Hierholzer J, Montano S, Hoelscher M, Negrete M, Hierholzer M, Avila MM, Carrillo MG, Russi JC, Vinoles J, Alava A, Acosta ME, Gianella A, Andrade R, Sanchez JL, Carrion G, Sanchez JL, Russell K, Robb M, Birx D, McCutchan F, Carr JK, 2002. Molecular epidemiology of HIV type 1 in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 18 :1339–1350.
Soares MA, De Oliveira T, Brindeiro RM, Diaz RS, Sabino EC, Brigido L, Pires IL, Morgado MG, Dantas MC, Barreira D, Teixeira PR, Cassol S, Tanuri A, Brazilian Network for Drug Resistance Surveillance, 2003. A specific subtype C of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 circulates in Brazil. AIDS 17 :11–21.
Russell KL, Carcamo C, Watts DM, Sanchez J, Gotuzzo E, Euler A, Blanco JC, Galeano A, Alava A, Mullins JI, Holmes KK, Carr JK, 2000. Emerging genetic diversity of HIV-1 in South America. AIDS 14 :1785–1791.
Morgado MG, Guimaraes ML, Gripp CB, Costa CI, Neves I Jr, Veloso VG, Linhares-Carvalho MI, Castello-Branco LR, Bastos FI, Kuiken C, Castilho EA, Galvao-Castro B, Bongertz V, 1998. Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in Brazil: high prevalence of HIV-1 subtype B and identification of an HIV-1 subtype D infection in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Evandro Chagas Hospital AIDS Clinical Research Group. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 18 :488–494.
Carr JK, Avila M, Gomez Carrillo M, Salomon H, Hierholzer J, Watanaveeradej V, Pando MA, Negrete M, Russell KL, Sanchez J, Birx DL, Andrade R, Vinoles J, McCutchan FE, 2001. Diverse BF recombinants have spread widely since the introduction of HIV-1 into South America. AIDS 15 :F41–F47.
Carrion G, Hierholzer J, Montano S, Alava A, Perez J, Guevara A, Laguna-Torres V, Mosquera C, Russell K, Chauca G, Kochel T, Birx DL, Sanchez JL, Carr JK, 2003. Circulating recombinant form CRF02_AG in South America. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 19 :329–332.
Avila MM, Pando MA, Carrion G, Peralta LM, Salomon H, Carrillo MG, Sanchez J, Maulen S, Hierholzer J, Marinello M, Negrete M, Russell KL, Carr JK, 2002. Two HIV-1 epidemics in Argentina: different genetic subtypes associated with different risk groups. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 29 :422–426.
Sierra L, Velez L, Castañeda A, 2000. Analisis de la morbimortalidad. diagnostico de la situación de salud en Antioquia. Rev Epidemiol Ant 25 :83–169.
Delwart EL, Shpaer EG, Louwagie J, McCutchan FE, Grez M, Rubsamen-Waigmann H, Mullins JI, 1993. Genetic relationships determined by a DNA heteroduplex mobility assay: analysis of HIV-1 env genes. Science 262 :1257–1261.
Carr JK, Salminen MO, Albert J, Sanders-Buell E, Gotte D, Birx DL, McCutchan FE, 1998. Full genome sequences of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtypes G and A/G intersubtype recombinants. Virology 247 :22–31.
Saitou N, Nei M, 1987. The neighbor-joining method: a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees. Mol Biol Evol 4 :406–425.
Kimura M, 1980. A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences. J Mol Evol 16 :111–120.
Bautista CT, Sanchez JL, Montano SM, Laguna-Torres VA, Lama JR, Sanchez JL, Kusunoki L, Manrique H, Acosta J, Montoya O, Tambare AM, Avila MM, Viñoles J, Aguayo N, Olson JG, Carr JK, 2004. Seroprevalence of and risk factors for HIV-1 infection among South American men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Infect 80 :498–504.
Navas MC, de la Hoz F, Mendoza K, Carrasquilla G, Boshell J, 1999. Epidemiología de la infección por VIH en población de alto riesgo de Cartagena, Colombia. Biomedica 19 :230–238.
Miguez-Burbano MJ, Page JB, Angarita I, Rodriguez N, Baum MK, Burbano X, Shor-Posner G, 2001. High-risk behaviours in men from Bogota, Colombia and the spread of HIV. Int J STD AIDS 12 :739–743.
Navas MC, Letourneur F, Gomas E, Boshell J, Saragosti S, 1999. Analysis of the V3 loop sequences from 12 HIV type 1-infected patients from Colombia, South America. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 15 :1141–1144.
Montano SM, Sanchez JL, Laguna-Torres A, Cuchi P, Avila MM, Weissenbacher M, Serra M, Viñoles J, Russi JC, Aguayo N, Galeano AH, Gianella A, Andrade R, Arredondo A, Ramirez E, Acosta ME, Alava A, Montoya O, Guevara A, Manrique H, Sanchez JL, Lama JR, de la Hoz F, Sanchez GI, Ayala C, Pacheco ME, Carrion G, Chauca G, Perez JJ, Negrete M, Russell KL, Bautista CT, Olson JG, Watts DM, Birx DL, Carr JK; for the South American HIV Molecular Surveillance Working Group, 2005. Prevalences, genotypes, and risk factors for HIV transmission in South America. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 40 :57–64.
Perrin L, Kaiser L, Yerly S, 2003. Travel and the spread of HIV-1 genetic variants. Lancet Infect Dis 3 :22–27.
Gaschen B, Taylor J, Yusim K, Foley B, Gao F, Lang D, Novitsky V, Haynes B, Hahn BH, Bhattacharya T, Korber B, 2002. Diversity considerations in HIV-1 vaccine selection. Science 296 :2354–2360.
Thomson MM, Perez-Alvarez L, Najera R, 2002. Molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 genetic forms and its significance for vaccine development and therapy. Lancet Infect Dis 2 :461–471.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 409 | 353 | 154 |
Full Text Views | 115 | 13 | 10 |
PDF Downloads | 48 | 9 | 6 |
To study the molecular epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains in Medellín, Colombia, 115 HIV-1-positive individuals who were recruited from an HIV outpatient hospital (Universitario San Vicente de Paul) during the period from July 2001 to January 2002 were genotyped. All samples were analyzed by envelope heteroduplex mobility assay and found to be subtype B. Twenty-four samples were randomly selected for sequencing of the protease and the reverse transcriptase regions; all isolates were found to be subtype B. Phylogenetic analysis of seven nearly full-length genomes showed that all samples were subtype B. This study shows that the HIV epidemic in Colombia continues to be dominated by the subtype B virus. The predominance of subtype B genotypes of HIV-1 strains in Medellín resembles what is seen in the nearby countries of Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
Hierholzer J, Montano S, Hoelscher M, Negrete M, Hierholzer M, Avila MM, Carrillo MG, Russi JC, Vinoles J, Alava A, Acosta ME, Gianella A, Andrade R, Sanchez JL, Carrion G, Sanchez JL, Russell K, Robb M, Birx D, McCutchan F, Carr JK, 2002. Molecular epidemiology of HIV type 1 in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 18 :1339–1350.
Soares MA, De Oliveira T, Brindeiro RM, Diaz RS, Sabino EC, Brigido L, Pires IL, Morgado MG, Dantas MC, Barreira D, Teixeira PR, Cassol S, Tanuri A, Brazilian Network for Drug Resistance Surveillance, 2003. A specific subtype C of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 circulates in Brazil. AIDS 17 :11–21.
Russell KL, Carcamo C, Watts DM, Sanchez J, Gotuzzo E, Euler A, Blanco JC, Galeano A, Alava A, Mullins JI, Holmes KK, Carr JK, 2000. Emerging genetic diversity of HIV-1 in South America. AIDS 14 :1785–1791.
Morgado MG, Guimaraes ML, Gripp CB, Costa CI, Neves I Jr, Veloso VG, Linhares-Carvalho MI, Castello-Branco LR, Bastos FI, Kuiken C, Castilho EA, Galvao-Castro B, Bongertz V, 1998. Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in Brazil: high prevalence of HIV-1 subtype B and identification of an HIV-1 subtype D infection in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Evandro Chagas Hospital AIDS Clinical Research Group. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 18 :488–494.
Carr JK, Avila M, Gomez Carrillo M, Salomon H, Hierholzer J, Watanaveeradej V, Pando MA, Negrete M, Russell KL, Sanchez J, Birx DL, Andrade R, Vinoles J, McCutchan FE, 2001. Diverse BF recombinants have spread widely since the introduction of HIV-1 into South America. AIDS 15 :F41–F47.
Carrion G, Hierholzer J, Montano S, Alava A, Perez J, Guevara A, Laguna-Torres V, Mosquera C, Russell K, Chauca G, Kochel T, Birx DL, Sanchez JL, Carr JK, 2003. Circulating recombinant form CRF02_AG in South America. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 19 :329–332.
Avila MM, Pando MA, Carrion G, Peralta LM, Salomon H, Carrillo MG, Sanchez J, Maulen S, Hierholzer J, Marinello M, Negrete M, Russell KL, Carr JK, 2002. Two HIV-1 epidemics in Argentina: different genetic subtypes associated with different risk groups. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 29 :422–426.
Sierra L, Velez L, Castañeda A, 2000. Analisis de la morbimortalidad. diagnostico de la situación de salud en Antioquia. Rev Epidemiol Ant 25 :83–169.
Delwart EL, Shpaer EG, Louwagie J, McCutchan FE, Grez M, Rubsamen-Waigmann H, Mullins JI, 1993. Genetic relationships determined by a DNA heteroduplex mobility assay: analysis of HIV-1 env genes. Science 262 :1257–1261.
Carr JK, Salminen MO, Albert J, Sanders-Buell E, Gotte D, Birx DL, McCutchan FE, 1998. Full genome sequences of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtypes G and A/G intersubtype recombinants. Virology 247 :22–31.
Saitou N, Nei M, 1987. The neighbor-joining method: a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees. Mol Biol Evol 4 :406–425.
Kimura M, 1980. A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences. J Mol Evol 16 :111–120.
Bautista CT, Sanchez JL, Montano SM, Laguna-Torres VA, Lama JR, Sanchez JL, Kusunoki L, Manrique H, Acosta J, Montoya O, Tambare AM, Avila MM, Viñoles J, Aguayo N, Olson JG, Carr JK, 2004. Seroprevalence of and risk factors for HIV-1 infection among South American men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Infect 80 :498–504.
Navas MC, de la Hoz F, Mendoza K, Carrasquilla G, Boshell J, 1999. Epidemiología de la infección por VIH en población de alto riesgo de Cartagena, Colombia. Biomedica 19 :230–238.
Miguez-Burbano MJ, Page JB, Angarita I, Rodriguez N, Baum MK, Burbano X, Shor-Posner G, 2001. High-risk behaviours in men from Bogota, Colombia and the spread of HIV. Int J STD AIDS 12 :739–743.
Navas MC, Letourneur F, Gomas E, Boshell J, Saragosti S, 1999. Analysis of the V3 loop sequences from 12 HIV type 1-infected patients from Colombia, South America. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 15 :1141–1144.
Montano SM, Sanchez JL, Laguna-Torres A, Cuchi P, Avila MM, Weissenbacher M, Serra M, Viñoles J, Russi JC, Aguayo N, Galeano AH, Gianella A, Andrade R, Arredondo A, Ramirez E, Acosta ME, Alava A, Montoya O, Guevara A, Manrique H, Sanchez JL, Lama JR, de la Hoz F, Sanchez GI, Ayala C, Pacheco ME, Carrion G, Chauca G, Perez JJ, Negrete M, Russell KL, Bautista CT, Olson JG, Watts DM, Birx DL, Carr JK; for the South American HIV Molecular Surveillance Working Group, 2005. Prevalences, genotypes, and risk factors for HIV transmission in South America. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 40 :57–64.
Perrin L, Kaiser L, Yerly S, 2003. Travel and the spread of HIV-1 genetic variants. Lancet Infect Dis 3 :22–27.
Gaschen B, Taylor J, Yusim K, Foley B, Gao F, Lang D, Novitsky V, Haynes B, Hahn BH, Bhattacharya T, Korber B, 2002. Diversity considerations in HIV-1 vaccine selection. Science 296 :2354–2360.
Thomson MM, Perez-Alvarez L, Najera R, 2002. Molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 genetic forms and its significance for vaccine development and therapy. Lancet Infect Dis 2 :461–471.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 409 | 353 | 154 |
Full Text Views | 115 | 13 | 10 |
PDF Downloads | 48 | 9 | 6 |