The Impact of Malnutrition on Immune Defense in Parasitic Infestation

A Nestle Foundation Workshop, Lutry/Lausanne, September 18th/19th, 1980, edited by Henri Isliker and Beat Schürch. 199 pages, 12 figs., 16 tables. Hans Huber, Publishers. 1981. board Fr. 24.-/DM 37.-

Ronald R. Watson Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

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This book has been a pleasant surprise to read and review. Surprising because it is an excellent set of summary papers from a conference. Each chapter was brief enough to be very readable, yet very up to date. The chapters are fitted together neatly with the glue of the relevance of each to health, and the adhesive tape of the relationship of unanswered questions and unsolved problems to diet and parasitic disease. This work is surprising in a pleasing sense for a nutrition book. It emphasizes the parasite, disease and immune responses as related to various complex nutritional conditions, rather than presenting a succession of descriptions of how each nutritional deficiency or excess can affect all immune responses. I was delighted and surprised to see that emphasis was placed on the relationship of dietary stresses, disease and immunity in both developing and developed countries.

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