Jakeman GN, Saul A, Hogarth WL, Collins WE, 1999. Anaemia of acute malaria infections in non-immune patients primarily results from destruction of uninfected erythrocytes. Parasitology 119 :127–133.
Young MD, 1944. Studies on the periodicity of induced Plasmodium vivax. J Natl Malaria Soc 3 :237–240.
Collins WE, Jeffery GM, 1999. A retrospective examination of sporozoite- and trophozoite-induced infections with Plasmodium falciparum. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61 (Suppl):4–48.
Earle WE, Perez M, 1932. Enumeration of parasites in the blood of malarial patients. J Lab Clin Med 17 :1124–1130.
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A retrospective examination was made of archival data on 98 patient episodes of infection with Plasmodium vivax occurring over a period of 4–11 weeks to document changes in hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations associated with continuing parasitemia. The mean percentage change in the Hb concentration for each of the 10 seven-day intervals was −13.4, −10.9, −4.8, 0.12, 0.94, 4.0, 0.69, 11.6, 2.4, and 8.3, respectively. An equilibrium appeared to be established between weeks 4 and 6. Decreases in Hb concentrations were greatest following the first week of parasitemia. Total restoration to preinfection levels did not occur during persistent parasitemia.
Jakeman GN, Saul A, Hogarth WL, Collins WE, 1999. Anaemia of acute malaria infections in non-immune patients primarily results from destruction of uninfected erythrocytes. Parasitology 119 :127–133.
Young MD, 1944. Studies on the periodicity of induced Plasmodium vivax. J Natl Malaria Soc 3 :237–240.
Collins WE, Jeffery GM, 1999. A retrospective examination of sporozoite- and trophozoite-induced infections with Plasmodium falciparum. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61 (Suppl):4–48.
Earle WE, Perez M, 1932. Enumeration of parasites in the blood of malarial patients. J Lab Clin Med 17 :1124–1130.
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Abstract Views | 689 | 579 | 61 |
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