Members of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

September 20, 1954

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Honorary Members

  1. 1. Baez, Prof. M. Martinez, National University School of Mexico, Atoyac 53 Col. Cuauhtemoc, Mexico D.F., Mexico
  2. 2. Bass, Dr. C. C., Tulane University School of Medicine, 1430 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, La.
  3. 3. Chokey, Dr. N. C., (Current address unknown) Sheridan House, Gomalia Tank Road, Bombay, India
  4. 4. Christophers, Col. Sir S. Rickard, 186 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, England
  5. 5. Fairley, Sir N. Hamilton, 73 Harley Street, London, W. 1, England
  6. 6. Galliard, Prof. Henri L., Faculté de Médecine de Paris, Institut de Parasitologie, 15 Rue de l'École de Médecine, Paris-VIE, France
  7. 7. Martin, Sir Charles, Roebuck House (Ferry Lane), Old Chesterton, Cambridge, England
  8. 8. Maxwell, Dr. James L., (Current address unknown) Henry Lester Institute of Medical Research, Shanghai, China
  9. 9. Muir, Dr. Ernest, 29/A Crawford Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex, England
  10. 10. Novy, Dr. Frederick G., 721 Forest Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich.
  11. 11. Rocha-Lima, Dr. Henrique Da, Instituto Biologico, São Paulo, Brazil
  12. 12. Rodhain, Dr. Jerome, 21 rue de la Limite, Tervueren, Belgium

Author Notes
