Moncayo A, 1997. Progress towards elimination of transmission of Chagas disease in Latin America. World Health Stat Q 50 :195–198.
Schofield CJ, Dias JC, 1999. The Southern Cone Initiative against Chagas disease. Adv Parasitol 42 :1–27.
Auger S, Storino R, Iglesias Ordoñez O, Urrutia MI, Sanmartino M, Romero D, Jörg M, 2002. Emergencies in patients with Chagas’ disease in Buenos Aires city, Argentine. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 35 :609–616.
Fuenmayor AJ, Fuenmayor AM, Carrasco H, Parada H, Fuenmayor C, Jugo D, 1997. Results of electrophysiologic studies in patients with acute Chagasic myocarditis. Clin Cardiol. 20 :1021–1024.
Pinto AY, Harada GS, Valente VD, Abud JE, Gomes FD, Souza GC, Valente SA, 2001. Cardiac attacks in patients with acute Chagas disease in a family micro-outbreak, in Abaetetuba, Brazilian Amazon. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 34 :413–419.
Giglio JR, Rossi MA, 1970. Chagas’ disease pneumopathy. Chemical study of 20 cases. Hospital (Rio J) 78 :863–868.
Bittencourt AL, Rodrigues de Freitas LA, Galvao de Araujo MO, Jacomo K, 1981. Pneumonitis in congenital Chagas’ disease. A study of ten cases. Am J Trop Med Hyg 30 :38–42.
Ferreira MS, Borges AS, 2002. Some aspects of protozoan infections in immunocompromised patients–a review. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 97 :443–457.
Kirchhoff LV, 1993. American trypanosomiasis (Chagas’ disease): a tropical disease now in United States. N Engl J Med 329 :634–644.
Andrade SG, Magalhães JB, Pontes AL, 1985. Evaluation of chemotherapy with benzonidazole and nifurtimox in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi strains of different types. Bull World Health Organ 63 :721–726.
Braga MS, Lauria-Pires L, Argañaraz ER, Nascimento RJ, Teixeira ARL, 2000. Persistent infections in chronic Chagas’ disease patients treated with anti-Trypanosoma cruzi nitro-derivatives. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 42 :157–161.
Chagas C, 1909. Nova tripanosomíase humana: estudos sobre a morfologia e o ciclo evolutivo do Schizotrypanum cruzi n. gen., n.sp., ajente etiológico de nova entidade mórbida do homem. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1 :159–218.
Miles MA, Cedillos RA, Povoa MM, Souza AA, Plata A, Macedo D, 1981. Do radically dissimilar Trypanosoma cruzi strains (zymodemes) cause Venezuelan and Brazilian forms of Chagas’ disease? Lancet 1 :1338–1340.
Perlowagora-Szumlewicz A, Moreira CJ, 1994. In vivo differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi. 1. Experimental evidence of the influence of vector species on metacyclogenesis. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 89 :603–618.
Andersson J, Orn A, Sunnemark D, 2003. Chronic murine Chagas’ disease: the impact of host and parasite genotypes. Immunol Lett 86 :207–212.
Marinho CR, Bucci DZ, Dagli ML, Bastos KR, Grisotto MG, Sardinha LR, Baptista CR, Goncalves CP, Lima MR, Alvarez JM, 2004. Pathology affects different organs in two mouse strains chronically infected by a Trypanosoma cruzi clone: a model for genetic studies of Chagas’ disease. Infect Immun 72 :2350–2357.
Andrade S, 1985. Morphological and behavioural characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi strains. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 18 :39–46.
Andrade SG, Magalhães JB, 1997. Biodemes and zymodems of Trypanosoma cruzi strains: correlations with clinical data and experimental pathology. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 30 :27–35.
de Diego JA, Palau MT, Gamallo C, Penin P, 1998. Relationship between histological findings and phylogenetic divergence in Trypanosoma cruzi.Trop Med Int Health 3 :222–233.
Macedo AM, Machado CR, Oliveira RP, Pena SDJ, 2004. Trypanosoma cruzi: genetic structure of populations and relevance of genetic variability to the pathogenesis of Chagas’ disease. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 99 :1–12.
Kirchhoff LV, 2003. Changing epidemiology and approaches to therapy for Chagas disease. Curr Infect Dis Rep 5 :59–65.
Andrade LO, Machado CRS, Chiari E, Pena SDJ, Macedo AM, 1999. Different tissue distribution of diverse clones of Trypanosoma cruzi in infected mice. Mol Biochem Parasitol 100 :163–172.
Guarner J, Bartlett J, Zaki SF, Colley DG, Grijalva MJ, Powell MR, 2001. Mouse model for Chagas’ disease: immunohistochemical distribution of different stages in Trypanosoma cruzi in tissue throughout infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg 65 :152–158.
Vera-Cruz JM, Magallon-Gastelum E, Grihalva G, Rincón AR, Ramos-Garcia C, Armendáriz-Borunda J, 2003. Molecular diagnosis of Chagas’ disease and use of an animal model to study parasite tropism. Parasitol Res 89 :480–486.
Monteon VM, Furuzawa-Carballeda J, Alejandre-Aguilar R, Aranda-Fraustro A, Rosales-Encina JL, Reyes PA, 1996. American trypanosomiasis: in situ and generalized features of parasitism and inflammation kinetics in a murine model. Exp Parasitol 83 :267–274.
Zimmerman M, 1983. Ethical guideline for investigation of experimental pain in conscious animals. Pain 16 :109–110.
Sadigursky M, Brodskyn CI, 1986. A new liquid medium without blood and serum for culture of hemoflagellates. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 3 :942–944.
de Scorza C, Herrera L, Urdaneta-Morales S, 1996. Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi: histopathology in mice infected with strains isolated from Didelphis marsupialis from the valley of Caracas (Venezuela). Acta Cient Venez 47 :244–247.
Bosseno MF, Barnabe C, Magallon Gastelum E, Lozano Kasten F, Ramsey J, Espinoza B, Breniere SF, 2002. Predominance of Trypanosoma cruzi lineage I in Mexico. J Clin Microbiol 40 :627–632.
Brumpt E, Mazzoti L, Brumpt LC, 1939. Enquetes epidémiologiques sur la maladie de C. Chagas au mexique. Reduvidés vecteurs. Animaux réservoirs de virus. Cas humains. Ann Parasitol 17 :300–312.
Coll-Cardenas R, Espinoza-Gomez F, Maldonado-Rodriguez A, Reyes-Lopez PA, Huerta-Viera M, Rojas-Larios F, 2004. Active transmission of human Chagas disease in Colima, Mexico. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 99 :363–368.
Tanowitz HB, Burns ER, Sinha AK, Kahn NN, Morris SA, Factor SM, Hatcher VB, Bilezikian JP, Baum SG, Wittner M, 1990. Enhanced platelet adherence and aggregation in Chagas’ disease: a potential pathogenic mechanism for cardiomyopathy. Am J Trop Med Hyg 43 :274–281.
Biswas D, Choudhury A, Misra KK, 2001. Histopathology of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) evansi infection in bandicoot rat. I. visceral organs. Exp Parasitol 99 :148–159.
Collantes-Fernandez E, Alvarez-Garcia G, Perez-Perez V, Pereira-Bueno J, Ortega-Mora LM, 2004. Characterization of pathology and parasite load in outbred and inbred mouse models of chronic Neospora caninum infection. J Parasitol 90 :579–583.
Coquelin F, Boulard Y, Mora-Silvera E, Richard F, Chabaud AG, Landau I, 1999. Final stage of maturation of the erythrocytic schizonts of rodent Plasmodium in the lungs. C R Acad Sci III 322 :55–62.
Meyer DJ, Allan JE, Beaman MH, 2000. Distribution of parasite stages in tissues of Toxoplasma gondii infected SCID mice and human peripheral blood lymphocyte-transplanted SCID mice. Parasite Immunol 22 :567–579.
Nuñes Mdo C, Barbosa Mde M, Brum VA, Rocha MO, 2004. Morphofunctional characteristics of the right ventricle in Chagas’ dilated cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol 94 :79–85.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 349 | 283 | 78 |
Full Text Views | 342 | 8 | 4 |
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Chagas’ disease, which is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is a significant public health problem in the Americas. Its clinical presentation varies significantly in different geographic regions. Using experimental infection in mice, we studied the pathologic changes in lungs in the acute phase of the disease caused by three Mexican isolates of T. cruzi. Clusters of parasites and inflammatory reactions were found in the walls of conducting airways and pulmonary vessels. Inflammation was more intense in the small vessels. Although the parasites were not found in the alveolar walls, severe pathologic changes in these structure were observed and included alveolar wall thickening and inflammatory infiltration. Furthermore, serous liquid, fibrin fibers, hyaline membranes, and erythrocytes were found in the alveolar spaces. The pathomorphologic changes observed in the infected mice are consistent with pneumonitis.
Moncayo A, 1997. Progress towards elimination of transmission of Chagas disease in Latin America. World Health Stat Q 50 :195–198.
Schofield CJ, Dias JC, 1999. The Southern Cone Initiative against Chagas disease. Adv Parasitol 42 :1–27.
Auger S, Storino R, Iglesias Ordoñez O, Urrutia MI, Sanmartino M, Romero D, Jörg M, 2002. Emergencies in patients with Chagas’ disease in Buenos Aires city, Argentine. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 35 :609–616.
Fuenmayor AJ, Fuenmayor AM, Carrasco H, Parada H, Fuenmayor C, Jugo D, 1997. Results of electrophysiologic studies in patients with acute Chagasic myocarditis. Clin Cardiol. 20 :1021–1024.
Pinto AY, Harada GS, Valente VD, Abud JE, Gomes FD, Souza GC, Valente SA, 2001. Cardiac attacks in patients with acute Chagas disease in a family micro-outbreak, in Abaetetuba, Brazilian Amazon. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 34 :413–419.
Giglio JR, Rossi MA, 1970. Chagas’ disease pneumopathy. Chemical study of 20 cases. Hospital (Rio J) 78 :863–868.
Bittencourt AL, Rodrigues de Freitas LA, Galvao de Araujo MO, Jacomo K, 1981. Pneumonitis in congenital Chagas’ disease. A study of ten cases. Am J Trop Med Hyg 30 :38–42.
Ferreira MS, Borges AS, 2002. Some aspects of protozoan infections in immunocompromised patients–a review. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 97 :443–457.
Kirchhoff LV, 1993. American trypanosomiasis (Chagas’ disease): a tropical disease now in United States. N Engl J Med 329 :634–644.
Andrade SG, Magalhães JB, Pontes AL, 1985. Evaluation of chemotherapy with benzonidazole and nifurtimox in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi strains of different types. Bull World Health Organ 63 :721–726.
Braga MS, Lauria-Pires L, Argañaraz ER, Nascimento RJ, Teixeira ARL, 2000. Persistent infections in chronic Chagas’ disease patients treated with anti-Trypanosoma cruzi nitro-derivatives. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 42 :157–161.
Chagas C, 1909. Nova tripanosomíase humana: estudos sobre a morfologia e o ciclo evolutivo do Schizotrypanum cruzi n. gen., n.sp., ajente etiológico de nova entidade mórbida do homem. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1 :159–218.
Miles MA, Cedillos RA, Povoa MM, Souza AA, Plata A, Macedo D, 1981. Do radically dissimilar Trypanosoma cruzi strains (zymodemes) cause Venezuelan and Brazilian forms of Chagas’ disease? Lancet 1 :1338–1340.
Perlowagora-Szumlewicz A, Moreira CJ, 1994. In vivo differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi. 1. Experimental evidence of the influence of vector species on metacyclogenesis. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 89 :603–618.
Andersson J, Orn A, Sunnemark D, 2003. Chronic murine Chagas’ disease: the impact of host and parasite genotypes. Immunol Lett 86 :207–212.
Marinho CR, Bucci DZ, Dagli ML, Bastos KR, Grisotto MG, Sardinha LR, Baptista CR, Goncalves CP, Lima MR, Alvarez JM, 2004. Pathology affects different organs in two mouse strains chronically infected by a Trypanosoma cruzi clone: a model for genetic studies of Chagas’ disease. Infect Immun 72 :2350–2357.
Andrade S, 1985. Morphological and behavioural characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi strains. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 18 :39–46.
Andrade SG, Magalhães JB, 1997. Biodemes and zymodems of Trypanosoma cruzi strains: correlations with clinical data and experimental pathology. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 30 :27–35.
de Diego JA, Palau MT, Gamallo C, Penin P, 1998. Relationship between histological findings and phylogenetic divergence in Trypanosoma cruzi.Trop Med Int Health 3 :222–233.
Macedo AM, Machado CR, Oliveira RP, Pena SDJ, 2004. Trypanosoma cruzi: genetic structure of populations and relevance of genetic variability to the pathogenesis of Chagas’ disease. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 99 :1–12.
Kirchhoff LV, 2003. Changing epidemiology and approaches to therapy for Chagas disease. Curr Infect Dis Rep 5 :59–65.
Andrade LO, Machado CRS, Chiari E, Pena SDJ, Macedo AM, 1999. Different tissue distribution of diverse clones of Trypanosoma cruzi in infected mice. Mol Biochem Parasitol 100 :163–172.
Guarner J, Bartlett J, Zaki SF, Colley DG, Grijalva MJ, Powell MR, 2001. Mouse model for Chagas’ disease: immunohistochemical distribution of different stages in Trypanosoma cruzi in tissue throughout infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg 65 :152–158.
Vera-Cruz JM, Magallon-Gastelum E, Grihalva G, Rincón AR, Ramos-Garcia C, Armendáriz-Borunda J, 2003. Molecular diagnosis of Chagas’ disease and use of an animal model to study parasite tropism. Parasitol Res 89 :480–486.
Monteon VM, Furuzawa-Carballeda J, Alejandre-Aguilar R, Aranda-Fraustro A, Rosales-Encina JL, Reyes PA, 1996. American trypanosomiasis: in situ and generalized features of parasitism and inflammation kinetics in a murine model. Exp Parasitol 83 :267–274.
Zimmerman M, 1983. Ethical guideline for investigation of experimental pain in conscious animals. Pain 16 :109–110.
Sadigursky M, Brodskyn CI, 1986. A new liquid medium without blood and serum for culture of hemoflagellates. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 3 :942–944.
de Scorza C, Herrera L, Urdaneta-Morales S, 1996. Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi: histopathology in mice infected with strains isolated from Didelphis marsupialis from the valley of Caracas (Venezuela). Acta Cient Venez 47 :244–247.
Bosseno MF, Barnabe C, Magallon Gastelum E, Lozano Kasten F, Ramsey J, Espinoza B, Breniere SF, 2002. Predominance of Trypanosoma cruzi lineage I in Mexico. J Clin Microbiol 40 :627–632.
Brumpt E, Mazzoti L, Brumpt LC, 1939. Enquetes epidémiologiques sur la maladie de C. Chagas au mexique. Reduvidés vecteurs. Animaux réservoirs de virus. Cas humains. Ann Parasitol 17 :300–312.
Coll-Cardenas R, Espinoza-Gomez F, Maldonado-Rodriguez A, Reyes-Lopez PA, Huerta-Viera M, Rojas-Larios F, 2004. Active transmission of human Chagas disease in Colima, Mexico. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 99 :363–368.
Tanowitz HB, Burns ER, Sinha AK, Kahn NN, Morris SA, Factor SM, Hatcher VB, Bilezikian JP, Baum SG, Wittner M, 1990. Enhanced platelet adherence and aggregation in Chagas’ disease: a potential pathogenic mechanism for cardiomyopathy. Am J Trop Med Hyg 43 :274–281.
Biswas D, Choudhury A, Misra KK, 2001. Histopathology of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) evansi infection in bandicoot rat. I. visceral organs. Exp Parasitol 99 :148–159.
Collantes-Fernandez E, Alvarez-Garcia G, Perez-Perez V, Pereira-Bueno J, Ortega-Mora LM, 2004. Characterization of pathology and parasite load in outbred and inbred mouse models of chronic Neospora caninum infection. J Parasitol 90 :579–583.
Coquelin F, Boulard Y, Mora-Silvera E, Richard F, Chabaud AG, Landau I, 1999. Final stage of maturation of the erythrocytic schizonts of rodent Plasmodium in the lungs. C R Acad Sci III 322 :55–62.
Meyer DJ, Allan JE, Beaman MH, 2000. Distribution of parasite stages in tissues of Toxoplasma gondii infected SCID mice and human peripheral blood lymphocyte-transplanted SCID mice. Parasite Immunol 22 :567–579.
Nuñes Mdo C, Barbosa Mde M, Brum VA, Rocha MO, 2004. Morphofunctional characteristics of the right ventricle in Chagas’ dilated cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol 94 :79–85.
Past two years | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 349 | 283 | 78 |
Full Text Views | 342 | 8 | 4 |
PDF Downloads | 83 | 9 | 4 |