The Effects of Triclofenol Piperazine in Patients Parasitized by Hookworms, Ascarids, or Trichurids

Antonio Peña-Chavarría Hospital San Juan de Dios, Research Division, Parke, Davis & Company, San José, Costa Rica

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Cecilia Lizano Hospital San Juan de Dios, Research Division, Parke, Davis & Company, San José, Costa Rica

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Kenneth O. Courtney Hospital San Juan de Dios, Research Division, Parke, Davis & Company, San José, Costa Rica

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Paul E. Thompson Hospital San Juan de Dios, Research Division, Parke, Davis & Company, San José, Costa Rica

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Forty hospitalized patients severely infected with two or more types of intestinal nematodes were treated with triclofenol piperazine in a single dose of 50, 60, or 70 mg/kg, or in two 50 mg/kg doses.

Urinalyses, hematologic examinations, and egg counts were made before and after treatment.

The drug was well tolerated, other than moderate gastrointestinal side effects with the higher doses. The drug had good anthelmintic action, as reflected by a great reduction in the number of hookworm and ascarid eggs, a moderate reduction in whipworm eggs, and clinical improvement reflected by increases in hemoglobin and weight.

The 50 or 60 mg/kg dose is recommended for further study.

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