“Lung Shift” in Mice Infected with Schistosoma Mansoni Following Chemotherapy

Carol Rens Geake Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan

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Mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni were studied to determine some of the possible factors causing the “lung shift” after therapy with tartar emetic and Miracil D as reported by Hewitt and Gill.1 The variables studied were drugs (tartar emetic and Miracil D), mouse strain (CF-1 and M-S), worm strain (“A” and “B”), and age of infection (6 and 12 weeks) before treatment.

The results showed that lung shift increases with age of infection. In fact, age appeared to be the most important single factor. However, significantly more worms migrated to the lungs in treated than in untreated animals, regardless of drug. The strain of the mice did not affect the lung shift. There was an interaction effect between the parasites of one strain (B) and both drugs used which also appeared to contribute significantly to the lung shift.

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