Recent Advances in Human Nutrition with Special Reference to Clinical Medicine

by J. F. Brock, D. M. (Oxon.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.), Professor of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, with a number of invited contributions on special subjects. 454 + xii pages, illustrated. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1961. $11.50

Dr. Elmer Severinghaus 562 West 168th Street, New York 32, New York

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The author said he prepared this volume especially for medical practitioners. “It may also be of use to dietitians. Its emphasis will be on human nutrition.” All but 2 of the 20 contributing authors are clinicians. Nevertheless this book is certainly not a beginner's text in clinical nutrition. It is the extremely interesting and at times pungent comment of the principal author, in 150 readable pages, followed by references to the 462 articles he has mentioned, largely from literature of the past decade. As a vivid account of the South African experience of the author's group with protein malnutrition and pediatric problems this volume offers a valuable corrective for much American literature in clinical nutrition which slights these aspects.

Many readers will be disappointed with the scant respect paid to riboflavin and pantothenic acid. To the contrary vitamin A and pyridoxine are extensively discussed.

Author Notes
