Colour Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

by L. K. Bhutani. vi + 160 pages, illustrated, index. Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 516 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, MO 63144. 1988. $42.50

Joseph W. Burnett University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201

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This volume should be of value to any physician interested in sexually transmitted diseases. There are individual chapters on the most common, and each includes a brief, authoritative commentary covering introductory aspects, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and recommended follow-up care. A separate chapter on acquired immune deficiency syndrome is included. The last section is composed of multiple photographs of non-venereal genital conditions.

In the introduction, the author presents a brief synopsis of the recent past as well as his predictions for the viability of sexually transmitted diseases. His book derives great value from the fact that this subspecialty of diseases will increase in importance, as he indicates.

The pictures are superb, full color reproductions of adequate size. Their labels are brief, and the important features of each photograph are obvious. The table of contents is satisfactory and the reference listing in the index is adequate. The volume is bound in a hard cover and should last.

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