The Environment, Public Health, and Human Ecology: Considerations for Economic Development

by James A. Lee. x + 288 pages, illustrated. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 701 West 40th Street, Suite 275, Baltimore, Maryland 21211. 1985. $14.95, paperbound

W. D. Tigertt
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On the last page of the book one may learn that James A. Lee is the environmental advisor at the World Bank. On page 6 there is the following:

As a matter of policy, the World Bank will not finance a project that seriously compromises public health or safety, causes severe or irreversible environmental deterioration, displaces people without adequate provision for resettlement, or has important transnational environmental implications. This policy is enforced by the Office of Environmental and Scientific Affairs through the Bank's project cycle.

This book is intended as a primer for the nonexpert to highlight the major environmental, public health and sociocultural impacts of economic development projects. This primer contains seven chapters and two appendixes.

Chapter 1 elaborates on the Bank policy to “… try to ensure that the human resources necessary to sustain economic growth in developing nations are not adversely affected.” The second chapter deals specifically with air pollution, water pollution, solid waste disposal and noise pollution.

Author Notes
