Kitron U, Spielman A, 1989. Suppression of transmission of malaria through source reduction: antianopheline measures applied in Israel, the United States, and Italy. Rev Infect Dis 11 :391–406.
Tadei WP, Thatcher BD, Santos JM, Scarpassa VM, Rodrigues IB, Rafael MS, 1998. Ecologic observations on anopheline vectors of malaria in the Brazilian Amazon. Am J Trop Med Hyg 59 :325–335.
Minakawa N, Mutero CM, Githure JI, Beier JC, Yan G, 1999. Spatial distribution and habitat characterization of anopheline mosquito larvae in Western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61 :1010–1016.
Gimnig JE, Ombok M, Kamau L, Hawley WA, 2001. Characteristics of larval anopheline (Diptera: Culicidae) habitats in Western Kenya. J Med Entomol 38 :282–288.
WHO, 1995. Vector control for malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. Report of a WHO study group. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser 857 :1–91.
Chandre F, Darrier F, Manga L, Akogbeto M, Faye O, Mouchet J, Guillet P, 1999. Status of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae sensu lato. Bull World Health Organ 77 :230–234.
Zaim M, Guillet P, 2002. Alternative insecticides: an urgent need. Trends Parasitol 18 :161–163.
Snow RW, McCabe E, Mbogo CN, Molyneux CS, Some ES, Mung’ala VO, Nevill CG, 1999. The effect of delivery mechanisms on the uptake of bed net re-impregnation in Kilifi District, Kenya. Health Policy Plan 14 :18–25.
Lengeler C, Snow RW, 1996. From efficacy to effectiveness: insecticide-treated bednets in Africa. Bull World Health Organ 74 :325–332.
Utzinger J, Tozan Y, Singer BH, 2001. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of environmental management for malaria control. Trop Med Int Health 6 :677–687.
Killeen GF, Fillinger U, Kiche I, Gouagna LC, Knols BG, 2002. Eradication of Anopheles gambiae from Brazil: lessons for malaria control in Africa? Lancet Infect Dis 2 :618–627.
Rajagopalan PK, Panicker KN, 1986. Vector control: how to gain acceptance and support from the community. WHO Chron 40 :184–187.
Service MW, 1993. Community participation in vector-borne disease control. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 87 :223–234.
Gubler DJ, Clark GG, 1996. Community involvement in the control of Aedes aegypti. Acta Trop 61 :169–179.
Goh KT, 1997. Dengue–a re-emerging infectious disease in Singapore. Ann Acad Med Singapore 26 :664–670.
Kenya Go, 2000. 1999 Population and Housing Census. Nairobi: Central Bureau of Statistics.
Githeko AK, Adungo NI, Karanja DM, Hawley WA, Vulule JM, Seroney IK, Ofulla AV, Atieli FK, Ondijo SO, Genga IO, Odada PK, Situbi PA, Oloo JA, 1996. Some observations on the biting behavior of Anopheles gambiae s.s., Anopheles arabiensis, and Anopheles funestus and their implications for malaria control. Exp Parasitol 82 :306–315.
Beier JC, Copeland R, Oyaro C, Masinya A, Odago WO, Oduor S, Koech DK, Roberts CR, 1990. Anopheles gambiae complex egg-stage survival in dry soil from larval development sites in western Kenya. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 6 :105–109.
Fontaine RE, Pull JH, Payne D, Pradhan GD, Joshi GP, Pearson JA, Thymakis MK, Camacho ME, 1978. Evaluation of fenitrothion for the control of malaria. Bull World Health Organ 56 :445–452.
Githeko AK, Service MW, Mbogo CM, Atieli FK, Juma FO, 1994. Origin of blood meals in indoor and outdoor resting malaria vectors in western Kenya. Acta Trop 58 :307–316.
Lackritz EM, Campbell CC, Ruebush TK 2nd, Hightower AW, Wakube W, Steketee RW, Were JB, 1992. Effect of blood transfusion on survival among children in a Kenyan hospital. Lancet 340 :524–528.
Mutuku FM, Bayoh MN, Gimnig JE, Vulule JM, Kamau L, Walker ED, Kabiru E, Hawley WA, 2006. Pupal habitat productivity of Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes in a rural village in western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74 :54–61.
Maynard-Tucker G, 2000. Conducting focus groups in developing countries: skill training for local bilingual facilitators. Qual Health Res 10 :396–410.
Minakawa N, Seda P, Yan G, 2002. Influence of host and larval habitat distribution on the abundance of African malaria vectors in western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 67 :32–38.
Ludwig JA, Reynolds JF, 1988. Statistical Ecology: A Primer on Methods and Computing. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 13–64.
Lloyd LS, Winch P, Ortega-Canto J, Kendall C, 1992. Results of a community-based Aedes aegypti control program in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg 46 :635–642.
Killeen GF, Fillinger U, Knols BG, 2002. Advantages of larval control for African malaria vectors: low mobility and behavioural responsiveness of immature mosquito stages allow high effective coverage. Malar J 1 :8.
Killeen GF, McKenzie FE, Foy BD, Schieffelin C, Billingsley PF, Beier JC, 2000. The potential impact of integrated malaria transmission control on entomologic inoculation rate in highly endemic areas. Am J Trop Med Hyg 62 :545–551.
Lloyd LS, Winch P, Ortegacanto J, Kendall C, 1994. The design of a community-based health-education intervention for the control of Aedes aegypti. Am J Trop Med Hyg 50 :401–411.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 734 | 691 | 230 |
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A sampling census revealed 104 aquatic habitats of 6 types for Anopheles gambiae s.l. larvae in a village in western Kenya, namely burrow pits, drainage channels, livestock hoof prints, rain pools, tire tracks, and pools in streambeds. Most habitats were created by human activity and were highly clustered in dispersion pattern within the village landscape. Landscape analysis revealed that six of forty-seven 0.09 km2 cells superimposed over the village harbored 65% of all habitats. Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with villagers revealed the extent of knowledge of the village residents of larval habitats, mosquito sources in the local environment, and what might be done to prevent mosquito breeding. Participants did not associate specific habitats with anopheline larvae, expressed reluctance to eliminate habitats because they were sources of domestic water supply, but indicated willingness to participate in a source reduction program if support were available.
Kitron U, Spielman A, 1989. Suppression of transmission of malaria through source reduction: antianopheline measures applied in Israel, the United States, and Italy. Rev Infect Dis 11 :391–406.
Tadei WP, Thatcher BD, Santos JM, Scarpassa VM, Rodrigues IB, Rafael MS, 1998. Ecologic observations on anopheline vectors of malaria in the Brazilian Amazon. Am J Trop Med Hyg 59 :325–335.
Minakawa N, Mutero CM, Githure JI, Beier JC, Yan G, 1999. Spatial distribution and habitat characterization of anopheline mosquito larvae in Western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61 :1010–1016.
Gimnig JE, Ombok M, Kamau L, Hawley WA, 2001. Characteristics of larval anopheline (Diptera: Culicidae) habitats in Western Kenya. J Med Entomol 38 :282–288.
WHO, 1995. Vector control for malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. Report of a WHO study group. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser 857 :1–91.
Chandre F, Darrier F, Manga L, Akogbeto M, Faye O, Mouchet J, Guillet P, 1999. Status of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae sensu lato. Bull World Health Organ 77 :230–234.
Zaim M, Guillet P, 2002. Alternative insecticides: an urgent need. Trends Parasitol 18 :161–163.
Snow RW, McCabe E, Mbogo CN, Molyneux CS, Some ES, Mung’ala VO, Nevill CG, 1999. The effect of delivery mechanisms on the uptake of bed net re-impregnation in Kilifi District, Kenya. Health Policy Plan 14 :18–25.
Lengeler C, Snow RW, 1996. From efficacy to effectiveness: insecticide-treated bednets in Africa. Bull World Health Organ 74 :325–332.
Utzinger J, Tozan Y, Singer BH, 2001. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of environmental management for malaria control. Trop Med Int Health 6 :677–687.
Killeen GF, Fillinger U, Kiche I, Gouagna LC, Knols BG, 2002. Eradication of Anopheles gambiae from Brazil: lessons for malaria control in Africa? Lancet Infect Dis 2 :618–627.
Rajagopalan PK, Panicker KN, 1986. Vector control: how to gain acceptance and support from the community. WHO Chron 40 :184–187.
Service MW, 1993. Community participation in vector-borne disease control. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 87 :223–234.
Gubler DJ, Clark GG, 1996. Community involvement in the control of Aedes aegypti. Acta Trop 61 :169–179.
Goh KT, 1997. Dengue–a re-emerging infectious disease in Singapore. Ann Acad Med Singapore 26 :664–670.
Kenya Go, 2000. 1999 Population and Housing Census. Nairobi: Central Bureau of Statistics.
Githeko AK, Adungo NI, Karanja DM, Hawley WA, Vulule JM, Seroney IK, Ofulla AV, Atieli FK, Ondijo SO, Genga IO, Odada PK, Situbi PA, Oloo JA, 1996. Some observations on the biting behavior of Anopheles gambiae s.s., Anopheles arabiensis, and Anopheles funestus and their implications for malaria control. Exp Parasitol 82 :306–315.
Beier JC, Copeland R, Oyaro C, Masinya A, Odago WO, Oduor S, Koech DK, Roberts CR, 1990. Anopheles gambiae complex egg-stage survival in dry soil from larval development sites in western Kenya. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 6 :105–109.
Fontaine RE, Pull JH, Payne D, Pradhan GD, Joshi GP, Pearson JA, Thymakis MK, Camacho ME, 1978. Evaluation of fenitrothion for the control of malaria. Bull World Health Organ 56 :445–452.
Githeko AK, Service MW, Mbogo CM, Atieli FK, Juma FO, 1994. Origin of blood meals in indoor and outdoor resting malaria vectors in western Kenya. Acta Trop 58 :307–316.
Lackritz EM, Campbell CC, Ruebush TK 2nd, Hightower AW, Wakube W, Steketee RW, Were JB, 1992. Effect of blood transfusion on survival among children in a Kenyan hospital. Lancet 340 :524–528.
Mutuku FM, Bayoh MN, Gimnig JE, Vulule JM, Kamau L, Walker ED, Kabiru E, Hawley WA, 2006. Pupal habitat productivity of Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes in a rural village in western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74 :54–61.
Maynard-Tucker G, 2000. Conducting focus groups in developing countries: skill training for local bilingual facilitators. Qual Health Res 10 :396–410.
Minakawa N, Seda P, Yan G, 2002. Influence of host and larval habitat distribution on the abundance of African malaria vectors in western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 67 :32–38.
Ludwig JA, Reynolds JF, 1988. Statistical Ecology: A Primer on Methods and Computing. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 13–64.
Lloyd LS, Winch P, Ortega-Canto J, Kendall C, 1992. Results of a community-based Aedes aegypti control program in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg 46 :635–642.
Killeen GF, Fillinger U, Knols BG, 2002. Advantages of larval control for African malaria vectors: low mobility and behavioural responsiveness of immature mosquito stages allow high effective coverage. Malar J 1 :8.
Killeen GF, McKenzie FE, Foy BD, Schieffelin C, Billingsley PF, Beier JC, 2000. The potential impact of integrated malaria transmission control on entomologic inoculation rate in highly endemic areas. Am J Trop Med Hyg 62 :545–551.
Lloyd LS, Winch P, Ortegacanto J, Kendall C, 1994. The design of a community-based health-education intervention for the control of Aedes aegypti. Am J Trop Med Hyg 50 :401–411.
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Abstract Views | 734 | 691 | 230 |
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