 2001. Knowledge and home management of malaria fever by mothers and care givers of under five children. West Afr J Med 20 :152–157.
McGrath ME, 2001. Product Strategy for High Technology Companies. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Kidane G, Morrow RH, 2000. Teaching mothers to provide home treatment of malaria in Tigray, Ethiopia: a randomized trial. Lancet 356 :550–555.
Umar US, Olumide A, Brieger WB, 2002. Morbidity in rural southwestern Nigeria: a one year follow-up of voluntary health worker consultations in Idere, Oyo State, Nigeria. African J Med Sc 31 :297–300.
Kelley AG, Kelley E, Simpara CHT, Sidibe O, Makinen M, 2001. The Equity Initiative in Mali. Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), Abt Associates Inc, Bethseda, MD.
Vlassof C, 1992. Listening to the people: improving disease control using social science approaches. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 86 :465–466.
Onwujekwe OE, Shu EN, Okonkwo PO, 1999. Can community leaders’ preferences be used to proxy those of the community as a whole? J Health Serv Res Policy 4 :133–138.
Filmer D, 2005. Fever and its treatment among the more and less poor in sub-Saharan Africa. Health Policy Plan 20 :337–346.
Worral E, Basu S, Hanson K, 2005. Is malaria a disease of poverty? A review of the literature. Trop Med Int Health 10 :1047–1059.
Murray CJL, Gakidou EE, Frenk J, 1999. Health inequalities and social group differences: what should we measure? Bull World Health Organ 77 :537–543.
Gallup JL, Sachs JD, 2001. The economic burden of malaria. Am J Trop Med Hyg 64(Suppl 1,2): 86–96.
Malaria and Vectors Control Unit (MVCU), 2000. Prevalence of malaria morbidity and mortality in Enugu state, 1995 to 1999. Malaria and Vectors Control Unit. Ministry of Health, Enugu, Nigeria.
Mitchell RC, Carson RT, 1989. Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method. Washington DC; Resources for the future.
Donaldson C, Farrar S, Mapp T, Walker A, McPhee S, 1997. Assessing community values in health care: is the ‘willingness to pay’ method feasible? Health Care Anal 5 :7–29.
Onwujekwe OE, Fox-Rushby J, Hanson K, 2004. Valuing the benefits of a health intervention using three different approaches to contingent valuation: re-treatment of mosquito bed-nets in Nigeria. J Health Ser Res Pol 9 :67–75.
Onwujekwe OE, 2004. Criterion and content validity of a novel structured haggling contingent valuation question format versus the bidding game and binary with follow-up questions. Soc Sci Med 58 :525–537.
Diamond P, Hausman J, 1994. Contingent valuation: Is some number better than no number? J Econ Perspec 8 :45–64.
Stavem K, 2002. Association of willingness to pay with severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, health status and other preference measures. Int J Tub Lung Dis 6 :542–549.
Liljas B, Blumenschein K, 2000. On hypothetical bias and calibration in cost-benefit studies. Health Policy (New York) 52 :53–70.
Currie GR, Donaldson C, O’Brien BJ, Stoddart GL, Torrance GW, Drummond MF, 2002. Willingness to pay for what? A note of alternate definitions of health care program benefits for contingent valuation studies. Med Decis Making 22 :493–497.
Shackley P, Donaldson C, 2002. Should we use willingness to pay to elicit community preferences for health care? New evidence from using a ‘marginal’ approach. J Health Econ 21 :971–991.
Mathiyazhagan K, 1998. Willingness to pay for rural health insurance through community participation in India. Health Plan Manage 13 :47–67.
Frykblom P, 1997. Hypothetical question modes and real willingness to pay. J Environ Econ Manage 34 :275–287.
Bloland PB, Kachur SP, Williams HA, 2003. Trends in antimalarial drug deployment in sub-Saharan Africa. J Exp Biol 206 :3761–3769.
TDR, 2002. Scaling up home management of malaria. Keynote article. TDR News No. 67 :1–2.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 105 | 50 | 2 |
Full Text Views | 253 | 16 | 6 |
PDF Downloads | 59 | 13 | 4 |