Parasitosis Humanas

by David Boter and Marcos Restrepo. xiv + 379 pages, illustrated. Ediciones Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas, Apartado Aereo 7378, Medellín, Colombia. 1984

Adolfo Martínez-Palomo Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Apartado Postal 14-740, Mexico

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Doctors Botero and Restrepo have produced a modern textbook of parasitology in Spanish which may finally satisfy the longstanding needs of a significant sector of the population of Latin America, provided that the usual poor distribution of this type of monograph is overcome. This handsome paperbound book has many superb black and white photographs and a generous assortment of color illustrations financed by several pharmaceutical companies. The authors have departed from tradition by grouping chapters according to parasitic diseases rather than by parasite genera. There is no obvious advantage in this unusual approach and the authors offer no explanation for their innovation. The book begins with chapters on general concepts in parasitology; intestinal and genital parasitic diseases produced by protozoa; intestinal parasitic diseases due to helminths; tissular parasitic diseases induced by helminths; blood and tissular parasitosis induced by protozoa; arthropods of medical importance; and laboratory techniques in medical parasitology. However, after this break from custom, the authors return to the usual layout and review the biological, clinical, epidemiological, and therapeutic aspects of the major human parasitic diseases.

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