Books Received

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Environmental Health Criteria, No. 166: Methyl Bromide. World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, 1995. 324 pages, softbound. (English, with summaries in French and Spanish.) Sw. Fr. 47/US $42.30. In developing countries: Sw. Fr. 32.90. Order no. 1160166.

Environmental Health Criteria, No. 175: Anticoagulant Rodenticides. World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, 1995. 121 pages, softbound. (English, with summaries in French and Spanish.) Sw. Fr. 21/US $18.90. In developing countries: Sw. Fr. 14.70. Order no. 1160175.

WHO Model Prescribing Information: Drugs Used in Parasitic Diseases. Second Edition. World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, 1995. 146 pages (available in English; French and Spanish in preparation) Sw. fr. 35/US $31.50. In developing countries: Sw. fr. 24.50. Order no. 1152343.

Fever and Antipyresis: The Role of the Nervous System, by Keith E. Cooper. 182 pages; hardback. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1995. $49.95

Le Ver de Guinee en Afrique: Methodes de Lutte Pour l'Eradication, by Jean-Philippe Chippaux. Editions de l'Orstom, Paris, 1994.

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