Eye Care Programmes in Developing Countries

by Harjinder S. Chana, iii + 179 pages, illustrated. Majestic Printing Works Ltd., P.O. Box 42466, Nairobi, Kenya, 1989. $30.00 (Developing countries may apply for waiver of fee). Orders to Director, Norwegian Church Aid, P.O. Box 52802, Nairobi, Kenya

Hugh Taylor The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

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Dr. Chana should be congratulated on writing a particularly interesting and useful book. Although many people may not be primarily concerned with the delivery of eye care and so many of the specifics of his book may not be relevant to them, all those involved in health care delivery or programmatic development will find this book both fascinating and informative. Dr. Chana has collected the material developed for the National Eye Care Program of Zimbabwe by the Ministry of Health and the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially-Sighted (NABP).

This manual has useful chapters covering topics such as the development of a country profile, bilateral agreements, inter-agency collaboration, manpower development, management and evaluation, and the role of women's groups. These chapters are illustrated with the material and experiences of the Eye Care Program in Zimbabwe. They provide a model that could be used in a generic way for any program in any country, but especially in Africa, and demonstrate the underlying and general principles of development.

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