A Dictionary of Terms in Pharmacognosy and Other Divisions of Economic Botany

by George MacDonald Hocking, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacognosy, Alabama Polytechnic Institute; Chairman, Subcommittee on Pharmacognosy, Committee on National Formulary. 284 pp. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas, 1955. Price, $9.75

Hamilton H. Anderson
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This Dictionary of Plants of possible medicinal interest is compiled by a Professor who has served in Brazil, Pakistan and Pacific tropical areas as a consultant in this field. For specialists who may wish to characterize by examination natural substances from animal, vegetable or mineral sources this dictionary would prove to be invaluable. For others, including physicians and other scientists working in tropical areas (who are not economic botanists) it would be of occasional reference use only.

The make-up, format, paper stock and general quality of publication comes up to the high standards of the Charles C. Thomas organization.

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