Introduction of C. G. Pandit as Charles Franklin Craig Lecturer for 1969

E. H. Sadun Department of Medical Zoology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D. C. 20012

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Members and guests of The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: Annually the Craig lecture series has provided the opportunity to bring before this Society a distinguished contributor to the field of tropical medicine. Through this lecture the Society has recognized the outstanding scientific accomplishments of a renowned leader in tropical medicine, who by presenting a review of relevant knowledge will provide the high point of our scientific program.

I am very glad to announce that Dr. C. G. Pandit will deliver the Craig lecture this year. The title of his presentation “Communicable Diseases in Twentieth-Century India” is quite appropriate since he is the only man I know who has survived three of the most dreaded infectious diseases on that subcontinent: plague, cholera, and typhoid fever. He survived the plague before the discovery of streptomycin, recovered from typhoid before the development of chloramphenicol, and lived through a bout of cholera without the benefit of tetracycline or intravenous fluid.

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