Malaria, a World Problem

By E. J. Pampana, M.D., Chief, Malaria Section, WHO; and P. F. Russell, M.D., M.P.H., Division of Medicine and Public Health, Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y., WHO Malaria Consultant. Geneva: WHO, 72 pp. illus. 1955, 3/6, $0.70, Sw. fr. 2, (paper)

L. W. Hackett
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This is a useful exposition in some 65 pp. of the continuing importance of malaria and the steps now being taken to control it and even eliminate it where circumstances permit. The material is drawn entirely from WHO experience and activities, but it gives a very comprehensive idea of the present status of the malaria problem in the world. Both the obstacles to world-wide eradication of the parasite (not the mosquito) and the implications of success in this ambitious plan are dealt with at the conclusion of the publication. Removal of the burden of malaria will bring about important social and economic betterments without question; it will in many instances increase the population pressure. Will the potential natural resources of the world stand the strain? The authors reach the only rational conclusion, that the answer to that question is not so clear as to justify withholding modern methods of curing and preventing disease.

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