Chareonsook O, Foy HM, Teeraratkul A, Silarug N, 1999.Changing epidemiology of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Thailand. Epidemiol Infect 122 :161–166.
Cummings DA, Irizarry RA, Huang NE, Endy TP, Nisalak A, Ungchusak K, Burke DS, 2004. Travelling waves in the occurrence of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Thailand. Nature 427 :344–347.
Nimmannitya S, 1987. Dengue haemorrhagic fever in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 18 :291–294.
Reiter P, Gubler DJ, 1997. Surveillance and control of urban dengue vectors. Gubler DJ, Kuno G, eds. Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. New York: CAB International, 425–462.
Winch P, Kendall C, Gubler D, 1992. Effectiveness of community participation in vector-borne disease control. Health Policy Plann 7 :342–351.
Guha-Sapir D, Schimmer B, 2005. Dengue fever: new paradigms for a changing epidemiology. Emerg Themes Epidemiol 2 :1.
Tram TT, Anh NT, Hung NT, Lan NT, Cam LT, Chuong NP, Tri L, Fonsmark L, Poulsen A, Heegaard ED, 2003. The impact of health education on mother’s knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Dengue Bull 27 :174–180.
Sanchez L, Perez D, Perez T, Sosa T, Cruz G, Kouri G, Boelaert M, van der Stuyft P, 2005. Intersectoral coordination in Aedes aegypti control. A pilot project in Havana City, Cuba. Trop Med Int Health 10 :82–91.
Winch PJ, Leontsini E, Rigau-Perez JG, Ruiz-Perez M, Clark GG, Gubler DJ, 2002. Community-based dengue prevention programs in Puerto Rico: impact on knowledge, behavior, and residential mosquito infestation. Am J Trop Med Hyg 67 :363–370.
Leontsini E, Gil E, Kendall C, Clark GG, 1993. Effect of a community-based Aedes aegypti control programme on mosquito larval production sites in El Progreso, Honduras. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 87 :267–271.
Lloyd LS, Winch P, Ortega-Canto J, Kendall C, 1992. Results of a community-based Aedes aegypti control program in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg 46 :635–642.
Kittigul L, Suankeow K, Sujirarat D, Yoksan S, 2003. Dengue hemorrhagic fever: knowledge, attitude and practice in Ang Thong Province, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 34 :385–392.
Donalisio MR, Alves MJ, Visockas A, 2001. Inquérito sobre con-hecimentos e atitudes da população sobre a transmissão do dengue - região de Campinas São Paulo, Brasil - 1998. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 34 :197–201.
Dobbins JG, Else JG, 1975. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to control of dengue haemorrhagic fever in an urban Malay kampung. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 6 :120–126.
Swaddiwudhipong W, Lerdlukanavonge P, Khumklam P, Koonchote S, Nguntra P, Chaovakiratipong C, 1992. A survey of knowledge, attitude and practice of the prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever in an urban community of Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 23 :207–211.
Ayyamani UA, Ying GC, San OG, 1986. A knowledge attitude and practice (KAP) study on dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever and the Aedes mosquitoes. Med J Malaysia 41 :108–115.
Van Benthem BHB, Khantikul N, Panart PJ, Kessels J, Somboon P, Oskam L, 2002. Knowledge and use of prevention measures related to dengue in nothern Thailand. Trop Med Int Health 7 :993–1000.
Degallier N, Vilarinhos PT, de Carvalho MS, Knox MB, Caetano J Jr, 2000. People’s knowledge and practice about dengue, its vectors, and control means in Brasilia (DF), Brazil: its relevance with entomological factors. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 16 :114–123.
Rosenbaum J, Nathan MB, Ragoonanansingh R, Rawlins S, Gayle C, Chadee DD, Lloyd LS, 1995. Community participation in dengue prevention and control: a survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in Trinidad and Tobago. Am J Trop Med Hyg 53 :111–117.
Endy TP, Chunsuttiwat S, Nisalak A, Libraty DH, Green S, Rothman AL, Vaughn DW, Ennis FA, 2002. Epidemiology of inapparent and symptomatic acute dengue virus infection: a prospective study of primary school children in Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand. Am J Epidemiol 156 :40–51.
Endy TP, Nisalak A, Chunsuttiwat S, Libraty DH, Green S, Rothman AL, Vaughn DW, Ennis FA, 2002. Spatial and temporal circulation of dengue virus serotypes: a prospective study of primary school children in Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand. Am J Epidemiol 156 :52–59.
Morrison AC, Astete H, Chapilliquen F, Ramirez-Prada C, Diaz G, Getis A, Gray K, Scott TW, 2004. Evaluation of a sampling methodology for rapid assessment of Aedes aegypti infestation levels in Iquitos, Peru. J Med Entomol 41 :502–510.
Clark GG, Seda H, Gubler DJ, 1994. Use of the “CDC backpack aspirator” for surveillance of Aedes aegypti in San Juan, Puerto Rico. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 10 :119–124.
WHO, 2002. Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Fact sheet No. 117, Geneva: World Health Organization.
Phuanukoonnon S, Mueller I, Bryan JH, 2005. Effectiveness of dengue control practices in household water containers in Northeast Thailand. Trop Med Int Health 10 :755–763.
Swaddiwudhipong W, Chaovakiratipong C, Nguntra P, Koonchote S, Khumklam P, Lerdlukanavonge P, 1992. Effect of health education on community participation in control of dengue hemorrhagic fever in an urban area of Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 23 :200–206.
Chiaravalloti Neto F, Fiorin AM, Conversani DT, Cesarino MB, Barbosa AA, Dibo MR, Morais MS, Baglini V, Ferraz AA, Rosa RS, Battigaglia M, Cardoso RP Jr, 2003. Controle do vetor do dengue e participação da comunidade em Catanduva, São Paulo, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica 19 :1739–1749.
Clark GG, Nieves H, Bonilla L, Seda H, 1992. Community and civic organizations join for dengue prevention in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 8 :317.
Fernandez E, Lagos I, Sherman C, 1993. Advances in the Aedes aegypti community-based control project in El Progreso, Honduras. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 9 :449.
Espinoza-Gómez F, Hernández-Suárez CM, Coll-Cárdenas R, 2002. Educational campaign versus malathion spraying for the control of Aedes aegypti in Colima, Mexico. J Epidemiol Community Health 56 :148–152.
Kantachuvessiri A, 2002. Dengue hemorrhagic fever in Thai society. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 33 :55–62.
Scott TW, Morrison AC, 2003. Aedes aegypti density and the risk of dengue-virus transmission. Takken W, Scott TW, eds. Ecological Aspects for Application of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 187–206.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1048 | 581 | 268 |
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A knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) survey and an extensive entomologic survey were conducted in two sub-districts of Kamphaeng Phet province, Thailand, to test the hypothesis that correct dengue knowledge and practice reduce dengue vector populations. We found a negative association between respondents’ knowledge of preventive measures and the number of unprotected containers in and around their houses. Knowledge of development sites was positively associated with unprotected containers. No relationships existed between knowledge of dengue and adult mosquito reduction practices. A higher number of unprotected containers increased the likelihood of the house being infested with one or more adult Aedes aegypti. Surprisingly, houses of respondents that used mosquito coils or had screening on doors and windows were significantly more likely to be infested (odds ratio =2.0) with adult Ae. aegypti. We conclude that there is a direct link between knowledge on dengue prevention and container protection practices, whereas measures against adult mosquitoes are used only when people experience a mosquito nuisance problem.
Chareonsook O, Foy HM, Teeraratkul A, Silarug N, 1999.Changing epidemiology of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Thailand. Epidemiol Infect 122 :161–166.
Cummings DA, Irizarry RA, Huang NE, Endy TP, Nisalak A, Ungchusak K, Burke DS, 2004. Travelling waves in the occurrence of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Thailand. Nature 427 :344–347.
Nimmannitya S, 1987. Dengue haemorrhagic fever in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 18 :291–294.
Reiter P, Gubler DJ, 1997. Surveillance and control of urban dengue vectors. Gubler DJ, Kuno G, eds. Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. New York: CAB International, 425–462.
Winch P, Kendall C, Gubler D, 1992. Effectiveness of community participation in vector-borne disease control. Health Policy Plann 7 :342–351.
Guha-Sapir D, Schimmer B, 2005. Dengue fever: new paradigms for a changing epidemiology. Emerg Themes Epidemiol 2 :1.
Tram TT, Anh NT, Hung NT, Lan NT, Cam LT, Chuong NP, Tri L, Fonsmark L, Poulsen A, Heegaard ED, 2003. The impact of health education on mother’s knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Dengue Bull 27 :174–180.
Sanchez L, Perez D, Perez T, Sosa T, Cruz G, Kouri G, Boelaert M, van der Stuyft P, 2005. Intersectoral coordination in Aedes aegypti control. A pilot project in Havana City, Cuba. Trop Med Int Health 10 :82–91.
Winch PJ, Leontsini E, Rigau-Perez JG, Ruiz-Perez M, Clark GG, Gubler DJ, 2002. Community-based dengue prevention programs in Puerto Rico: impact on knowledge, behavior, and residential mosquito infestation. Am J Trop Med Hyg 67 :363–370.
Leontsini E, Gil E, Kendall C, Clark GG, 1993. Effect of a community-based Aedes aegypti control programme on mosquito larval production sites in El Progreso, Honduras. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 87 :267–271.
Lloyd LS, Winch P, Ortega-Canto J, Kendall C, 1992. Results of a community-based Aedes aegypti control program in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg 46 :635–642.
Kittigul L, Suankeow K, Sujirarat D, Yoksan S, 2003. Dengue hemorrhagic fever: knowledge, attitude and practice in Ang Thong Province, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 34 :385–392.
Donalisio MR, Alves MJ, Visockas A, 2001. Inquérito sobre con-hecimentos e atitudes da população sobre a transmissão do dengue - região de Campinas São Paulo, Brasil - 1998. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 34 :197–201.
Dobbins JG, Else JG, 1975. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to control of dengue haemorrhagic fever in an urban Malay kampung. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 6 :120–126.
Swaddiwudhipong W, Lerdlukanavonge P, Khumklam P, Koonchote S, Nguntra P, Chaovakiratipong C, 1992. A survey of knowledge, attitude and practice of the prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever in an urban community of Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 23 :207–211.
Ayyamani UA, Ying GC, San OG, 1986. A knowledge attitude and practice (KAP) study on dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever and the Aedes mosquitoes. Med J Malaysia 41 :108–115.
Van Benthem BHB, Khantikul N, Panart PJ, Kessels J, Somboon P, Oskam L, 2002. Knowledge and use of prevention measures related to dengue in nothern Thailand. Trop Med Int Health 7 :993–1000.
Degallier N, Vilarinhos PT, de Carvalho MS, Knox MB, Caetano J Jr, 2000. People’s knowledge and practice about dengue, its vectors, and control means in Brasilia (DF), Brazil: its relevance with entomological factors. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 16 :114–123.
Rosenbaum J, Nathan MB, Ragoonanansingh R, Rawlins S, Gayle C, Chadee DD, Lloyd LS, 1995. Community participation in dengue prevention and control: a survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in Trinidad and Tobago. Am J Trop Med Hyg 53 :111–117.
Endy TP, Chunsuttiwat S, Nisalak A, Libraty DH, Green S, Rothman AL, Vaughn DW, Ennis FA, 2002. Epidemiology of inapparent and symptomatic acute dengue virus infection: a prospective study of primary school children in Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand. Am J Epidemiol 156 :40–51.
Endy TP, Nisalak A, Chunsuttiwat S, Libraty DH, Green S, Rothman AL, Vaughn DW, Ennis FA, 2002. Spatial and temporal circulation of dengue virus serotypes: a prospective study of primary school children in Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand. Am J Epidemiol 156 :52–59.
Morrison AC, Astete H, Chapilliquen F, Ramirez-Prada C, Diaz G, Getis A, Gray K, Scott TW, 2004. Evaluation of a sampling methodology for rapid assessment of Aedes aegypti infestation levels in Iquitos, Peru. J Med Entomol 41 :502–510.
Clark GG, Seda H, Gubler DJ, 1994. Use of the “CDC backpack aspirator” for surveillance of Aedes aegypti in San Juan, Puerto Rico. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 10 :119–124.
WHO, 2002. Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Fact sheet No. 117, Geneva: World Health Organization.
Phuanukoonnon S, Mueller I, Bryan JH, 2005. Effectiveness of dengue control practices in household water containers in Northeast Thailand. Trop Med Int Health 10 :755–763.
Swaddiwudhipong W, Chaovakiratipong C, Nguntra P, Koonchote S, Khumklam P, Lerdlukanavonge P, 1992. Effect of health education on community participation in control of dengue hemorrhagic fever in an urban area of Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 23 :200–206.
Chiaravalloti Neto F, Fiorin AM, Conversani DT, Cesarino MB, Barbosa AA, Dibo MR, Morais MS, Baglini V, Ferraz AA, Rosa RS, Battigaglia M, Cardoso RP Jr, 2003. Controle do vetor do dengue e participação da comunidade em Catanduva, São Paulo, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica 19 :1739–1749.
Clark GG, Nieves H, Bonilla L, Seda H, 1992. Community and civic organizations join for dengue prevention in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 8 :317.
Fernandez E, Lagos I, Sherman C, 1993. Advances in the Aedes aegypti community-based control project in El Progreso, Honduras. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 9 :449.
Espinoza-Gómez F, Hernández-Suárez CM, Coll-Cárdenas R, 2002. Educational campaign versus malathion spraying for the control of Aedes aegypti in Colima, Mexico. J Epidemiol Community Health 56 :148–152.
Kantachuvessiri A, 2002. Dengue hemorrhagic fever in Thai society. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 33 :55–62.
Scott TW, Morrison AC, 2003. Aedes aegypti density and the risk of dengue-virus transmission. Takken W, Scott TW, eds. Ecological Aspects for Application of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 187–206.
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Abstract Views | 1048 | 581 | 268 |
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