Leprosy in Five Young Men

by George J. Hill, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado. xix + 204 pages, illustrated. Colorado Associated University Press, 1424 15th Street, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. 1971. $8.00

Charles C. Shepard Chief, Leprosy and Rickettsial Diseases Unit Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia 30333

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In 1962, when Vernon Knight was Clinical Director for the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health (NIH), he made arrangements to transfer five untreated leprosy patients from Mexico to the Clinical Center at NIH. Fernando Latapi and Jose Barba Rubio, the well-known leprologists in Mexico, saw to the selection of the patients. These patients, the “five young men,” were studied thoroughly, probably more thoroughly than any leprosy patients ever have been. They were studied for a few months, treated for a few months, and then transferred back to their homes. Many members of the staff at NIH had a chance to see leprosy firsthand. The author, George J. Hill, was a member of the enthusiastic clinical group who had charge of the patients, and in the book he reports the findings in great detail. The book consists of case summaries, a review of the findings by systems and subjects, and extensive tables of the findings.

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