Rickettsiae and Rickettsial Diseases

edited by Willy Burgdorfer and Robert L. Anacker. xxii + 650 pages, illustrated. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003. 1981. $47.50

W. D. Tigertt University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201

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On September 3–5, 1980, a conference was held in Hamilton, Montana “… to assess the state of rickettsial research in the United States.” This volume contains the 55 papers presented. The editors express the hope that it will “… serve as a comprehensive reference source for specialists engaged in rickettsial research …” and, in my opinion, this is the primary audience for this compilation.

A major theme is that microbiologists now are considering “… that rickettsiae, in addition to being highly sophisticated parasites, have most of the attributes of ordinary bacteria.” This concept has “… brought to bear on rickettsiology the enormous conceptual framework of the science of bacteriology.” In one of the introductory section papers Wisseman hopes that his title “The Biological Properties of the Rickettsiae Pathogenic for Man” might be the last of such reviews with such a traditional, misleading, and now anachronistic heading.

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