The Washington Meeting—A Sampling

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In an effort to deal with all of the papers available for the Washington meeting, the Program Committee resorted to simultaneous scientific sessions. To pass on some of the science and some of the flavor a number of those in attendance were asked to provide appraisals of the sessions they attended. This they have done and here an attempt has been made to combine them into a single coherent review. Much has not been included since the program shows 444 abstracts and only four JOURNAL pages had been set aside for this summary. Omissions are regretted and errors in fact or in interpretation are those of the reporters (or more likely of the rewrite staff) since time often did not permit verification with sources.

It is the hope of your correspondents who spent many hours on this project that it will be of interest to those members not in attendance, and perhaps even to those who were in Washington but who could only attend one program of the several running at the same time.

Author Notes
