Tuleniy Virus

A New Group B Arbovirus Isolated from Ixodes (Ceratixodes) putus Pick.-Camb. 1878 Collected on Tuleniy Island, Sea of Okhotsk

D. K. Lvov D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Moscow, USSR

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A. A. Timopheeva D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Moscow, USSR

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V. I. Chervonski D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Moscow, USSR

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V. L. Gromashevski D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Moscow, USSR

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G. A. Klisenko D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Moscow, USSR

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G. V. Gostinshchikova D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Moscow, USSR

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I. N. Kostyrko D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Moscow, USSR

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The name “Tuleniy” is proposed for a Group B arbovirus isolated from Ixodes putus ticks collected from rifts in rocks at a seabird colony (Common Murre, Uria aalge inornata) on Tuleniy Island, Sea of Okhotsk. Strain LEIV-6C was shown to be a RNA-containing virus less than 50 nm in size, sensitive to ether and sodium deoxycholate, and pathogenic for infant and 3-week-old mice after intracerebral inoculation. Cross reactivity was demonstrated with several Group B arboviruses by tests using a goose-cell hemagglutinin and a complement-fixing antigen prepared from the agent and hyperimmune serum prepared in rabbits. However, in neutralization tests, the virus was not neutralized by antisera to tick-borne encephalitis, West Nile, St. Louis, and Japanese B encephalitis, nor were these viruses neutralized by antisera to LEIV-6C. Replication of the virus was demonstrated in experimentally infected Aedes aegypti, with biological transmission to suckling mice, and in the tick Hyalomma asiaticum. Three additional strains of virus, recovered from both male and female ticks at the same time and collecting place, were shown to be identical with LEIV-6C.

Author Notes

Please address requests for reprints to Prof. D. K. Lvov, Research Director, D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Gamaleya Street, 16, Moscow D-98, U.S.S.R.

A. A. Timopheeva is associated with the Sakhalin Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, all other authors with the Ivanovsky Institute of Virology.
