Genetic Crossing of Pigmented Caribbean Strains with an Albino Venezuelan Strain of Australorbis Glabratus

Charles S. Richards The Puerto Rico Field Station, Technical Development Laboratories, Technology Branch, Communicable Disease Center, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, San Juan, Puerto Rico

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Matings of 13 strains of Australorbis glabratus collected from widely distributed localities in Puerto Rico, from Vieques Island, and from St. Kitts, B.W.L., occurring in diverse ecologic habitats and displaying morphologic, biologic, and physiologic variations, demonstrated cross-fertilization with an albino strain of A. glabratus from Venezuela. The hybrid F-1's obtained from matings between albino and pigmented strains produced albino and pigmented offspring in the expected ratio of approximately 1:3.

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