Human Intestinal Sarcosporidiosis: Report of Six Cases

Sukhum Bunyaratvej Department of Pathology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Koraj Provincial Hospital, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 4, Thailand

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Praj Bunyawongwiroj Department of Pathology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Koraj Provincial Hospital, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 4, Thailand

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Prawat Nitiyanant Department of Pathology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Koraj Provincial Hospital, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 4, Thailand

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Specimens of resected small intestine from six patients aged 3 to 70 years with acute enteritis contained sexual forms of sarcosporidia. Histopathologically, the diagnoses were either segmental eosinophilic enteritis or segmental necrotizing enteritis. The presence of sarcosporidia in market beef (Bos indicus), and the patients' habit of eating the beef uncooked in the form of chili-hot dishes, suggest that the species is an ox-man parasite similar to Sarcocystis hominis (Railliet and Lucet, 1891) Dubey, 1976. Presence of numerous Gram-positive bacilli in segmental necrotizing enteritis suggests an interplay between two etiological agents in producing the hosts' inflammatory responses. Five patients recovered after resection, but one died due to extensive necrosis of the intestinal wall and leakage at the site of anastomosis. Only conventional antibiotics were given after the operations. None of the five surviving patients has had recurrent enteritis for at least 1 year.

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