herausgegeben von Ernst Georg Nauck, Hamburg, unter mitarbeit von G. Fuhrmann, H. Knüttgen, H. Lippelt, W. Minning, W. Mohr, H. Mühlpfordt, E. Reichenow, H. Vogel, A. Westphal, F. Weyer. 432 pp. illustrated. Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag; New York, Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, 1956. DM 64., $15.25
A compilation of material from various contributors. Geneva: World Health Organization Monograph Series No. 33. 1957. 527 pp. Price, £2/10s, $10.00 or Sw. fr. 30.—
by Henry A. Davidson, M.D., editor, Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey. 1st edition, 338 pages. New York, The Ronald Press Company, 1957. $5.00