Klopstock A, 1939. Typhus, typhoid and paratyphoid in Palestine. Med Leaves 2 :83–90.
Tulchinsky TH, Burla E, Clayman M, Sadik C, Brown A, Goldberger S, 2000. Safety of community drinking-water and outbreaks of waterborne enteric disease: Israel, 1976–97. Bull World Health Organ 78 :1466–1473.
Finkelstein R, Markel A, Putterman C, Lerman A, Hashman N, Merzbach D, 1988. Waterborne typhoid fever in Haifa, Israel: clinical, microbiologic, and therapeutic aspects of a major outbreak. Am J Med Sci 296 :27–32.
Mermin JH, Townes JM, Gerber M, Dolan N, Mintz ED, Tauxe RV, 1998. Typhoid fever in the United States, 1985–1994: changing risks of international travel and increasing antimicrobial resistance. Arch Intern Med 158 :633–638.
Lester A, Mygind O, Jensen KT, Jarlov JO, Schonheyder HC, 1994. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Denmark 1986–1990. Epidemiologic aspects and the extent of bacteriological follow-up of patients. Ugeskr Laeger 156 :3770–3775.
Braddick MR, Sharp JC, 1993. Enteric fever in Scotland 1975– 1990. Public Health 107 :193–198.
Caumes E, Ehya N, Nguyen J, Bricaire F, 2001. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever: a 10-year retrospective study of 41 cases in a Parisian hospital. J Travel Med 8 :293–297.
Hoshino Y, Masuda G, Negishi M, Ajisawa A, Imamura A, Hachimori K, Takayama N, Yamaguchi T, Kimura M, 2000. Clinical and bacteriological profiles of patients with typhoid fever treated during 1975–1998 in the Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital. Microbiol Immunol 44 :577–583.
Ackers ML, Puhr ND, Tauxe RV, Mintz ED, 2000. Laboratory-based surveillance of Salmonella serotype Typhi infections in the United States: antimicrobial resistance on the rise. JAMA 283 :2668–2673.
Steinberg EB, Bishop R, Haber P, Dempsey AF, Hoekstra RM, Nelson JM, Ackers M, Calugar A, Mintz ED, 2004. Typhoid fever in travelers: who should be targeted for prevention? Clin Infect Dis. 39 :186–191.
Carmeli Y, Schapiro JM, Alkan M, 1994. Immigration of Ethiopians with typhoid fever to Israel: apparent lack of influence on the local population. Clin Infect Dis 19 :1144–1146.
Meltzer E, Elkayam O, 2003. Caring for illegal immigrants within the public hospital: the need for an urgent solution. Harefuah 142 :402–404, 488.
DeToledo JC, Palmerola RA, Lowe MR, 2003. Health care of illegal immigrants post 9–11. Epilepsy Behav 4 :764–765.
Brown DJ, Mather H, Browning LM, Coia JE, 2003. Investigation of human infections with Salmonella enterica serovar Java in Scotland and possible association with imported poultry. Euro Surveill 8 :35–40.
Grewal HM, Jureen R, Steinsland H, Digranes A, 2002. Molecular epidemiological study of Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi B infections imported from Turkey to Western Norway. Scand J Infect Dis 34 :5–10.
Ispahani P, Slack RC, 2000. Enteric fever and other extraintestinal salmonellosis in University Hospital, Nottingham, UK, between 1980 and 1997. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 19 :679– 687.
Vugia DJ, Samuel M, Farley MM, Marcus R, Shiferaw B, Shallow S, Smith K, Angulo FJ, 2004. Invasive Salmonella infections in the United States, FoodNet, 1996–1999: incidence, serotype distribution, and outcome. Clin Infect Dis 38 (Suppl 3):S149–S156.
Montes M, DuPont HL, 2004. Enteritis, enterocolitis and infectious diarrhea syndromes. Cohen J, Powderly WJ, eds. Cohen and Powderly: Infectious Diseases. Second edition. Edinburgh: Mosby, 477–490.
Kaye KS, Kaye D, 2004. Salmonella infections other than typhoid fever. Goldman L, ed. Cecil Textbook of Medicine. 22st edition. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1850–1853.
Chart H, 2003. The pathogenicity of strains of Salmonella Paratyphi B and Salmonella Java. J Appl Microbiol 94 :340– 348.
Desenclos JC, Bouvet P, Benz-Lemoine E, Grimont F, Desqueyroux H, Rebiere I, Grimont PA, 1996. Large outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Paratyphi B infection caused by a goats’ milk cheese, France, 1993: a case finding and epidemiological study. BMJ 312 :91–94.
Data on Palestinian population and incidence of typhoid. Available from http://www.pcbs.org & http://www.moh.gov.ps
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 465 | 255 | 136 |
Full Text Views | 106 | 13 | 10 |
PDF Downloads | 39 | 9 | 6 |
Enteric fever decreased in Israel in the last 50 years, but its current epidemiology is unknown. In a nationwide study, we evaluated all cases of enteric fever from 1995 to 2003. On hundred thirty-six cases met the case definition. During the period studied, the incidence of enteric fever decreased from 0.42 to 0.23/100,000. A total of 57.4% of the cases were acquired abroad. The incidence of endemic enteric fever was 2.7 times higher in Arabs than in Jews. In Arabs, Salmonella Typhi was the causative agent in all cases, and almost all cases were endemic. In Jews, most cases were imported, with a decrease in imported S. typhi, cases and an increase in imported S. Paratyphi A cases. Salmonella Paratyphi B was endemic, and restricted to the Jewish population. The reasons for the difference in causative agents along ethnic lines need further evaluation. A more efficient vaccine for travelers that includes S. Paratyphi A is needed.
Klopstock A, 1939. Typhus, typhoid and paratyphoid in Palestine. Med Leaves 2 :83–90.
Tulchinsky TH, Burla E, Clayman M, Sadik C, Brown A, Goldberger S, 2000. Safety of community drinking-water and outbreaks of waterborne enteric disease: Israel, 1976–97. Bull World Health Organ 78 :1466–1473.
Finkelstein R, Markel A, Putterman C, Lerman A, Hashman N, Merzbach D, 1988. Waterborne typhoid fever in Haifa, Israel: clinical, microbiologic, and therapeutic aspects of a major outbreak. Am J Med Sci 296 :27–32.
Mermin JH, Townes JM, Gerber M, Dolan N, Mintz ED, Tauxe RV, 1998. Typhoid fever in the United States, 1985–1994: changing risks of international travel and increasing antimicrobial resistance. Arch Intern Med 158 :633–638.
Lester A, Mygind O, Jensen KT, Jarlov JO, Schonheyder HC, 1994. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Denmark 1986–1990. Epidemiologic aspects and the extent of bacteriological follow-up of patients. Ugeskr Laeger 156 :3770–3775.
Braddick MR, Sharp JC, 1993. Enteric fever in Scotland 1975– 1990. Public Health 107 :193–198.
Caumes E, Ehya N, Nguyen J, Bricaire F, 2001. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever: a 10-year retrospective study of 41 cases in a Parisian hospital. J Travel Med 8 :293–297.
Hoshino Y, Masuda G, Negishi M, Ajisawa A, Imamura A, Hachimori K, Takayama N, Yamaguchi T, Kimura M, 2000. Clinical and bacteriological profiles of patients with typhoid fever treated during 1975–1998 in the Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital. Microbiol Immunol 44 :577–583.
Ackers ML, Puhr ND, Tauxe RV, Mintz ED, 2000. Laboratory-based surveillance of Salmonella serotype Typhi infections in the United States: antimicrobial resistance on the rise. JAMA 283 :2668–2673.
Steinberg EB, Bishop R, Haber P, Dempsey AF, Hoekstra RM, Nelson JM, Ackers M, Calugar A, Mintz ED, 2004. Typhoid fever in travelers: who should be targeted for prevention? Clin Infect Dis. 39 :186–191.
Carmeli Y, Schapiro JM, Alkan M, 1994. Immigration of Ethiopians with typhoid fever to Israel: apparent lack of influence on the local population. Clin Infect Dis 19 :1144–1146.
Meltzer E, Elkayam O, 2003. Caring for illegal immigrants within the public hospital: the need for an urgent solution. Harefuah 142 :402–404, 488.
DeToledo JC, Palmerola RA, Lowe MR, 2003. Health care of illegal immigrants post 9–11. Epilepsy Behav 4 :764–765.
Brown DJ, Mather H, Browning LM, Coia JE, 2003. Investigation of human infections with Salmonella enterica serovar Java in Scotland and possible association with imported poultry. Euro Surveill 8 :35–40.
Grewal HM, Jureen R, Steinsland H, Digranes A, 2002. Molecular epidemiological study of Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi B infections imported from Turkey to Western Norway. Scand J Infect Dis 34 :5–10.
Ispahani P, Slack RC, 2000. Enteric fever and other extraintestinal salmonellosis in University Hospital, Nottingham, UK, between 1980 and 1997. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 19 :679– 687.
Vugia DJ, Samuel M, Farley MM, Marcus R, Shiferaw B, Shallow S, Smith K, Angulo FJ, 2004. Invasive Salmonella infections in the United States, FoodNet, 1996–1999: incidence, serotype distribution, and outcome. Clin Infect Dis 38 (Suppl 3):S149–S156.
Montes M, DuPont HL, 2004. Enteritis, enterocolitis and infectious diarrhea syndromes. Cohen J, Powderly WJ, eds. Cohen and Powderly: Infectious Diseases. Second edition. Edinburgh: Mosby, 477–490.
Kaye KS, Kaye D, 2004. Salmonella infections other than typhoid fever. Goldman L, ed. Cecil Textbook of Medicine. 22st edition. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1850–1853.
Chart H, 2003. The pathogenicity of strains of Salmonella Paratyphi B and Salmonella Java. J Appl Microbiol 94 :340– 348.
Desenclos JC, Bouvet P, Benz-Lemoine E, Grimont F, Desqueyroux H, Rebiere I, Grimont PA, 1996. Large outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Paratyphi B infection caused by a goats’ milk cheese, France, 1993: a case finding and epidemiological study. BMJ 312 :91–94.
Data on Palestinian population and incidence of typhoid. Available from http://www.pcbs.org & http://www.moh.gov.ps
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 465 | 255 | 136 |
Full Text Views | 106 | 13 | 10 |
PDF Downloads | 39 | 9 | 6 |