Volume 11 (1962): Issue 4 (Jul 1962)

Studies on Malaria in Chimpanzees
IX. The Distribution of the Pre-erythrocytic Forms of Laverania Falcipara
Ecological Studies of Wild Rodent Plague in the San Francisco Bay Area of California
VI. The Relative Abundance of Certain Flea Species and Their Host Relationships on Coexisting Wild and Domestic Rodents
Immunological Studies with Group B Arthropod-Borne Viruses
I. Broadened Neutralizing Antibody Spectrum Induced by Strain 17D Yellow Fever Vaccine in Human Subjects Previously Infected with Japanese Encephalitis Virus
Immunological Studies with Group B Arthropod-Borne Viruses
II. Effect of Prior Infection with Japanese Encephalitis Virus on the Viremia in Human Subjects Following Administration of 17D Yellow Fever Vaccine
Immunological Studies with Group B Arthropod-Borne Viruses
III. Response of Human Subjects to Revaccination with 17D Strain Yellow Fever Vaccine
Book Review
Photographic Documentation of Vegetational Changes in Africa Over a Third of a Century
by H. L. Shantz and B. L. Turner, University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, vi + 158 pages, illustrated, paper back, University of Arizona and the office of Naval Research, Department of Navy, August 1958
Book Review
The People of Aritama
by Gerardo and Alicia Reichel-Dolmatoff, xviii + 483 pages, illustrated, Chicago, the University of Chicago Press, 1961. $8.50
Book Review
Protozoan Parasites of Domestic Animals and of Man
by Norman D. Levine, Ph.D., Professor of Parasitology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. 412 + iii pages, illustrated, Minneapolis, Burgess Publishing Company, 1961. $6.50
Book Review
Fungi and Fungous Diseases
Gilbert Dalldorf, Ed. Chairman, Section on Microbiology, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, Rye, New York, 335 + x pp., illustrated. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C Thomas, 1962. $12.00
Book Review
Medizinische Mikrobiologie Immunologie und Epidemiologie
by Professor Dr. med. habil. Georg Wildführ, Direktor Des Universitats-Institutes für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Epidemiologie und Des Berzirks-Hygiene Institutes Leipzig. Teil II, XII + 812 pages, Mit 20 Tafeln und 110 Abbildungen, illustrated, Veb Georg Thieme-Leipzig, 1961. DM 87.80
Book Review
Euglena, an Experimental Organism for Biochemical and Biophysical Studies
by Jerome J. Wolken, Biophysical Research Laboratory, Eye and Ear Hospital, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 173 + xii pp., illustrated, New Jersey, The Rutgers University Press. 1961. $4.50
Book Review
Hygiene auf dem Lande
Heft 1, Herausgregaben von, Prof. Dr. med. vet. R. von der Aa, Frau Dr. med. E. Ackermann, Prof. Dr. med. A. Brandt, Prof. emer. Dr. med. habil. F. W. Brekenfeld Dozent, Dr. med. habil. H. Knabe, Dr. med. W. Kruger, Dr.-Ing T. Lammert, Dr. Agr. B. Newtzilla, Dr. med. H. Wolf. 212 pages, not illustrated, Berlin, Veb Verlag Volk und Gesundheit. 1961