Volume 26 (1977): Issue 4 (Jul 1977)

Schistosoma Mansoni and S. Haematobium Infections in Egypt
I. Evaluation of Techniques for Recovery of Worms and Eggs at Necropsy
Constitution and by-Laws of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Organized 17 November 1951 at Chicago, Illinois Incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, 21 January 1952
Book Review
Biology of the Kinetoplastida
Volume 1, edited by W. H. R. Lumsden and D. A. Evans. xxvi + 563 pages, illustrated. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003. 1976. $45.50
Book Review
Human Filariasis
by Manabu Sasa. vii + 819 pages, illustrated. University Park Press, Chamber of Commerce Building, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. 1976. $49.50
Book Review
Leprosy in Children
by F. M. Noussitou and others. 28 pages, illustrated (13 color plates). World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Available in the United States from Q Corporation, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, New York 12210. 1976. Sw. fr. 9.-; $3.60
Book Review
Prevention of Embryonic, Fetal, and Perinatal Disease
edited by Robert L. Brent and Maureen I. Harris. xi + 411 pages, illustrated. Fogarty International Center Series on Preventive Medicine, Volume 3, DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 76–853, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 1976. $8.20
Book Review
Schistosomiasis III. Abstracts of the Complete Literature, 1963–1974, Volumes I and II
by Kenneth S. Warren and Donald B. Hoffman, Jr. 730 pages. Published by Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, D.C., distributed solely by The Halsted Press, a division of John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1976. $90.00
Book Review
Tick-borne Encephalitis in Croatia (Yugoslavia)
by Jelka Vesenjak-Hirjan and others. 184 pages, illustrated. Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb. 1976. In the United States, copies may be requested from Dr. Charles H. Calisher, Arbovirus Reference Branch, Bureau of Laboratories, Vector-Borne Diseases Division, P.O. Box 2087, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522, and are available at no cost
By: J. Casals
Book Review
Waveform Analysis in Medicine. An Introduction
by R. David Petersen and Grant G. Myers. xiii + 293 pages, illustrated. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Illinois. 1976. No price