The Dynamics of Virus and Rickettsial Infections

International Symposium. (Sponsored by Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Oct. 21–23, 1953.) Editors: Frank W. Hartman, Frank L. Horsfall, Jr., John G. Kidd. 461 pp. illustrated. New York, The Blakiston Co., 1954. Price $7.50

Morris Schaeffer
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To those engaged in the field of virology, this book will serve to corroborate the realization that virology has emerged at last from the growing pains of adolescence and has come of age, and to those working in allied sciences, even a general perusal of this volume will provide convincing evidence that the virologist has not only come into his own but he is making revealing contributions and propounding fundamental concepts which now touch many disciplines.

This book constitutes the proceedings of an International Symposium on the Dynamics of Virus and Rickettsial Infections held in Detroit, Michigan, October 21–23, 1953, at the Henry Ford Hospital. Thirty-three investigators, six of whom came from abroad, were invited to present papers on the results of their recent studies in the three major divisions of the virus field: animal, bacterial, and plant.

The material presented is largely a summary and appraisal of current knowledge on virus and rickettsial infections and an evaluation of the newly emerging concepts resulting from recent studies of the authors and their colleagues.

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