Volume 36 (1987): Issue 1 (Jan 1987)

Book Review
Manifestations Ophthalmologiques des Parasitoses
edited by J. S. Diallo. x + 358 pages, illustrated. Masson, 120 boulevard St. Germain, 75280 Paris, France. 1985
Book Review
Veterinary Viral Diseases: Their Significance in South-East Asia and the Western Pacific
edited by Antony J. Della-Porta. xix + 616 pages, illustrated. Academic Press, Inc., Publishers, Orlando, Florida 32887. 1985. $40.00
Book Review
Snail Hosts of Schistosomiasis and Other Snail-Transmitted Diseases in Tropical America: A Manual
by Emile A. Malek. ix + 325 pages, illustrated. Pan American Health Organization, 525 23rd Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037. 1985. $12.00
Book Review
Specifications for Pesticides Used in Public Health
Sixth edition, by the World Health Organization. 384 pages, illustrated. World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. 1985. Sw. fr. 48
Book Review
Infectious Diseases of Children and Adults: A Step-By-Step Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
by Larry K. Pickering and Herbert L. DuPont. xvii + 716 pages, illustrated. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Health Sciences Division, Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025. 1986. $35.00
Book Review
Medical Microbiology
Second edition, edited by Samuel Baron. xxvi + 1,262 pages, illustrated. Addision-Wesley Publishing Company, Health Sciences Division, Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025. 1986
Book Review
Sickle Cell Disease
by Graham R. Serjeant. xv + 478 pages, illustrated. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. 1986. $59.00